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Bring live your dreams

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Posts posted by Bring live your dreams

  1. 52 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

    -Range pad: Has a sniper icon and gives you 1+ range to the next used weapon. (Doesnt effect guns such as falcon, cockpit piercer)

    This works with swords, axes or chainsaws? (drones too?) 

    Its scary to think a way to extend the attack of a heat hugger mechs, 3 with the sword and 2 with axe, 4 only safe place xd

  2. 4 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

    If you played super mechs like 2.5 years ago, this drone was the meta. Everyone was using it just like they use the backfire drones today. So to make it a bit less OP, they nerfed it.

    Oh, i never thinked this become a meta drone in the past, i played the game long ago but i never knowed that

  3. 2 hours ago, InsaneSM75 said:

    What is WU?(Im noob)

    Worshop unlimited, a webpage where you can create a Mech with all the items can reach mithycal (to create your final ideal mech to the game) Pd: is a simulator, this dont affect the real game

    42 minutes ago, Ruben said:

    Heatpoint used to deal greater heat damage but it got nerfed in an update.

    But why this have been nerfed? , thats what i not understand already

  4. 1 minute ago, AftoKrator said:

    yes. and as i said, some minor updates are not added into WU. probably cuz people are busy and forgot or something. 

    Okey i think i understand now, but i think this not have to be nerfed, i imagine a drone with 76 heat damage with divine and the arena buff to the max 

  5. 1 hour ago, AftoKrator said:

    does your WU have arena buff slot checked?

    all assets in the WU are divine with full arena buff. maybe that's why the numbers don't match

    Also, WU's calculations don't exactly match the calculations in game. sometimes, there's minor updates in the game that don't get added to WU. 

    1. Yes i know, i have it activated the assets when i practice/play to create a new meta mech


    2. What I mean is that in an old version of supermechs, the heat generated by the drone was greater than the version of now
    The old one towards +68 heat (+72 with arena buff, without divine version [dont exist], old version, first screenshot)
    The new version towards +49 heat (+59 for the buff and divine status, second screenshot) that's what I mean it was nerfed


  6. 1 hour ago, AftoKrator said:

    ... maybe im thinking about this too much. i'll just draw it out. 


    green arrow means yes. red arrow means no. 

    the flat arrows are recoiling, no self movement, and no other pushback or pull types. shotguns only, that right?

    curvy diagonal arrows are for swords. so yes swords

    upward red arrow means no jump-required weapons of any kind. 

    all that correct?

    Yes, thats correct or other recoil weapons that no use the jump requeriment

  7. 3 minutes ago, AftoKrator said:


    from my understanding, the only way the sword would jump is if the arm is so strong that when it swings the sword, it's momentum cause the entire mech to ..."fly" ... toward the enemy. but if the legs are nailed to the ground, it shouldn't be moving at all, except teleport.

    i don't think recoils would work either. that'll be the same as charging.... ripping off the legs. 

    The legs are not nailed to the ground, they are trapped be a trap that does them dont let move well, That is why the recoil shotguns and swords can move the mech but it cannot move normally unless it is with charge engine or teleportation.


  8. 26 minutes ago, AftoKrator said:

    and the launcher looks awfully like a black and yellow lightsaber


    ... hmm, interesting how it didn't merge

    Not, the weapon doesnt look like this, thats a random google image i edited to show how the weapons works

    29 minutes ago, AftoKrator said:

    this doesn't quite make sense. obviously recoiler shotguns and teleport can be used to move. however, swords jumps just like party crasher or any of the other jump-required weapons, so they should all be not available. charge engine also wouldn't make sense in a sense that the charge booster rocket comes from the torso, which means if your legs are stuck, using a charge engine will rip off the legs.... which basically destroys the mech itself. 

    1.My question now is, why the claw jump when attack with the sword? Thats a thing never understood

    2.This is basically what i want to do with the weapon, convert a leg into a claw legs, that means, no movement from the mech, i dont want nail the mech to the ground 

  9. Just now, AftoKrator said:

    trapped.... like forever? 

    or just for like a turn or 2?


    Its like the heatpoint drone, in legendary only works for two turns and in Mythical like 3, after the round uses ended cant launch the weapon again because only have 1 use in concrete

  10. I maked the energy and heat versions, now with the physical one

    Physical Waiter

    Lets be funny, a trap dont let move your enemy from the space, traping it in the same place


    (another edit of how works the weapon) 

    Physical Waiter


    Level 1: 120 — 192 physical damage, - 9 resistance (-8 resistance the 2 times and 50 damage) Level 40: 175— 245 (-8 resistance the 2 times and 100 damage) 

    Uses: 1 (2 turns) 

    Range: 4 — 5

    Cost: 27 heat and 27 energy, 101 backfire

    Weight: 57 kg


    Level 1: 197 — 289, - 15 physical resistance (-10 the other three and 150 damage per turn) Level 50: 257 — 398 (-10 resistance 200 damage per turn)

    Uses 1(3 turns) 

    Range: 4 — 5 

    Cost: 47 heat and 47 energy, 153 backfire

    Warning: the movement weapons like move-shotguns and swords can move the mechs, weapons like party crasher or that, what requires a jump, no cant be used if you have been traped with that, can use the teleport or charge engine to move the mech 

  11. 2 hours ago, IlyaMech said:

    I don’t think that additional resistance will somehow help in the campaign.

    You know that one point of resistance is equal to one damage protection. Even if they give 2 additional resistances, how can they save you from losing?

    reduce weapon damage, right?  that can be useful making you almost do not hurt some weapon op of the AI, even a little, it still serves to survive to an OP AI attack

  12. 1 hour ago, Spam said:

    Yes? No? I don’t think that’s the intention, but it is a side effect. The campaign bots use different mech elements and types to show the types of builds you can make.

    Possibly, but combined with bad decissions of the IA of the mechs, except in raid, in that i find the IA a bit little inteligent than the campaign

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