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Everything posted by Stefix5000

  1. False used to, not anymore also didn't you literally have a charmander as your profile pic a while ago? next person likes metal music
  2. any game really lasts for as long as its players continue playing it. a game does not need updates for people to continue playing it. take any popular old single player game, like morrowind, heroes of might and magic, warcraft 3, assassin's creed, etc. and even when it comes to multiplayer games, as long as you have servers running, updates aren't mandatory, like team fortress 2, space station 13, garry's mod, old world of warcraft expansions, dark souls, etc. at the end of the day, the best way to motivate the developers to work further on the game and give you your damned life-changing updates would be to give them money. as for alex. he's in the discord server spamming images and videos of small animated girls at folks who do not want to see them.
  3. that's a barren inventory... also weird choices of upgraded items... I'd recommend slowly working on finding a lightning recoiler, windigo/naga, and massive shocker feet otherwise, make sure those modules of yours are as well upgraded as all your other items, energy really needs good modules to work well
  4. you mean 2006, right? that's when the game came out and when most folks were playing and talking about it
  5. Try going for recoiler, magma blast, supreme cannon; for now. If you want to do more damage, use dawnblaze and the backstabbing protector. If you want to do more heating, use savagery and Nemo instead. You could even try replacing your recoiler with a flaming hammer at that point, but after the first time you use magma blast, you'll be left with a range 2 gap If you're gonna use the backstabbing protector, you'll probably wanna use a platinum plate just to keep your from dying to backfire. Either way, make sure to upgrade your modules as much as possible as well as upgrade them as evenly as possible, I can tell your energy modules aren't that high level. Keep the windigo until you get an molten or lightning plating vest then make the switch from windigo to the vest you got. Even a fractured heat or rusty energy armor is debatably better than windigo (while windigo is basically the best non-premium torso). Get yourself a pair of massive lava feet as well, for heat they're meta.
  6. True Next person has at least 3000 hours in a video game
  7. At least it acts as some kind of advertisement, I guess
  8. cool, we'll be waiting for your quick return to the game
  9. twelve hundred twenty nine
  10. props to you fella, keep it going!
  11. you wanna use savior's resistance, as well as replace that battery armor. also, try and have, on any mech, at max: two moving weapons, and two main damage weapons
  12. that is precisely why I said to upgrade your e-m (epic to mythical) modules besides that, use a better torso, the battery armor is widely considered to be very very bad, even nightmare is better at your current level
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