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Posts posted by The_Real_Ramsay49

  1. 10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    it is about what you get first and for how long. Battery armor it does help on power output to your weapon. All depend what you have at the moment. The windigo recommendation apply more recently after the re-adjustment back to were was belong on power wise. In my case for OKI DOKI my second mech was Flame Battery no having others except another NAGA and that is when the Battery was introduced to the game some months after I started the game. 

    Flame Battery helped me in heat power output and when I switched with others later was less. Now, the trade was cooling and regen and in that case is maybe the worse. Some players at top kept using the item to no long ago but tricky to set up for regen and cooling. It is nothing wrong to max items capable to reach Myth L50 when have nothing else for basic advancement. It was not stupid but basic to move on. 


    I swear I remember fighting that mec back in my old days 

  2. Y’all gotta admit, party crasher Energy beam looks like it’d do a handsome amount of ene dmg. So, presenting the idea, combining malice beam and party crasher to create:  Malicious party crashing beam.

    This thing, is so perfect here are the stats.

    223-485 ele dmg

    5 ene resist dmg

    156 ene dmg

    -12 ene cap dmg

    +100 heat cost

    +3 jump (or whatever it’s called)

    44 weight

    4-8 range

    (lemme know if I forgot any stats :)) this 100% a joke )

  3. 2 hours ago, Billy said:

    I've been thinking about this for the longest time, and I've just been wondering: what if there was a trade option in SM. it would come at a price, of course, but that's be really cool

    There would have to be a lot of restrictions to this….. to avoid farm acc trading….

  4. 6 hours ago, Jipy said:

    i wish the windigo was my first but if u know me i do the stupidest stuff and made my first a battery armor 

    I swear it was hammer bro

    my first myth was Viking hammer lmao. Don’t regret it. As a noob that thing is a ton of fun.

  5. 4 hours ago, NickVN2008 said:

    I mean the items that you can get from legendary would have 1%-0.1% chance to have in shop, the higher the level the more it cost and have stock too (1 items for stock)

    higher price like about 100 tokens or 750000 - >1000000 gold for franic brute

    I wouldn’t pay that for just a leggie frantic….

  6. 33 minutes ago, PlainBadLuck said:

    I've faced off against the occasional superb charge, and they're immensely annoying at my rank, especially when most others have a regular charge that does much less damage. Adding in superb hooks would also be frustrating for me. Imo charge, grapple and teleport are meant to be tools to move yourself or your opponent, not weapons in their own right.

    It would certainly make the game more interesting… the game is kinda lacking in new strategies, builds included. There are a lot of new ideas that could be added to make mecs more complicated and therefore make arena more relied on player skills than builds alone. I get the player makes half the build, but if I’m making any sense, I’m just sayin the game could a lot more interesting with more mec pieces.

  7. What’s y’all opinions on superb hooks?

    Just basic ideas would be

    phys: 250-380 dmg

    ene: 180-290 dmg + 110 ene dmg

    heat: 195-310 dmg + 100 heat dmg

    mabe like 3 weight increase on all of them

    wouldnt that make things more interesting

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