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Everything posted by Stelight

  1. 1 ? with only 1 movement for jump you can't jump over of the opponent... there will be a heat version ? or is for nerf literally energy ( the weakness type a hight level ) with this resist gain.. Otherwise the art is good
  2. color added ( without shading of light ) edit : i had just thinked but the titan should have a name, i thinked maybe..mhh Cycraber ? ( you can suggest name ) Edit : i understand now, but i didn't tried ( i don't know if added it can be good )
  3. The line of the head was practically finish, what do you think i should add?
  4. 6, these 2 pliers and 4 more weapons edit : i have a question, the titan have a limit of weapons ? ( is remind the titans have never more 4 weapon ). Edit 2 : the line of jaw + addition of details .
  5. I drawing a futur art project and it is a titan, why a crab ? because why not ..? more seriously i see a message about a "crab titan " proposals said by @SawzAll but i forgot in what topic it is. ( I warned you it was a sketch , _ , i started all my art like this ) I will update him on this topic of the advance of the titans . ( or maybe I leave it like that, at least it will have required no effort )
  6. night protector ? you would say night eagle or selfish protector ?
  7. Just one word, more exactly 3 letter : Wow
  8. I imagine each a different opinion, in any case the battery is one of the torso most looks like a robot torso in the movies for me .
  9. For my opinion it is this the best physcal ftp build . ( is that the c - e teleporter or r - e version grappling
  10. yes he got this from the today offer ( you can see it in flex thread )
  11. maybe l-m because it have 2 sprites ..
  12. Mmh this stats look balaneced but in the same time inbalanced..all will does all point ( that subjective, i can have wrong ) . - the energy have effecient problem with the energy free weapon physical more than a drone would be energy free and the energy will become even weaker now . - the limited range.. we have a drone with exactly the same limited range maybe change this.. - Backfire My proposal stats : Divin with arena buff : Weight : 46 Physical damage : 295 - 384 Physical resist drain : 8 Push : 1 Range : 1 - 2 58 Energy cost ( no heat cost ) That my proposal modification but is you decide the possible changement of stats of this drone .
  13. all "good ftp drone of each element" Physical : Tonto ( situational ) , selfish protector . Heat : Firefly ( situational ) , backstabbing protector , Heatpoint , Nemo . Energy : Electrolyte ( situational ) , Unreliable protector , face shocker . What card you farming in your base ? and also what level in campaign you farm ?
  14. The concept look interesting and the art is good, have you a idea of stats ?
  15. ola, bem vindo ao forum ^^, mas apenas um detalhe voce deveria ter colocado este assunto em "introduction" e nao "fanart" .
  16. Super mechs is no dead - there are still players playing it - there are moderators - there still event in game or in the forum - and some SM youtuber We only have to wait for updates .
  17. Only one thing bother me in this energy free build, the abomination ; it use energy , if you have a reckoning, a magma blast or a sorrow i advice you replace the Abomination by that .
  18. if you want to use bloodswep i propose this build : ( you have any quadcore ? )
  19. Oh i see.. I'm a little surprised that those ( i don't know if the change was done before of after gato replace taticsoft) who changed this didn't realize the problem.. ( then I imagine that being developee is not easy ) Also yes i always farm only normal commons and maybe later "epic-legendary" when my factory will be level 20 .
  20. In base i notice that : Common : 1000 sm coin | 15 minutes the card Cheap : 1250 sm coin | More ( i don't have the exact time but is remind is 2 hours per card ) Maybe with the upgrade in arena shop is change but i don't think, if a person can explain this i would be grateful to him.
  21. have 3 weapons with infinite use was not very useful without counting the grim cobra with 3 uses.. I think remove the grim cobra and the hysteria will be better .
  22. i just literally the best heat drone ever . Gg ( actually, maybe it will change..) otherwise the iron frenzy is very good for your progress but later that will become less good.. Except for titan where it was very useful .
  23. very interessant , so from what i understood the premium pack from offer ( maybe change and depend the offer ? ) have a little better chance to get legendary than the "normal" premium pack ( 0,8 per pack it seem to me ) Anyway thank of the 2 player and to you for doing his research .
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