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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Ah, I remember that picture. Nice reaching L200
  2. Basic. You upgrade for the type of mech you think will be for a period of time your main mech related to heat. energy or phys. Now, HP always will be a priority with shields and attributes. Here are the attributes for your type of mech. Go for the type of mech you use and want to use. You can balance to L4 all of them because the cost is minimal but further better to focus on a balanced way to the 3 mains of your mech preference. Here is basic to progress to also survive having more HP in your account helping the HP of your mech. This is extra 350 HP. If your mech HP is 1000, that will create a mech of 1350 but passing L4 will be more and more costly so you need to balance some equally for cost in coins. Those here are for your shields but in percentage increase. IF the shield of your mech is 100 "sure none" then if max any of them, then the shield will be 140. Sure, shields are a lot less than that. So, balance them equally. For a real grinder like me, my focus at start was balancing the others with these then I pushed because will get more gold and fuel and can level up parts faster. The others are preferences on what do you want first. I did all of them L4 then focused in the primary 3-4 because will be heavily expensive in coins and at lower rank, less coins you get.
  3. try to talk to the Staff members and see if they can give you advise.
  4. That is Cool. Back in early 2021 I decided to play for R1 testing if I was able to reach it. I knew I will be able because my first time playing hard core for rank "just one time" back in 2020 with R10 mech, I pushed to touch R2 with my originals. Never again tried and stayed farming and basic 5 wins playing for fun. It was fun for few months to get every week R1 and max all stars and get very high AP. Sadly, it got bored at some point and had no time to focus to win and decided to go back to my basic of farming and play relaxed having my own fooling around play. I have never tried again to push up except a test for fun day in low rank to R2 but was early season and the account was not played again. I am retired now from pvp for over a year and that previous year I just played on test mode and no more than R3 last day to help the clans with a bit of rank. I hope you can get R1 every week. Have fun. Do not get frustrated. It is just a game. I have fun in my ways as I can and feel and time allow. Still solo player like used to be post a year and few months on clans. My kids barely play my accounts on pvp not having progress on rank and playing old test mechs. I created just few more around, but they rarely use them to collect info. I can't play few wins as used to be due to work. I am at work so I can't play. I will get fire if do so. I just farm something I do not have to be focus and hide but pvp needs some focus and I can't. I am now on break but working in my lunch checking things ahead for my return to fix stuff post lunch time.
  5. In the beginning it does require to grind a lot for gold. Look this video in 30 days and look at the account progress at the account level. you will see the numbers moving. that means is farming fast. you just need to figure out the time to farm when is possible. check how long takes to from 0-to the fuel max in your account and time the time then grind during the day maybe 4 times. Days like today are days to use properly to get as much gold you can and days that gives fuel 100% more it will double the speed in regenerate and cap allowing you to go for 8 times or more to fully grind. Today is 200% for gold if you pvp and if you pvp a lot today will be good to accumulate gold. The base can be upgrade slowly till get 4 mines and that will take in a normal speed 6 months to get maxed. Using tokens will be faster but not wise for free players. Just balance the gold but require discipline to balance between enhancing a part and the BASE. The factories cost a lot and when start is best to focus in the mines. Just progress 1 factory to L2 no more. You do not need to use factory to make parts because cost money to make parts. The same will happen without BASE account. You have to buy boxes and will cost no matter what. L2 factory is close to a no BASE account. My account is BASE account and reached top as free to play before any purchase and farming I got now with not much pvp. vs pay
  6. WOW. That it is super nice. congrats.
  7. True All men are dogy. Next person likes Dogs
  8. get back here at once. Maybe in 2. I hope you come back at some point. In mean time, just grind.
  9. I do not know. I hope guys can help you out. Can one of you help out?
  10. you have a good mech for sure for that rank and higher. Also, you are maxing the wrong torso. Don't go further. That is brutality and you will lose your investment. U se different like Nightmare and is granted in common and rare. Can be use on top even R1. About those guys, they were there waiting for me 4 years ago doing the same and me getting blown. Some players get lucky starting with game grants and start to max them and will hurt you but that one is more a guy abusing.
  11. Ah... I do not have the numbers. I lost that file I created long ago. I trashed by mistake. Now, parts required certain amount of gold to be max from level to level common. rare, epic, legend and myth and sure some for divine. If the player is a free to play and is a real grinder: Let say a platinum plating can cost 1 million to be maxed from L1 Myth to L50 Myth. Collecting that gold for a basic active grinder not super hard cord, it can collect 1 million in 2 days but also to max the part, it will require mix parts generally speaking and control the use of them. The game gives a base of luck into be able to collect mix boxes possibilities of 0-1. That means, that there is just 50% chance to get a box let say farming one shot at OD6 with 7 fuels at Insane mode. It does require a lot of constant grinding to progress a part. No just is 50% chance to get a box in one shot with 7 fuels, the possibility to get rare and or epic part, are a ton less making the common part the part most granted making the luck even harder. Maybe collected 500 boxes and can get 250 with just common of 3 cards or 2 cards or 1 card. Let say you have to max that Platinum plating and cost 1 million from L1-L50Myth. Depending on luck, maybe the player spent 250 mix boxes to max the part but also can be 500 or more due to the lack of rare and epic parts granted and the process to max a part will take longer and frustrating. The same happens when is in Legend state. Some other's part cost less but in average cost a million on top parts to be max and the mix boxes luck. To max a part on average grinding, can take 2 weeks. That means you can make around 28 parts or so not been a crazy dude farming and playing some for extra gold and using properly the extra fuel and gold days. In the past in my first 2 years playing, I was a hard-core farming and no missed a single day actually for more than 2 years but later faded away because work and had to retired one time and now retired but still farming as average farmer should do. On those days, I was able to push hard making parts. Now I am focus into save gold and no pvp etc. As player, I was able to make 60 parts or more farming and transform them to myth per year. Now I do have 312-313 or so with if not wrong, 311 fully L50. Now I just collect gold and mix boxes and level up a single part slowly with the daily collecting 20 parts and maxing with 15 parts. When I hit 800 mix parts, then I use 200-300 and max a part in the L30's.
