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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. yes this part probably won't ever happen
  2. interesting energy cost. not too op, which is good.
  3. yes please. we people who like hybrids should stick together so we don't get corrupted by other people's twisted mindset
  4. all i remember is this.... when someone first attempted to add broken emp to wu
  5. i only had 1 good torso and that was USA Mark so....... guess that's my favorite one. it's real fat.
  6. you can log in on googleplay?? i didn't know that. all i see is reviews and install. even then it probably won't work... as you see, the game right now only offers login with supermechs or facebook.
  7. it works and that's all that matters. plus, this is only for rank 10
  8. wow. divine spartans are showing up in rank 12 these days this is rank 11
  9. i already have 2 plat plates. but i did get a lightning scope from the rank 10 box
  10. this is an edited armor flap i took from the yoshimo arm. i got the arm assets from the legacy wu. the sword itself was one of my earlier projects from some time ago.
  11. anyways back to the topic. was the arm supposed to look like a cross between a yoshimo blade are and a normal arm?
  12. you french? it's all translated by sound. in japanese, you pronounce the "R" like "L". it's not real japanese. its basically like asking a japanese person to speak english with a japanese accent.
  13. see how long you're mental wellbeing can last listening to this... ... i lasted about 6 hours. i do listen to it like music. helps me do math hw for some reason
  14. finally found something good to do. listening to this music loop around for 2 hours is driving me crazy. here's my version of your legacy sword i'll call this.... Dream Slicer btw,
  15. rank is part of you game profile. items are not. like in most games. it's reasonable that your rank is still there because it's probably connected to your profile, but you items might be stored separately so......
  16. hope that would happen to me. i think the last time i had ads was in june last year.
  17. starting from rank 15, you have to play 2v2 in arena. that's just how the game is. if you want 1v1, you can either play no-reward-if-you-win rank 15 arena battles, or drop your rank to somewhere under rank 15
  18. yes. divine fortress, divine molten vest/lightning vest, and maxed arena boost for phys resistance. that'll get you to 180 res. i have maxed arena boost, lvl 1 myth phys protector and maxed non divine vest and that gets me 154 res.
  19. it's always just a numbers game. back then, you see that a dual module gives 24 of each cap and 12 of each regen/cooling and think "wow, thats really good". but that's also the time when 700 hp is a lot. and then, people will think. what will happen if we can make our mechs last longer..... have more hp.... and more ... everything. thats when the numbers go up. before fortresses and combined modules, we'd all think having a lot of hp is crucial to winning.... like the older meta with monkey, claw, and 3.5k hp. now, as weapons gets buffed till they are essencially op (compared to back then) like terrorblade and swoop. you gotta have some stuff to balance than out. hence the nearly op and crucial combined modules. now, we're already starting the 3rd wave** . the new fanarts are getting more and more op stats because we think there's always something missing in the game, like more op items and more op mechs. ... maybe it's also because the name of the game is "SUPERmechs". something can't be super without having and absurd amount of hp and power, right. either way, it's not really much of a surprise to see op things like combined modules, because eventually, you'll see more (That is if the devs will ever release the next update, or just let the game slowly die on its own. ) 3rd wave** : we start from legacy. 1st wave is reloaded (new supermechs). 2nd wave is combined modules/fortresses. 3rd wave are these op fanarts.
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