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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Melanös

  1. This was the first build that got me to rank 1, I only had 1 devastation swarm at the time, so I used a rare item that wasn't bad, and looked similar. Good old hellfire supplied the bullets for the drone
  2. One shot one kill had a bit of an ironic name, given that it definitely wasn't one shot I used this builds on one of my accounts
  3. I was always partial to bullet shark The phys build everyone seemed to worship
  4. Not really, they are just what I happen to have
  5. I'm planning for my second mech to be the same as the first, but with sparked runners, and an annihilation added on.
  6. scroll up, you will see a tab called information, hover over that, and click request for base to be disabled, put in your account id (you can see that on info tab in game) then wait. it can take over a week, so be patient.
  7. Maybe radiation could weaken your enemies, reduce how much damage their weapons do to you.
  8. Is there any reason to use HSA over FHA or rusty?
  9. i got the maxi protector from a fortune box, i wish i had a mercy, i might switch to ahhnialation, and my heat stats are low cuz i've only ever gotten 1 heat engine on this account
  10. note, im using common basic teleporter, epic charge engine, and iron grappling hook. all the modules are max legendary except the iron platings, and the maxi, which is like lvl 30 myth
  11. i've been using massive stone feet for a while
  12. ah yes, a healthy diet of tokens and cheaters. always eat a balanced meal kids
  13. just how rare is claw? of all the premium legs i've gotten, i got 4 sparked runners, 3 rolling beasts and 0 claws. i also got loads of other premiums multiple times, like greedy and dustmaker, but 0 claws. literally nothing good xd
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