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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. moral : never buy paint Me too i had does a bad thing : on a old account ( i remove it now after the "accident" ) , i decided to do a challenge with a friend : to fight and the one lose had to spin the wheels and buy that mech from the shop . Imagine what happen... i don't that not hard to guess... yes i lose, and so i should buy the fierce plasma ( it cost 1350-1400 tokens) It still stupid to be the organizer of challenge and lose ..
  2. is only heat mech or hybrid or is just some example ? If is only heat of hybrid : hard to say mmh.. maybe hybrid for destroy one thing i hate : Counter mech also i don't like explosive mech, the heat mech are more "defensive" so battle last longer what i don't really like . If is just some example : without hesistation the electric mech ( my name, that not for nothing my pseudo is "Electro" , _ , ), the energy mech is also a mix of heat and physical mech, 2 element in 1, interessant.. and for that : My favorite torso..
  3. Nice drops especially for the platinium forteress and ultrahot protector if you don't have so many resist modules
  4. It was the black friday offer that the offer one you're talking about , i don't know when it will come back .
  5. If you need a platinium plate yes, personally i save my tokens for forteress .
  6. Gg, the "sword" we see on your profile photo is a seraphblade ?
  7. 1 turn you just use your drone... Also you can more precise? here is a timer and if it drops to zero we lose ?
  8. is remind if is your total card in they box ( for example premimu box = 1 , premium pack = 5 ) what is counted, the limit is maybe 3.000 card in box , i could have wrong .
  9. That didn't effecient, i suggest only use it if you have mmh.. maybe 768.000 hp so only titan can use this weapon and again that not always effecient ! ( is ironic, i don't if is funny or not..) Remark : the mech with the best hp stats possible is this :
  10. That just a visual bug, the game count the xp into a whole number ( for example 99.8% is not a whole number) for display only, not in the data what creat this result if your amount of xp is close to 100% without exceeding it .
  11. Stelight


    I'm aggree with that - nighmare is lighter ( - 26 weight ) - it have better hp ( + 166 ) - it have better cooling ( + 9 ) - and it have more physical resist ( +11 ) for lower energy cap ( - 30 ) The nightmare seems better than the brutality except in energy cap but with other advantages i think nightmare would better. ( i could be wrong, i am just rank 11 )
  12. don't use half burn't scope, the backfire scope have so backfire for just can be used more than 1 time ( but generally u you never use more than 1 time in a same battle), also you have a magma recoiler ?
  13. I tried that but with common, i would never do this again ..
  14. Only with a level 20 factory you can get a legendary but you can't get that with the "normal manufacture".
  15. Food unintentionally my distance shreeder instead a legendary power kit for max a heat engine..I shouldn't have gone too fast before confirming the upgrade .. ( you can see it in flex thread at 160th page)
  16. The legs is maybe one mistake to maxed it, it don't give so many stats ( only a few of hp and resist didn't increase with level for massive ) maybe only claw is a possibility for max it .
  17. we can just camping the 7-8 range . but if you want a top weapon for hugger , distance shreeder is generally better ; it was lightest and is more effecient for gets closer to the opponent even it have less use . ( also don't necroposting, i do the same error me too but i know now )
  18. first all i max my gold production and after i will try max a Factory for unlock the possibility to get a legendary.
  19. uhh you supposed to say "675" So is me : 675
  20. I reccomended to add a magma recoiler for preventing the opponent to camping at the first range . Of course the module are isn't finished, maybe solve this problem as soon as possible, it is very handicapping. Othewize i don't see another problem .
  21. I build not very decent but i love use it . Is a mix of melee mech with Rock poiliser + the stomp and Scope , if you noticed yes no range was ranged by 2 weapons and it play especially with some combo : Ejection blast + scope ( range 4-5 ) Rock polisher + stomp ( range 1-2 ) Superb charge + rock polisher ( range 3/6 ) Cockpit piercer + falcon ( range 7 ) Or even Teleporter + scope Yes i did a analyse on a mech not very strong, don't tell me why, i don't know what i do that ..
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