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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. So the second mech seems be fine, maybe if you have a better weapon for replace tye recless but otherwise the mech is decent . The first mech, as i said except the legs the mech look good ( you have also good weapon but not totally in the best composition ) And the third mech seems also good ( maybe more experimented can tell if i have wrong )
  2. Try to replace the torso you use, the windigo and the nightmare ( you have these ) was the best non premium torso . Also equip a weapon can hit at the first range .
  3. Nice Also gg, i imagine that must have been really hard .
  4. For counter the heat hugger with a energy mech the lightning recoiler is decent, even if it make you overheat it, it force the opponent to use again a movement module or a red rain ( red rain have only 2 uses ) . ( Also you have a electric forteress or supercharge protector ?)
  5. possible, maybe replace the last resort vulcan by a dark eagle if you have for preventing the opponent to camping the range 1 - 3 ( i know the range of dark eagle is 2 - 4 but with this the opponent can hardly advanced toward you )
  6. Strange for me its still physical Also i don't know why but if the opponent was energy break he don't use charge whereas it don't use energy ..
  7. Nice maybe you can build a scope mech with falcon and ejection blast . Now the offer in my main account : My 3rd efa in this account , _ , Oh wait what is this blue thing, a blue vest ? of yes it is lightning vest ! Now i have 1 of each type of vest .. ( is me or the vest are nor really rare for a premium item ? ) Again a sacrifice cannon? decidedly .. It had to happen to me but but i would prefer on my cc account not my main.. [ forgot to take a screen shot for the 6th box but i get just a simply legendary . ] edit : The last box i get a explosive retreat, i thinked i just get a normal legendary but not..
  8. I buy this offer on my cc account Oh! a bunker shell !! Oh.. i think that good to get the best torso of the game.. Why not, is a plus . For 1000 tokens is a pretty worth it offer but it's sure is depend on what you get and if you are lucky .
  9. as mush for me i had not seen . what do you call "superb"? the superb charge engine ?
  10. That maybe the fault, the purifier is a support dps ; is here to be with a another weapon with 2-4 range to add dps with a lightest weapon, with low damage, no resist drain and limited uses the purifier can't be a main dps. seem a bit exaggerated to me, the must also use those res drainer and after the test generally the fight lasts 6 tour average
  11. In my opinion i agree with that, i think the unlimited use is enought, it has good damage for the weight and is no cost but its use make it much more limited so i would be for it to be illimited use .
  12. try to redo this part for which is more coherence like that for example : ( also i see that the opening of the cannon come from a legacy item )
  13. Important : i am only r11, my advice are not reliable This one look pretty good, maybe replace the double teleporter by the normal version and replace the magma blast by a sorrow . ( you have not the electric forteress or these build they are counter ? ) This one uh.. you have a weakness at the 3rd range and you can't chain the attack with only 2 weapon . Look more than a basic energy free heat build, i didn't recommend you this set of module but maybe replace 1 cooling mass by a heat engine like the 2 other build and replace the superb charge by the normal ( or replace the basalt dissolver by a damaged basalt dissolver ). You have also a weakness at the first range . But i don't think you can reach the r3 without double module and electric fprteress
  14. It would just be enought to reduce globaly the rate of legendary in fortune.. especially i wouldn't find it logical, the campaign you can get some premium box with a minimum a farming (generally i get 1 for each 11/12 levels according to my experience) but the free fortunes have to wait at least 6-7 days to get a 1 fortune (with the first upgrade, with a max you can get it in only 3 day but you should use a many of arena token )
  15. That happened for me too, try to replace the 3 forteress by a matrix and a platine plate to have stats closer to the real stats with the forteress .
  16. ironbark ? the c-e version of the reckoning ?
  17. It seems that i have wrong, i owe you my sincere apologies i try this in this build and is more effectiveness than i thinked .
  18. The windigo is one of the best torso for ftp, however use the vest if you have , at hight level ( r3+ ) if you don't use the vest you are practically guaranteed destroy by the physical mech but if it requires you to have good module .
  19. Uh .. when do you mean by "Ultra box" do you mean that we get normal item or those of the legacy ? If is normal items Only one thing bother me, if we can get mythical item, it does not seems adapted at all and even rather op, a knowledge that the mythical it still use of 6 legendary 6 and is it safe to not get a power bottoms, a golem.. If is legacy items If you pay attention to the appearance, you can notice that the quarter of the torso and legs have been remastered and are present currently . a few of example : Is Gumiho now Largely possibly is the energy free armor now Is clairly the chronium crusher today And the legacy rolling beast
  20. The limited use may seem very handicapping but not that much, in build contening some weapons with very limited uses like party crasher, evac spark or bunker shell for example. With some special build it may not finish the opponent while we are used all of uses of weapons, that's why we use the faceshocker to use ist uses in excess for more damage and a fairly light weight for a energy drone .
  21. I wish he would bring that back, i find it unsatisfying to see a free emplacement than can never be used .. However i did not play legacy too much but it seems to me that it was so essential for win a fight and that the energy and heat shield we got at the beginning were better than the one we get by being advanced in the game .
  22. Absoluty not with energy build concentrating on damage like this . Edit : i remove the build because it might not be so good aftr all but i can tell you that the face shocker is not bad, he's just more damage oriented .
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