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Posts posted by The_Real_Ramsay49

  1. I had an enlightenment sitting at my desk. If there’s urban camo paint, navy camo paint, and marine camp paint, what about desert camo paint? Like that worn in Iraq/Afghanistan? You gotta admit that’d look pretty dang cool


    Idk why it keeps saying “camp paint” just ignore that it ticks me off too 

  2. 3 hours ago, Dark conon mech said:

    I mean your right but 4k offers aren't that unlikely and you could get something better plus you also could get 1 of these opening the packs from offer

    Key word: could, very unlikely


    3 hours ago, Zutchse said:

    I think i'll just wait for the platinum fortress or some good 4k deals, thanks anyway

    Platinum fort offer already passed last month

  3. 49 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    Those can be changed, I was just making suggestions according to the current system which gives you a platinum plating at 200 and Maximum protector at 250.

    Got a better idea then? Because now the system is useless with people being stuck at the cap.

    Suddenly I’m not interested in reaching lvl 250….

    didnt it use to be another plat plating at 250?

  4. 10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    sure nothing wrong as the perk for Christmas. We can have a hat or the snowball in the portal with some goodies in the own portal as relics or good tokens. For those that want typical "lets spend" mentality for Christmas can have a great drop rate for relics-weapons and can have a super sale of 10 relics-2 weapons premium not that common that might help finish a build. 

    Some have the weapons so no need the items but can go for the drop and try for relics-weapons etc. Having 3 choices as a tuff year for players "covid-year" mess can give an start up and happiness to players. The option can be good for free players needing relics at low ranks at lower clans having at list one premium item like a VEST just for saying but can't get relics unable to fight all the way the portal getting frustrated unable to divine the item. 

    Sure GATO is been doing good deals and enhancing for those now. We have the Eastern Egg so we can have Santa Christmas magic Bag gift too. 

     We can have a good portal or so at end of year of course not all celebrate same date but just saying and I remember living in Latin America and they celebrate the Three wise man "Kings" those who gave Jesus Christ gifts in his birth day on January 6 so that day can be a good sale as well or portal for a Middle east hat or crown or maybe a lot of gold as one of the Jesus gift given. 

    The game need to get in touch with countries local traditions and add some stuff for fun. We have St. Patrick day so why not Oktoberfest beer hat maybe Bavarian style etc. 

    Anyway, this Christmas should be one super duper awesome cool day for the players and those who miss it let them cry. 🤣

    OK OK, too much but lets be crazy 😉

    Whole heartedly agreed 😄

  5. 30 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Sounds good. Also no need to be one single direction. Can be a nice portal and also a nice sale. I will like 10 gold relics of course I will like 500 🙂 but 10 in a sale with packs and a premium not common part sale in a package 🙂  plus drop rates sales like 3 in one day. Get a nice item, get drops sales if the person no need the item and relics and the portal for hat or tokens/gold/relics etc. 

    Too much maybe and crazy but lets go wild 2021  🍺. I know what you will say guys..... 🤣 Sure can affect sales in others weeks. Oh well......🤷‍♂️

    Crazy day would certainly be a fun change. Makes me think New Years should be something crazy too😄

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