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Posts posted by Pavke

  1. 52 minutes ago, Marija said:

    Since the time for fighting ended an hour ago and we havent received updates from 3 pairs I urge you to do those ASAP.Β 

    If your pair simply isnt responding or co-operating, let me know and you will go to the next circle as a winner, assuming the opponent simply gave up.Β 


    @RaymondL1747Β and @negan

    @Nicolas39851740817Β and @warrior5639

    @GoodModeReloadedΒ and @Pavke

    Updates please, what is happening?Β 

    My opponent and I cant find appropriate time for fighting. Time zone issuesΒ 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    "Sometimes" is not when your opponent is a drain-based energy mech. It won't drain them and you're only reducing your energy for their turn. Fool's errand.

    Yes, but he also said that you're wrong on the low energy cap and provided a better variant so keep huffing


    Not using a teleport on a double valiant mech is literally the dumbest decision you could possibly make. He traded energy resistance for a quad, which i personally wouldn't do, I still stick by that you don't need that much energy cap on a douvle valiant mech. Based on my experience with those type of mechs I came to that conclusion.Β 

    You still didn't reply to me, what rank are you? Some of the things you say are very questionable and won't be heard from anyone that is a rank 1 or so.

    Also, if you are out of arguments, sending memes about someone "coping" or whatever shit you meant doesn't help you. If you can't keep up, just leave the topic.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    That won't matter if you won't deal enough damage to kill them once you run out of Mercy uses.Β 

    I'm aware. This mech however only has a single range 1-2 weapon so if you want to do enough damage for it to matter you need legs that will benefit from the res drainers. Mercy is super volatile and it needs the extra damage if you want to stand a chance against huggers.

    Literally who said that other than yourself? Only an idiot would use OEMP in their first turn. I'm talking about situations where you're the one starting and even Frero has said you're wrong so might as well stop coping.

    What rank are you? OEMP first turn is literally doable sometimes. Why is your concern always around huggers? It's not like there are dozens of other builds in arena but yea let's build a mech to counter huggers only. Learn that not a single mech can win every fight.

    Perhaps learn how to read. Frero literally corrected your statement and said that teleport is needed lmao.

  4. 5 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    Well, that's the whole point ofΒ someΒ people putting heat legs on all their mechs.Β  I don't.Β  I put the legs of the type the mech is when I'm fighting in the arena, because if I end up having to stomp for whatever reason, I want the damage to synergize with what type resistance I've been draining.

    So if I'm using a physical jumper and I reduce their resistance from 180 to 60, and then as we're fighting it keeps being reduced and then somehow I end up needing to stomp, my stomp will be fighting like 20-30 res or whatever.Β  If my legs are heat and they still have like 120+ heat res because I didn't drain their heat res (physical jumper), I'm fighting against 120 heat res when I stomp, which could cost me a game.

    Don't get me wrong, Pavke, I know you're a rank 1 player and (if I had to guess) you are more correct than I am.Β  But I just don't do the heat legs.Β  Still, you are correct and that's why heat legs are used.Β  And I understand why.Β  But seeing as rank 1 players put this list together, I wasn't going to argue against them.Β  Heat legs on everything just isn't me.Β  It's a valid tactic, it's just not me.

    To make it clear, I'm not saying every mech should use heat legs. If you have range 1 weapons (not swords or saws) then you most of the times go with heat legs to increase that heat resistance. Physical one is already high on its own with vest and a physical resistance.Β 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    Phys resistance is the biggest issue, also it's not about resistance but about the ability to fight huggers. That's not really doable when your heat legs will be doing 10 damage against their full 140 resist.

    There's no problem with the teleport other than it being dead weight, it's just useless on that build especially since it's en-free. Dropping it in favor of phys legs is the right thing to do.

    OEMP + drone shot and you're drained. That 400 regen won't be enough to save you with that low of a cap, especially on a build where literally everything is energy reliant.

    If you're stuck in a corner you use the hammer, the only range where you can't use it would be 4 and that's already valiant range. It's literally only good for one specific situation and that is being stuck in a corner fighting a heat mech that happened to overheat you at that very moment. I'd rather stake it on higher energy that gives you actual chance against other drainers.

    You are literally incorrect. The whole point of heat legs on mechs that are not heat is to add more resistance for heat so you take less damage from heat mechs INCLUDING huggers. All you need to do is shutdown + mercy and let the drone do the job. If you spawn at range 1 against a hugger you are dead 80% of the times anyways. Hope that your drone and mercy do good damage.

    Just because mech is physical doesn't mean you need to use all the items that are in the same element (in this case legs). If you really knew about meta as you say, you would know this already.Β 

    I don't remember players being able to pull out a drone and do OEMP first turn? I thought we only had one action point, hmm... πŸ€”

  6. 27 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    Why would you use heat legs and teleport on an en-free phys build? Death to huggers guaranteed, throw that garbage away and use phys legs.

    What are those energy stats? Get more en cap or death to other drain energy guaranteed. Chuck the tele for more weight, this build doesn't need it.

    This is literally just a counter. How dare you post garbage like this and call it META? Are you not embarrassed?

    Replace massive lava feet with phys variant, use single tele

    Using flame spear on a standard magma build. Need I say more?


    And just more counters.

    In conclusion, don't listen to what this guy has to say, he is a clown and if this was really other people suggesting these then they're the entire circus 🀑

    I disagree with few of the builds submitted, but you also sound like you have no idea what are you talking about.

    One submitted with 2x DAA is literally the best version of it. People use heat legs on most of the mechs to increase heat resistance. Also, I don't see any problem with teleport? Whats the problem with it lol

    Why would you even want more cap on double valiant mech? They are cheap to use plus the mech has over 400 regen. Even if the opponent uses OEMP first turn, you can still fire those valiants. Teleport is literally a must in this kind of build. It can happen that you are stuck in a corner where you can only use piercing fox, of course you would want to get away lol. It's also good for teleport hammer combo.

    Edit: You call few of the mechs that top 10 players used counters but you also submit this and say it's not a counter, like what???


  7. 9 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Y'all immature af. I'm guessing the people complaining are all rank 7+ who don't need the prem pack, there were a lot of people who joined and there should've been a few more rewards but it doesn't matter, all the top rankers would win anyway. Someone please send the link to Marijas server and tell me how to mute this, I don't want notifs about immature 15 year olds arguing over epics

    It's not all top rankers, ahmadBX is like rank 7 I think and he finished 2nd. If you don't want to follow the topic anymore, you can click the button under the reply box that says "following". A list of options will show and you can pick one that you like.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    I'm not saying half the people should get rewarded, I'm saying more than 8% isn't that big of an ask. Or a betting system would be nice next time, would make people more interested in the tournament if there is a big possibility to win something and you don't have to give away anything for free since there is the possibility for loss.

    Betting system? Do you mean something like "30% win - 70% lose" or a system similar to that? Wouldn't the outcome be literally the same, if not worse, because it all depends on luck again? The way it is now, there is a guaranteed chance someone will get something.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    That should be the case, if it's the boosted pack with like 3 legendaries I'd stand corrected since it would be fair otherwise meh

    Since it's like an 8% chance to win 5 epics, cross me off the list so at least others have a higher chance of winning.

    What's the problem with having a chance to win something for free? People didn't complain when tournaments on Tacticsoft's forum were 5x smaller than they are now (for top 3) and on top of that we didn't even have a chance to earn a free pack just for participating. I don't get you guys...

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