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Everything posted by Stefix5000

  1. come back soon, we'll be lost without you!
  2. go outside and live said great life then, because right now you aren't proving anything.
  3. I don't think they've said anything wrong at all. But they also aren't "pros".
  4. put the name which you see every time you log in and are greeted with the "welcome back ______"
  5. every premium I got from today's offer, could've been better honestly, as literally half of the packs were just epics
  6. sorry to hear that dude. either way, if that account really is 5-6 years old like you said it was, you'd probably be better off without it. I didn't lose my 2015 account, but I did lose every single one of my legacy items, so I kind of know how you feel. legacy items, however, are garbage in reloaded supermechs, so you wouldn't wanna use them anyways.
  7. people playing the campaign, fighting in the arena, making friends, clans, rivalries, upgrading their mechs, giving zero mind to whatever's happening in higher ranks. the meta is to this day still constantly changing. there really is no such thing as a meta in this game, as the "undefeatable" huggers from a year ago are few and far between, barely any of them do you see these days. people still play physical, heat, and energy, and different types of such builds, as if there never was a "best build" to begin with. devs release balance changes to make all aspects of their game as equally good as eachother to the best of their abilities. see? I "put 2 and 2 together" for you! it's not that hard, try harder next time. but in all seriousness, balancing a game is an incredibly difficult task, even with a large team, and gato's balance team is tiny compared to the modern standard. not only that but many of them are volunteers! so it's a tedious process to make sure every single item is balanced. you said the game was dying, but you don't like old giants stepping down to make room for new top players? am I getting it right this time? also, every single "above response" was a question... so no, you didn't answer anything. it's only tangential if you didn't get the point, which you obviously didn't. I said you still had many many items to receive, upgrade, experiment with. you still haven't gotten every item which has been added so far, and yet you want new ones? like, if you haven't gotten one meta item, what use do you have of them adding another, since you'll still need to get it from a box, and you're equally as likely to get it as every single other meta item which you haven't already gotten. indeed this is the first correct statement you've made, that was a tangent. unlike you, I've actually tried stopping to think for a single second before speaking, and pondered the options, consequences, and logistics. let me dumb it down for you since apparently you can't comprehend long strings of words: new good item = you don't get it, others do, you keep whining / you get it, others also do, you lose because they have other good items, you keep whining; new bad item = you get it instead of something good, you keep whining / you don't get it, you want a better one regardless, you keep whining. but oh wait, it actually wasn't tangential at all, since it was directly related to everything I've said before, so I guess you're wrong yet again after all. in the end, I agree that it has been an uncharacteristically long time since the last proper update, but instead of whining about it, I'll just continue playing the game (since there is still lots for me to do in it, even after getting rank 2, level 250, 3 quads, 5 ovps, 2 ceus, 2 sets of res forts, and 3 plates) and be hopeful that gato games has actually been working hard on giving us a decent update that takes time to develop, instead of a set of useless updates no one will get excited over, just to appease the loud minority of children who cannot go a day without a new lollypop flavor shoved into their mouths. no hard feelings.
  8. the most secure systems are the ones with the least (or none) backdoors. the supermechs security system expects you to know your login information, no more, no less. if you don't remember your password, you can use your email address to reset it. otherwise, you're boned. since there is no other way to get your account back, as not even the developers know your login information (because it wouldn't be as safe otherwise) this is why it's practically impossible for anyone to get "hacked" in this game. people still lose their accounts either by giving them away to strangers or simply forgetting their information.
  9. gotta say, your inventory is beautiful. you have items I couldn't even dream of getting on my account. you could very easily go for something like this team
  10. Cool man, I'll keep playing then. You bugger off wherever you want.
  11. This is demotivating... You have more premiums with your small inventory than I do in with my 119 mythicals/divines and 99 legendaries. Sometimes I really do believe I'm less lucky than other folks, also, sorry for changing the subject. Make a friggin hugger or clever jumper for Pete's sake. You have all the necessary items, and then some
  12. so if the next person comments, you're gay? damn. anyways, the anime thing, technically true, but I prefer not to watch it next person will continue to play the game the proper way
  13. That's not how that meme format works. Please tell me you're older than the meme itself.
  14. what the hell has this place become
  15. sure, but keep the engines, not the combined storage units
  16. Even if ONE other person knew his info, that is a person that he gave his info to. Giving your info to ANYONE is stupid. And Deathbringer is stupid for doing so. He shouldn't have given his info to ANYONE. He did, however, so he got everything he deserved.
  17. Your account didn't get "scammed", Deathbringer, you gave your login information away. It's as simple as that.
  18. replace your zarkares with a molten platinum vest, upgrade your modules further, don't use grim reaper at all, use a savior's resistance, use common level 10 teleporters instead of epic ones, try and get your hands on a rock recoiler and replace your annihilation with it.
  19. false next person owns a party crasher in-game
  20. lmao Population charts are most absolutely better at visualizing the actual state of the game than your "looking at the top ranks leaderboards". Top players are not the sole indication of a game's health. If anything they give the worst insight into the game's state. The noobs and midrank players are the true playerbase, and the bulk of it, at that. Try staying at tier 1 throughout the entirety of the raid week, and you'll see a much better estimation of how many players there are than "looking at the leaderboards". You cannot reasonably expect people to play a game forever, and equally so you can't expect new people to not start playing the game either. Would you honestly prefer for there to only be 1-3 players fighting over first place? Or would you rather there be tons of new players getting a chance at, and competing for that same first place. I'm not saying it's any easier to get first place now than it used to. If anything I feel it's harder than ever before (but that's a discussion for another day). Lastly, I'm pretty sure I remember you being in rank 3, which means you still have a long way to go in both ranking up and accumulating items. There's the argument that adding new useless items would just bloat the list of acquirable items from pack even more, worsening the experience for newer players, but also adding new meta items would cause the same new players to have a harder time catching up because of their low chance of getting said items because of the already bloated set of possible items. Now, adding new good items could help the noobs get higher up if they got the items, yes; however, the counterargument to that is there are already a decent amount of such items that could help anyone get higher up in rank. So again, adding more of them would just most likely make the shopping list of necessary items even bigger.
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