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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Dr.Doofensmirtz

  1. soviet if i dont deserve the rank then how did i acheive it? arent you still a r12 noob? wdym all bad give good advice
  2. first things first, no, i will not change the legs. i'm all ears for the second and third mech. i want to continue to r4 from r5.
  3. thanks oki. also, i saw u with your test builds de-ranking last week. i attempted to say hi but u immeditely quit. if u want to inspect me, i am SavvySalmon. plus, im the one and only MasterChief also i just re-read your message and realized im screwed. my third mech is awful and my second mech is mediocre at. see my build help/changes topic :V
  4. yeah same here lol. im just gonna try not to do arena so i ca stay that rank. unless im only booted to r7, idk
  5. ikr. ive been farming fortune boxes and being like andddd this one will be legenda-nope, its not. guess ill keep farming.
  6. wait what. my 3rd mech is okay :V its garbage. i've been really working hard on it lately tho. it has 2.1k hp, and decent heat stats, but horrible energy stats. frantic claw phys mech. YES I DID IT i was better than them and they rage quit and then im going to go on a loss streak lmao
  7. wish me luck. going for first time r5. this is also my highest rank ever.
  8. im guessing like, we could add XP to the completed missions, just because farming is so incredibly tedious. im just thinking like 50k XP for completing all the missions.
  9. well, fuel is interesting, because gato makes money when you buy tokens, and if people buy tokens to refuel, gato makes money. either way they're making money. but once a month would be great
  10. yeh man, u didnt know? wassup big G? long time no see. also i think this thread is helpful to those who dont know what the meta is
  11. hey so is this an old meta build or just off-meta OP(drone is divine tonto)
  12. its a phys mech. i also have a max myth maximum protector lmao
  13. bro energy is so easy to counter. i have over 700 energy and heat, with 350 regen and 250 overheat. i also have over 2.6k hp
  14. i dont need serious help from a therapist, i just have too much free time.
  15. how does one day a month where you have infinite fuel sound? i dont normally think of these kinds of things but i think like, the third wednesday of every month this would be awesome.
  16. pog af m8also because ik its old meta, does anyone think i should change something here? all the weapons and my tonto are divine, so is my torso, and my charge, max legendary. first time rank 6 pog
  17. TRASH unless you dont already have 3 max mythed torsos. honestly a little overpriced, id expect this to be more of a 1500 token offer
  18. ey welcome back fyrestare. -Chief
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