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White Star

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by White Star

  1. Yes i do realize that BUYING exists but that not the point here, The point being that fortune boxes aren't THAT easy to get and when you do the chance of getting epic is low, thus not very rewardind... they are a fixed prize on the free boxes and getting rare tier items out of them is not rewarding at all, grinding them on overlords den just to gain rare and SOMETIMES an epic is not rewarding enough. [ Buying stuff is irrelevant here, and so is "other games out there" because it is about Super Mechs we're talking about. ] Common drops are indeed rarer than legendary Bruh!
  2. Fortune boxes shouldn't have Common and Rare items, A guaranteed epic would've be a bare minimum instead of gaining a next to useless common or rare that someone probably has too many of, as a player i am NOT feeling very rewarded by the fortune boxes... the rng keeps kicking me in the "" over and over again... making my progress or what before was a crawl to a absolutely dragging experience. • Improve Fortune boxes so that they're more rewarding instead of a rng mess, troll mechanic.
  3. Go for the Protector drone, it is the superior one... Better than Tonto because of range. Greedy is not worthy at all.
  4. Heat points and Energy points have no usage outside of the game, because it is just a game mechanic, it's not represented by any measuring system of temperature or electricity measuring. [ Hmm.... Pilot Pizza ]
  5. I am drawer: The Sequel • Steven universe inspired character • Zeena The Zeti from Sonic Lost World, kicking a ice ball • Cala Maria from Cuphead, Drawn in my style • Splash Woman from MegaMan Series *ahem* Me Artist, me make Drawing, me a Drawer!!! Very Unga Bunga
  6. Necroposters Be Like: kek kek kek Physical name: • Laser Impaler Energy name: • Reactor Piercer Heat name: • Meltdown Ray Alternative names: • Overdrive Laser • Neutron Beam • Solar Blaster
  7. You are NOT allowed to. [ image unrelated ] Edit: You don't need to "ask" about what kinds of posts you can make, just make your posts.
  8. My favorites: [ no order specific ] • HAL • Gladiator • Gecko • Hulk • Spider • Galaxus Models A,B,C • Ultra Spade • Mammoth • Lucifer
  9. I made this drawing years ago, and just recently i ballpointed it. Character's name is Magni by the way. Previously:
  10. Yep... a heat torso with yellow light... Stupid isn't. [ U.S.A. torso from legacy had red light... ]
  11. Only IF the game had separate servers for such a thing to be... The way things are there is no need for mods or similar. at least i believe so... Edit: If these mods are just visuals, and player side only then... no problem... but other things would be a headache.
  12. A counter to counter the counters while countering other counters that counters something
  13. I have never seen this woman in my life.
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