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Everything posted by AftoKrator

  1. it's not the button thing. when you click on the gold mine, there's a collect button, and that's where i get my gold. the amount is usually about 20 gold per mine. which is about right for 1 minute. the gold stack button don't even appear because the amount is too low.
  2. This is kinda hard to explain..... and impossible to get a screenshot of because of the way the problem occurs. Basically, it's when I log in, go to base to grab free gold.... and see that there's nothing there. like someone just collected it the moment before i went online. I'm 99.99% sure my account isn't hacked because grabbing gold like that will be pretty hard and my account have some pretty good stuff on it so if it did get hacked, why didn't the hacker just take the account whole........ Anyways, this isn't an everyday thing, but it does show up once or twice a month. I've been having this problem for a few months now. ...... basically ever since i maxed my gold mines (about 6 months ago) I hope there's a fix... or maybe not. i can live with it. just want to know what is happening and whether this is a me-problem or other people also have this.
  3. is the reason why you make a new topic every time you update you future mech to get attention or something?? there's no need to do that. just keep posting on the same topic. Reckless beam is completely unnecessary. neither is that many weapons. drop reckless for a annihilation in case you run out of energy. phys weapons are meant to kill and serve no other purpose (not like boiling or draining). they are pure dmg. usually, a drone and 2-3 dmg dealing weapons (res drainers don't count) can kill the enemy just fine. even if you run out of uses like when facing someone with 4k hp, the drone can still cover while stomping the enemy to death.
  4. but if the hammer is for knockback, then rock recoiler might be better.
  5. we probably do, maybe... but are you the one who's gona actually do it?? we players basically get no say in how the game runs.... or at least in these days.
  6. NO WE DON'T!! haven't you seen all the previous topics about this and how all of them were REJECTED?!?!?!?!??!?!?
  7. farm 25 hours a day become clevername (forget i said anything down here)
  8. AftoKrator


    probably won't come
  9. As some of yall have seen, i have been making this drop rate "research" for common items. Namely in my topic : Anyways, I'm stopping the research for now after reaching a 600 sample size. About half of the statistics came from @Electro. Once again, thank you for your help . The other parts came from my main account and 2 other alts. I'll probably continue the research till I get to 1000 samples, but that'll have to wait. (school comes first). These stats are all from Common Items in base. The stats are collected in batches of 15 since that is the max number of items you can get per drop without watching an ad (which i don't have on my main). Here's the very large pie I made with the data. (not sure if it'll load or be readable (systematic squishing to fit space, also kills quality)) This is 90% for fun. Other 10% for my personal use and upgrading efficiency. As yall know, the game gives tips that said that items of the same element and mech part gives extra upgrade efficiency. It does work. I've tried it. Ofc, such small changes (like common items) probably won't be enough to make people notice or care. This might also be helpful for new players thinking about building their first mech. Good night yall. Please reply if the pie is too hard/blurry to see. Edit: Sorry, the pie is still a little small. It's missing Scalpel with a drop rate of 0.67%. same as Crazed Repeater.
  10. ah. right. WU don't have that color scheme tho. unless if there are different ones. just a hue swap. nice editing
  11. what's with the drones activated part??
  12. honestly, it's like calling air strike. like a sniper that can hit all ranges. but, then, after it deactivates, can you activate it again after a few turns?? then it will be too op. just call air strike or nuke.
  13. thanks once again. i'll take care of the last 30 to reach 600 samples. I'll probably stop there for now. i'm still thinking about 1005 samples. but that'll be next week at the earliest. i don't got much time anyways.
  14. These last two are also the same. more coincidence?
  15. two images in here are exactly the same. coincidence?
  16. AftoKrator

    good set up?

    it's still pretty rare seeing peeps use 2x heat bomb for the more serious arena battles. higher ranked boilers these days are probably more into killing enemy cap and cooling than actually boiling. the burning part comes second or maybe even third if there are res drainers present. ......... this is how i see things..... this probably applies to how most heat mechs** work in higher ranks. activate swoop. it's like starting the engine. getting both sides warmed up a little. use res drainers. immediately starting to crumple the enemy's main defense system. use red rain. feed for axe and slighly weaken cooling causing the enemy to suffer harder for the next blow. chop (terrorblade). give some more heat. decrease cap till enemy can't hold it and forced cooldown. (exaggerations) slice and dice (heronmark). sword comes in to help axe add some heat and to add some dmg. make use of that negative res. repeat 3, 4, 5 a few times. and swoop. win. ** probably only applies to mechs that look like this
  17. ok. thanks. appreciate the help. since without watching ads, you can only claim 15 items at once, just get some screenshots or something of each base drop. remember, they have to be COMMONS ONLY 25% chance to get redwall?? that's not realistic. what's your sample size?
  18. for those who don't know or forgot, Redwall is a phys sword. the C-E version of SeraphBlade. recently, i've been making some research project with drop rates in base. after getting a sample size of 300 (probably a little small. aiming for 1000 next time), i at least got 1 of each common item...... except for redwall. so on my chart, redwall currently have a 0% drop rate in my 300 or so common items. the current highest is rocket launcher (the only item that stays in common) with a surprising 7.6% drop rate. just wana ask, how often do yall get redwall? especially from buying commons in base. (MUST BE IN COMMON RARITY)
  19. AftoKrator

    good set up?

    900 heat cap isn't all that hard for peeps with divine swoops. overheating that is only in a matter of 2-4 turns for boilers. plus, frantic is heavy on heat cost. the cooling won't even be enough to cancel out one use of frantic.
  20. Soooooooooooooooooo close.... now, just waiting for some more gold
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