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Posts posted by Benja07

  1. I say it's unfair that the Swoop has a profit, what about the Greedy? it is an abandoned and obsolete drone that is sometimes only used in the field that needs a buff and how to do it; I made an idea and it is more or less like this: the weight changes +1 weight, the physical damage is edited from the heat damage (new) of the Swoop drone adding with the physical damage of the Greedy drone (from level 1-40 in legendary, level 1-50 in mythical, and in divine level that is given by adding the previous statistics.

    Resistance drain does not change.) what do you think.

  2. No, I just want to know if there will be a new weapon this Saturday. Why wasn't there a fair drop rate last Saturday? It is assumed that every 2 weeks there is a new fall rate (previous fall rate on 01/23/2021, which happened with the next fall rate on 02/06/2021)

  3. I don't know but I think we all know who Squiddy is. Squiddy's first appearance was on August 16, 2018, and when some of us battled him, he hasn't returned anymore, I don't know if that was for something special or something else. But if nobody knew, that was the final boss of all SM. When will his return in the game be to take revenge for all his defeats, when?

    Don't be offended, it's just an idea

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