  12. Lets explain a little bit. This is the easier mech around to build and push up to R5 if you have the parts. 1- You need to understand that even it is powerful, it does have limitations and farts, and all depend also on luck and accounts. a) Top guns can inflict a ton of damage and push to R5 fast but also can shoot very low. I do not use this version because in my account I am unlucky with the outputs but that does not mean can be great in yours as many consistently get nice outputs. It is a gamble mech. b) That torso comes with less HP than the energy or heat versions. Even start at the same when this one reach L50 it is lower. C) The torso gives balanced energy and heat caps and recoveries but will lose more with less HP and combinations can be better with the other 2 and energy I thinks is the best. D) If you observe properly, there is no resistance available for the torso. The reason of no resistance is simple, it does have a very high HP and more weight to balance against one with resistance and less HP in a PVP and if not, will be very unfair. E) The weight limits the use of better modules set up reason some use this type of mech as counters with very high HP. Now, been in the low ranks, energy and heat is heavily in use and can kill easy the mech been a counter. Not all players are smart to play in that condition and the mechs are set to play around 3200-4000 in HP. F) Knowing the basic, you should understand that not having resistance, it will be killed faster depending more in HP to counter that possibility. The resistance that can be added, can create issues in the set up forcing ti be counter or to lack of other things as recovery. G) This picture shows how bad is in your account. The heat recovery and energy recover are super low regardless the energy and heat caps and your shield are just 39. Everyone can toy against the mech regardless the HP and kill you easy with even R20 mechs. That have to be addressed. If you do not have the parts and have at least something maybe like this, so set up like this if you are a balanced guys if not and you are a counter guy, will be different. Just giving simplistic way not messy close to what used to be in the past before the new modules. Now. using this this form, it can help a bit. Sadly, the game changed a lot related to heavy armor. This set still weak due to low shield, but it is a start to get out from R11 without much investment. If not maybe this one but weight will be at the limit even so can get a few extra HP. If you have few other parts around as full set-in modules, maybe: 1- More HP, more resistance, less energy regen. cooling but manageable, less heat/energy manageable vs phys and heat. Might suffer against energy mechs but is basic in claw set ups. or risk versus heat and energy but more HP like this and might be able to fight heat but good against phys with luck been frantic or other changes like dual teleporter or few others. Possibilities are there. You have parts but need to work on grinding. No grinding properly the right parts then forget about it. Focus in one mech. The others are fine for now. Get one decent. The others I will have to check. later. I think I helped in this before. Can't recall. Take in consideration, if your account is recent and not enough daily at least 5 wins per day to collect coins, the numbers on shield and HP will be lower than I showed. Well, what I can see you can make this one too. It can be change but you make one basic for you. Don't have to be like that. People use charge to push you against the corner and keep you there and lose drone attack, this is an R1 mech if play properly. Or There are more to combine and use 2 mechs with what you have in the account. Those are simple to avoid confusion with set ups. You can now look for some. Stop to make parts in a crazy way. Set a place in the workshop for development ideas and changes. Focus on what can do using the attributes of the weapons related of what kind damage will do with a setup of weapons for it. For example, do you want to hurt the resistance more or the HP with minimal resistance damage etc. The game is more focused now against resistance. Don't have to be like that to play and win but is prevalent now.
  13. Well, is normal average for the one looking for tokens and average for grinder. Sure, not many do that reason slow development. Not easy when young and been a student. If the player is a hard-core farming like I used to be, you can make 60 myth parts per year. If you are a good grinder will be 40-45. Average 15-20 if farm and play enough.
  14. you just need to keep trying.
  15. yes, was cool. Sad, the game kept sending 1300-1500 mechs against me.
  16. yes, there is a best way. We love our dad. This is the way today kids think. Dad wallet This is the way I think. I will give this wallet to my kids, and they can fill the empty space with goodies. Then work hard and can use that card to get easy way of tokens. just farm. I do all the time with no arena. easy not complicated.
  17. OKI DOKI


    depending on damage and in particular tickets collected is the reward in the clan against TITAN. Let say if the clan titan require 3000 tickets and you collected 600 and the others in an equally way 23 members collected 104, your reward if win the titan will be higher but some numbers even less tickets collected can be close to the one collected more.
  18. se avanza. Hacer cuentas gratis atravez de granjear oro. To Farm.
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