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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I am brain washed game player. From my OKI DOKI resent thread update New year resolution.
  2. just send honest pictures. When we ask for help even sometimes, we do not get the help, we need to be true to them. Please send real pictures.
  3. Hmm, first images are edited. This is the first thing to fix. I do not know if all is real. This is how look a real account legal on gold farmed and tokens purchase plus daily with raid and game extra grants not edited account. This is my account currently farming. Below showing how I win every season because I am the best of the best.
  4. We can't see all what do you have. Sure, you have some good parts around. In this picture below 1- You have good torso, magma, a sorrow, a shield reducer and a good top weapon. You should be way higher than R11. a) Side note. I have seen my kids plays. Sadly, there are too many players at R9-R6 with 3000 in HP all over and that is what is pushing you down. My kids use R7 mechs, but they are pushed to R9 even R10 because match maker and some snurf farming wins against weaker players. b) There is low HP in 2029. It is normal for R10-R8. Heat cap and cooling is low but manageable to some degree. c)You lose because low shields related to the R10 mechs around having more shields and HP but normal for R11. Picture below 1- HP low but will move up a bit. 2- No energy regeneration just at 99. You need as low 300 and is too low been energy mech. 3- cooling is too low to use hybrid weapon. 4- A bit of redundance on weapons. Picture below 1-Torso does have less HP than the heat and energy versions. For Monkey is best Energy and Heat and been a phys mech then maybe energy to survive a bit by luck. I do not see the full inventory and check for changes.
  5. do not know. I guess yes. I did not use the phone at that moment. I opened the PC. Maybe someone can answer that question if got it for phone.
  6. do not know. I guess everyone got it. it was a grant to the players.
  7. do you mean someone sold an account to you?
  8. happy new year for you too
  9. I am trying to farm but the game still like You know, I used to like the carousels when kid with girlfriends. Sadly, I am old now and carousels are old fashion and my kids preferred to be in an arcade. Sure, my kids as new generation are displeased having servers' connection carousels.
  10. I found the problem. The servers are lacking Vitamin D. or maybe they forgot to check in person, maybe are really down.
  11. spend money to fix it. That is the new year resolution. Spend in tokens.
  12. it has been few months in this. sure, rarely used to happen but now it is an issue. Game owner I guess are working on it.
  13. we need the best we can have to have better connection. better link.
  14. you buy me one of those to play SM if I can. It can be others similar.
  15. Weapons useless in the game 1- The player 2- The none sense Player 3- The terrible Player 4- Eh.... I won't tell few others This is what we call a dummy. Is like OKI DOKI always playing dummy. This is a dummy player getting sacked. Best weapons in the game 1- Cheater Player 2- Hacker tokens Player 3- Stilling account Players 4- Raid Hacker Player 5- Booster Players They learned well doing the best stealing all can steal. Game boss's vs Smart Players
  16. yup, I got mine. OKI DOKI- BAD LUCK BUT MORE MEAT It is a gift, so I am fine and thx for the gift. O.D. FARM-BAD LUCK BUT MORE MEAT. ACTUALLY, I DO NOT HAVE ROOM FOR MEAT.
  17. Hi groovy SM pilots How are you? I hope all goes well for you all. This will be OKI DOKI last update of the year. As you noticed, before I used to update every 2 weeks but now is more like every 3 months or so. Before my development was fast now half or less on speed and accumulation of what was and of course progress frequent updates are not necessary. I am doing fine. Today is my normal day off but tomorrow New Year now here 3:15pm USA West Coast time Zone, I have to work. Getting a beer or two is out of limit for me because then I will get the 3er with dinner. Do not get confused, I am not a heavy drinker or so, I rarely have a beer and normally is at home when I cook at the BBQ or kitchen having one very cold dressed like a bride then one with the dinner or when I do yard work by summer, I get few more to combat the heat. Do not offer beer to my mom, she will get them all and you will lose the one in your hand. My son is next to me and send greetings and Happy New Year to all of you. My kids do not have forum or Discord accounts and do not like to talk much in this game. Well, talking about the game, let's take a look to OKI DOKI last look of the year and goal set in mind. Hmm, as all we know, the game with some players with bad behaviors around, they create a lot of issues to make the game good to play for those who wants to progress in the ranking or to play fairly etc. It is sad that some issues still going on and not been fixed. In the other hand or my personal play style and purpose in this game, it does not affect me much and I can look to the side and not care about it. Sure, I do care as part of the community and as basic player, but I do not have much time available to deal with it, so I guess focus on my basic as player regardless the issues around. My goal for this next year will be a bit weird for many around because the current game issues. My goal now is to increase tokens to 60,000 and to increase with them the premium packs and reach 1000 for my own fun. I will do it slowly taking the time during this year. I can have them, but my kids last summer created a mess with their cousins in my account opening boxes and I was clearing the mess, but I still have some to resolve. I was able to control the Myth inventory at L1 and maxed them and now I have just few controlled and will get max slowly and in mean time, I will increase to 500 million mark and then increase a bit more to deal with some epics and divine them and that will cost millions. So, I will stay in the 500 million target line bouncing making parts and divining some around for the entire year and longer. Beyond 500 is hard in the way I play normally, and I want to open those boxes for fun and will be impossible to get more gold farming to get enough power kits and max future parts regardless the epics grants opening the boxes. I need to get ready and prepare lots of power kits before the opening and max them and that will be very very hard to accomplish and will take long. Right now, my account has been progressing slow but moving forward a bit more than the O.D. FARM been more focused in this one on farming even when I farm one, I farm the other but less misses. The account as O.D. FARM, still solos account out of clans till my kids have the desire to join one. They still have no desire to join clans even I would like to join and get some clan war and possible relics grants. I was able to increase from 411 million from my last post to 472 million in gold. I will get 500 by the end of February or so and increased to 50,000 in tokens and will move up as mentioned or will stay around till get the necessary to get 1000 premium packs. Haven't use the BASE for long to make power kits and still the same not finishing. I will keep it like that for few more years or so about to finished. I still controlling Mix Boxes. I will be increasing premium boxes to reach 1000. Someday will use them. Future Premium boxes. Parts- Basically the same since last time been focused into increase gold plus finishing MYTH at L1 to L50. Done but added few more and working on it slowly. DIVINED= 85 MYTH/DIVINED=311 LEGENDS=200 EPICS=83 Stay cool and have a nice New Year celebration with family and friends. Do not get in trouble. Best wished for you all in the new year. CHEERS
  18. maybe but that weapon should be available during regular farming been a RARE weapon. You need to farm. It should come like this but for heat really often just pay close attention before level up parts
  19. WOW, I remember back then Now is a Monster
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