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Posts posted by SawzAll

  1. 28 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    Backbreaker is generally bad, it requires energy, does no res drain, the cooling and regen damage is useless and the damage output could be better, a recoiler would work better, otherwise leave the weight for modules, or maybe a mercy


    Don't have a mercy yet.

    I have an Annihilation.  My rock recoiler is like level 1 epic (brand "new").

  2. 24 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    Well ur one lucky guy haha, also may i recommend getting rid of backbreaker


    I'm thinking about that right now.  The problem is even though I'm attempting physical hugger, it's either annihilation + stomp or backbreaker + nightfall.  In terms of the combo, it appears that back breaker has the advantage, but i could be wrong.  I'm currently testing it in campaign and (in a few minutes) in WU to see what difference it makes.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    Honestly the claw is fine, massive stone feet are equally strong, it all depends on the build, the stone feet are more used at higher ranks, whilst at lower the claw is stronger due to the HP, however it is easy to outplay a claw player, especially if they run tonto and nightfall, since jumping out of range 4 until the player has no movement left is very easy

    Yeah, you're right, I saw the META.

    But the claw user can use grapple, teleport, and charge, right?

  4. 24 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:

    me too, I'm using a rea on my phys too, imo its the only way to make progress

    Yeah I noticed the META claw dual scope build on the META and I'm headed towards REA + The Claw with a standard Nightfall setup.  I HATE The Claw with a passion, as it looks butt ugly, but unfortunately without enough jump weapons, I won't climb up the ranks if I keep the Massive Legs on my physical mech.  It's sad when at level 1 legendary it has more HP than my massive stone legs at mythical (i think level 8?).

    And I got another REA, so I need to upgrade that.

    I hate to say it, but seriously I wish The Claw would get nerfed.

    Or AT LEAST fix the problem where only legs can jump but those without legs can jump with swords (at range 2) towards their enemies.

    It might piss people off, but I think in the spirit of realism, ALL jumping with The Claw needs to be locked out of the game, including swords and saws at range 2 (jumping towards your enemy).

    Feel free to disagree with me.

  5. 1 hour ago, CDR_Xavier said:

    Naga is good. It's actually better than grim. Even before buff

    Naga was always slightly better than Grim, even before the buff.

    3 minutes ago, Liam.M.Lucas_2020 said:

    That's the thing, everyone supports what they have. 

    ABSOLUTELY!!   Which is why I try to refer to my spreadsheet, not the opinions of others.  Math is a lot closer to being objective (even if it's not perfect) than people's opinions.  And it's funny how the main people to complain about some of the nerfs/buffs are those who were negatively affected by them.

    2 minutes ago, ChooseGeno said:

    even though radela keeps saying that "hollow is underpowered now" the real up l-m is archimonde. It desperately needs a buff, but no one even mentions it, as if it didn't exist. Granted its pretty good, but its pretty good at Zark level and not at the "pretty good" that l-ms deserve.

    I recommended a buff of 115 hp to Archimonde elsewhere (no other change in stats).

    15 minutes ago, ChooseGeno said:

    why not?

    because you're scared hollow will become useless but no one mentions archimonde?

    No, because 1) the torso buffs were too much [to the point CleverName is saying the vests will replace monkeys as META] and 2) malice beam was buffed too much (it drains more than Hysteria, which should not be due to one being R-M and one being E-M).

  6. 11 hours ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    If the problem is the manipulation of Arena, keep in mind that there are entire clans that work for other clans. Certain players have their main account in the main clan and the alt ones in the subsidiary clans.

    So the matter of Arena manipulation is the matter of all manipulation on the game. In the end, when you are told that the game has x number of players, what there is is x number of accounts, but the players are not that many.

    In the end, they have a lot of free time to dedicate for the game and to attend so many accounts. They are the n.n. (neither study, nor work).

    If you can prove it, do so, and see if Gato Games does something about it.

    But a game is going to have unfair players in it no matter what game it is.  That's just life.

    And my old recommendation of putting it on Steam and using VAC or some other anti-cheating to fix things was more or less discouraged by the majority of people.

    So my question is this: if there is a problem, why aren't we doing something about it?  To say we can't, or refuse to try, is to basically say it's not a problem.  Either it's a problem or it's not.  Maybe I'm being too "all-or-nothing" in my thinking, but if there are problems, we should attempt to fix them.

    What about chat records, etc.?

    Whatever.  Maybe it's just me, but I find complaining about problems but refusing to attempt to fix them (or at least minimize them) rather annoying.  Not being rude to anyone, just saying.

  7. 13 hours ago, nightmarefreddy said:

    No, it's weak at dmg but  it just good about drain and resit, now you want to make that drain lower for a higher dmg for it? It's a no no

    it just need to change the range(4-8 to 3-6)

    It's not weak at damage once the enemy mech has been drained of energy.  And we definitely do not need to change the range.  It's fine the way it is, at least in my opinion.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Liam.M.Lucas_2020 said:

    And to be honest, yes, I do see that there is less energy mechs than heat and physical but thats because of how easy it is to make energy free physical and heat mechs (which most heat and physical mechs are in top ranks)


    14 hours ago, Shoultz262 said:

    Energy mechs are easy to beat if you have new premium dual modules or are running a energy free build. Saying that they are hard to beat in the current meta is a joke.

