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Everything posted by Spam

  1. I am the confetti mentor of doom.
  2. So I come to chat to test my second mech and I see this,


    1. Spam


      My my chat really is popular today,


  3. Yes? No? I don’t think that’s the intention, but it is a side effect. The campaign bots use different mech elements and types to show the types of builds you can make.
  4. That would be cool, it would save me time when going to my fanart thread. I would also like the custom titles back, mine was purple pilot.
  5. In campaign the mechs are like in arena but make worse choices but they can still be a res drainer and a res buffing campaign boost or whatever they’re called would be op.
  6. Thanks! (I don’t know if I should add the exclamation mark but I’m trying something new) I agree with you there.
  7. It looks amazing! How did you get it to glow like that?
  8. The contrast is nice but there is a lack in color variation, overall it's good though.
  9. Oh, don’t sweat it, it’s not a big problem.
  10. Those are canons, canyons are big cracks in the ground.
  11. Cool, but I don’t see how a canyon would be able to fire anything.
  12. Can’t tell if you’re joking or not but personally I’d recommend gravit designer or google draw, you can use both for free but gravit designer has a premium subscription with more features and has more features than google draw even in the free version.
  13. True, when making this thread I thought it would be like that, but I guess not . So, I decided to remaster it and it needs a name, Anyone have any ideas on what I should make next? HellStorm T-Mex, Hell Guardian T-Mex, Advanced Flaming Scope (Heat(Old)) Advanced Storm Scope (Electric (New)) Advanced Skullfire Scope (Physical(New))
  14. I think they stopped posting here and by here I mean in this forum.
  15. I've been waiting weeks to do this, 


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