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Everything posted by Spam

  1. Today when I logged in to the forum I saw a home screen with something new and thought to myself, why not make a topic that shows the new features added to the forum over time. So I did just that, so without further ado, I give the new home screen. The new thing is the Members tab that shows what members are online. And badges, a feature that was recently added.
  2. Thanks, also never thought about that. Ideas for a new fanart are welcome.
  3. So after an accidental 2 day break, I’m back.

  4. Well not anymore, I was thinking of making something new but got a little side tracked. Cool nice to see more people posting here. Molten Magnum. Only took an hour and a half to make and it's one of my better sprites imo.
  5. Step 6 - try the old way to earn free tokens.
  6. How about this, just make the health 3,000.
  7. I’ve done that before and regretted it, I think I’ll keep it until I have a use for it.
  8. Day 21 of waiting for backfire healing drone. Day 13 of waiting to be ceo.
  9. The game does safeguard you from losing your account, you just need to remember the login information.
  10. Every ten levels you get a prem box, and they can give leggys and epics.
  11. Maybe just a shop for premium items each with prices based on their usefulness.
  12. If you have google play games it should have auto saved but other than that there’s not many thing you can do without login details.
  13. Maybe a 4.5, the regen and energy could be better though.
  14. Day 20 of waiting for backfire healing drone. Day 12 of waiting to be ceo.
  15. Don’t know what I’m gonna do with this,
  16. Base Disable Request Form Thing.
  17. Day 19 of waiting for backfire healing drone. Day 11 of waiting to be ceo.
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