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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Well...hmm... I spend my childhood in different countries and locations in USA. From my mom I will say 1- noodle meat soup made from scratch. Really good in reality and have not one as good so far in the market or restaurants. Not eaten since kid. 2- Funche with cod or red beans. Funche is corn starch make it like making regular rice. It can be eaten with milk or beans and others. I do not try that with milk since kid time. 3- Balaju fish just caught in the early morning first capture and going to the market at 5 am and get it for dinner. Not eaten since then. 4- Bacalao con verengena. That is cod with egg plant in tomato sauce with nice others stuff to give nice flavor. Not eaten since kid. 5- Bread from Don PEPER BAKER. so good. Sad when the building got fire. USA New Mexico 6- At the roadside there was a guy making Chicken BBQ, but the cow large ribs BBQ was amazing, and no other BBQ has tasted like that one so far. Back in the Caribbean. 7- Salmorejo de jueyes. it is a kind of crab soup. Mis that and the special hot sauce for the plantain never taste a hot sauce better so far. 8- Ramen bar places back in Japan when I was in Japan. 9- Back in Panama there was a lot of similarities in food with Puerto Rico with differences but been apart was very curious like sancocho , corn tortillas, carimanolas, ron ponche, pargo frito and few others. Never eaten since then. There are many others, but I can talk later about them.
  2. no idea about that one. There were many others too but sadly I do not remember now their names from the 90's and 2000,s. I just can't remember the names. Maybe in my old cd backups from that era. might be around in my favorite's files.
  3. I do not stop farming. that has been the only fun making parts the reason I started to play with my niece just to make parts in general no to compete or be part of clans. Now, I helped SHABBA as was able to do till no more retired. I asked the kids, but they do not join any. I can't force them to play in a clan. I will like if they can do it but..... This past season they played 2 days no more than the season before last one they not even touched. It is up to them. It has been a year since I stopped to play for vacations then retired due to too much work in real life.
  4. pray. no bad idea I guess in some ways.
  5. so far buying sometimes comes with myth status but very rare that happen in a sale and the other is farming and making them. I do make them all the time but need to farm a lot.
  6. Well, I wish to be able to transfer so many good parts that normally ended as food.
  7. full acc is better so player can help you out
  8. Sumerian Tablet. rare about him. possible when he is losing but he plays as he can with his limitations. He has been there for many years. I did not have issues with him.
  9. I do not remember. it happens to me when I started the game.
  10. they can only help you if you show your full account.
  11. it is not that bad for now and can add an energy hook with the 11-remaining weight.
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