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Side Weapon

White Star

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Side weapon with limited uses, capable of freezing enemies.


Good stuff:

• Energy-free weapon [ Phys, Heat and Energy versions all generate quite a amount of heat instead of using energy to fire ]

• Low backfire [ 70 ish ]

• Nice res draining [ -35 looks scrumptious ]

• Energy Regen/ Heat cooling reduction [ Murmur + Nemo at the same time 👌🗿 ]

• Hinders the movement of a mech for one turn [ Can't walk, Jump, Teleport or Charge until the ice thaws out ]


Bad stuff:

• Low damage [ 90-200 divine... it's not made for damaging ]

• Low range [ Probably 1-4 fits it good ]

• Limited uses [ 2... MAYBE just maybe 3 uses ]

• Generates heat [ The same way a fridge is quite got on its back ]

• Quite weighty



Ps: Another one i forgot to post, the sketch was sitting around for months and months... so i got to finish it for once and for all, the result is what you saw up there. 🗿 and why does this thing looks like a DRONE!?!? AAAAAGH!!! SEND HELP!!!


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perspective is a bit weird, but otherwise good art. 👍👍👍

3 hours ago, White Star said:

Heat cooling reduction

this part doesn't make sense. you are freeing the enemy, so it should cool them more than boiling. 

Edited by AftoKrator_
grammar (see edit history)

Discord: Aftokrator#9688

DeviantArt: Azorsia05 User Profile | DeviantArt

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19 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

but other good art

Thank you!


19 minutes ago, AftoKrator_ said:

this part doesn't make sense. you are freeing the enemy, so it should cool them more than boiling.


Lower energy regen/ heat cooling reduction amount

Heat: Higher energy regen reduction amount than phys, but no Heat cooling reduction at all

Energy: Higher heat cooling reduction amount than phys, but no Energy regen reduction at all


It's so cold it bites, burns and shocks... Realism got KICKED in the [ image of two hexa nuts ] and it was I the one who kick it 🗿 besides that the name is mostly puns, the weapons are puns realised to a certain degree.



16 minutes ago, Electro said:

Nice art


16 minutes ago, Electro said:

this weapon remind me or a drone

i wake up... DRONE

i live... DRONE

i sleep... DRONE

i dream... DRONE

Rinse and repeat?  D R O N E ! ! !


16 minutes ago, Electro said:

The opponent will not longer be able use a weapon with a jump required ?


No jumping, No Walking, No Charging or Teleporting when your legs are frozen solid. [ Although stomping could be a nICE idea to break the ice and move ]


Edited by White Star (see edit history)


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16 minutes ago, White Star said:

this weapon remind me or a drone

( It's supposed to be me who said it but apprantly it's didn't do what i wanted...)

16 minutes ago, White Star said:

i wake up... DRONE

i live... DRONE

i sleep... DRONE

i dream... DRONE

Rinse and repeat?  D R O N E ! ! !

Oops sorry ...

16 minutes ago, White Star said:

[ Although stomping could be a nICE idea to break the ice and move ]

I approve this idea it would give interest of the stomp 👍 .


Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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