    That's what everyone's point is: energy might need a buff as a whole.  There's an energy player among the top ten arena players, now, but for a very long time there was not.

    And even the best energy config, some have accused it of "falling away" after the dual valiants are out of shots.  But I could be wrong.   (It seems fine in WU, and I'm not rank 1-5....)

  9. 14 hours ago, CDR_Xavier said:

    Well it sounded like Killin(or Raul) is not hosting the list himself and the data is actually imported from elsewhere

    How that data is stored, I have no idea. But it should be something close to a excel table, if not a csv (comma separated VVVVVV). Pictures included.

    Or, perhaps multiple (hopefully, since different items have different stat) arrays or "dictionaries".

    Which means all you needed to do is to format them nicely, perhaps done via a html file. Shouldn't be too hard, but who is going to host that?

    (short answer: IDK)

    They are lazy af.

    The reason I did not include divine is because everything that can go to myth can go to divine, and every divine item is nothing beside a somewhat beefed-up myth. Comparing a somewhat beefed-up myth to other somewhat beefed-up myth is not too different than comparing maxed myth to maxed myth. After all, divine stats are (mostly) simply scaled myth stats.

    It's stored in JSON format on WU.

    Please don't insult Gato Games.  You don't know how busy they are or what they are dealing with.

    As for not including divine, I think that's pointless.  Given how you'd think people would want to max out their items to their fullest potential (for future planning, and given META), the max'd mythicals listing doesn't help me a ton.  I appreciate it, don't get me wrong, I just prefer to use the divine listing.  A divine is usually whatever max mythical is, plus 5% if what I read on the forums is right.

    But not everything can become divine, so while comparing them all at the max mythicals level is at least congruent, it's not the "final word," if that makes sense.

    I appreciate the max'd mythicals listing, but I think having the divine listing (elsewhere) is also nice.

  10. 15 hours ago, L4K3 said:

    So you're willing to leave a broken weapon just a little less broken just because some abusers would be sad that their overpowered toys got a bit fixed?

    Wow,so emPATHETICal.

    Side note:I seriously hope you do study rights and become a judge.Let the mass murderers off the hooks with just a 50$ fine just because they're also human and they'd be sad and cold in jail for like...a life sentence.Way to go,buddy,way to go...

    First, I was saying make the Frantic Brute like a 2 shot Spartan Carnage, so you may need to review the other things I also said.

    Second, nerfing things is always unpopular.  A wise CEO of a gaming company recognizes this.  Indeed, they DO recognize it, as they didn't nerf it as heavily as you seem to imply they should have.

    Third, your ad hominem only reveals how broken your argument is.  If you can't make a point without insulting others then your point is irrelevant.

    Keep in mind the ignore features on this forum are way better than the previous forum software 🙂 

  11. On 12/29/2020 at 7:44 PM, epicspeedster said:

    this would break the fucking game, everyone without monkeys would use anubis, and anubis is even easiar to get then zarakres

    I just want more visual options to get the same outcome (see META).  Zarkares hasn't broken the game, and neither have the other torsos (again, see META).  META right now is all monkeys and energy free armor.

    But given how the last buff went, I'm sort of against buffing anything any more.

  12. 35 minutes ago, TALΩS said:

    The recent ''balance'' was rounder physical mechs grave !
    And you know rounder phys might not pay so much the game but they pay as well !

    I don't disagree with you in some ways because I think the most recent torso buffs were a bit too much.

    But I can't agree or disagree because I'm not ranks 1-5 yet.

  13. 58 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:


    so why ur talking about hsa when u have rea

    This is about the philosophy of the game.  All other weapons and items which fit into each of the elements (physical, explosive, energy) tend to make the physical version higher in damage (or hit points) because they have less energy/heat damage or less energy/heat capacity/regen/cooling.

    Therefore I think, in the spirit of how the elements and items that span all three work, HSA should get a buff of hit points.  This is reflected in META: usually builds don't use HSA but they use FHA or REA because those have more hitpoints.

    Reckless does more physical damage than Hysteria and Savagery.

    Yet HSA has less hit points.

  14. 18 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:

    spend money to get a rank that it lower than rank 5 XD

    I've been playing for like 3 months, bro.  The only way I would've gotten to rank 10/11 faster is if I had paid a metric krap ton of money.  But even if I did, so what?

    You're just trolling bro.  Put down the hateraide 🙂 



  15. 3 minutes ago, nightmarefreddy said:

    nah look clevername, he win mostly of battle

    He would be an example of pay to win because he spent a very significant amount of money on it.

    I'm just a $5/month subscriber, I'm no "pay to win."  That's why I don't like people throwing around "P2W" just because someone spends a cent on SM.

  16. 1 hour ago, TALΩS said:

    The whole they are doing is keep the old OP / ''p2w'' heat players satisfied .

    With all due respect, programmers have bills to pay and families to feed.  I have no problem with "P2W" being slightly stronger than "F2P."

    And I'm sick of "P2W."  There should be a third group of people: "P2S" or "pay to support."  Surely spending only $5/month isn't paying to win.  (If that were true, WHERE IS MY WIN?!?! LOL)  It's about supporting something you love.

    No one complains about people paying to not see ads on Crunchy Roll, that I am aware of.  Paying just a little to support a game you like isn't "pay to win."

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