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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. WTF. It is the primary account you hard worked again after losing the first one years back? That will be insane.
  2. I thought you recovered. Play just in supermechs. hope you did not erase the acc.
  3. O.D FARM-Few months of work. OKI DOKI- The rest are maxed. in progress
  4. offers used to be scheduled 2 times a year and every schedule was 6-month schedule. New owner was not into much about schedules, but it does require some. Before we can predict basics but out of the blue some offers came along with parts. Now there is not a full sequence even we can predict a bit. Seling parts are not normal with the new administration instead only 2 times have seen that and the first was back last October and today.
  5. I am not an old guard but sure in general the players agree with you including me in some ways but can break the game doing too much. There is a balance to sustain but sure a bit can be add.
  6. correct, even players playing at R1 or clan the price is very low. I think a bit more can be adjustable.
  7. sadly, no news about new parts or changes.
  8. WOW, I am really surprised of the offer. No long ago we had the first in 2 years or so. This is a very rare offer even during the time with TS. Nice opportunity guys if you need them and like to play close.
  9. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope Santa brought to you that special gift. I got mine. Taking the day off and spending some time with family. When I was young, I used to be the one decorating the pine tree. I remember going with my dad and buy the trees or even cut the tree. Many thigs have change. I like natural trees and the smell. It is funny that I was not into gifts but just to have the day off away from school and play around. This will be the last update of the year. My O.D. FARM progress still slow with lack of farming in the account but still progressing. I have been focusing on the gold reserve accumulation to reach 500 million and still maxing Myth L1 parts at disposal. It will take me few more months to finish to level up them to L50. After I get into 500 million, I will keep saving a bit more to Divine some epic parts and keep the same rate of maxing parts very slow for some time till get those epic divined. Let see the acc I was able to increase to 453 million toward the new goal of 500. Will take months ahead to reach 500 but I am not in a rush for it. The BASE still idle. Wow, 1.5 years not in use to make power kits. Mix boxes still under control. Right now, trying to increase then to 800 plus. Coins not in use. Sad... Future Premium boxes I play the TITAN few times a month. Parts DIVINE=68 MYTH=304 LEGEND= 253 EPIC=45 Have fun CHEERS
  10. there is no 6 legendries relics request having a max of 5. also, if you want opinion, show the weapon in question and the forum can help.
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