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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. no clue. I do not play others for long
  2. I got my O.D.FARM reward just now. Again. O.D.FARM constant bad luck. Frustrating. I have no room with so many Legendary parts and no parts to max in need.
  3. Hmm, the gang when I joined you been part of the clan on those days till you lost your account and have to rebuild and make Top Gun clan with new account farmed from zero, the core of that group was solid. Other members come and go. It was a good clan for sure with good members and very communicative. The clan was based on wins for the rewards with titan and war and sustain a top 10 position. I never will understand why people come and go from clans that are stable in a good spot. The clan acted close to the top on those days like Reign, LLYL, HTK, TF, WL and few others about clan responsibilities. Not everyone can play that much for that long except few like Kitty. Such hard worker player in all sense and so great playing pvp. Not that many can play at his level and not interested in solo medals or clan medals. Just pure wins for gold, relics and titan as pure player. Some others too like that core of players were together. I joined as temp as you know not to stay just helping Shabba after asking for so long. I always rejected everyone. Did it for him been cool guy and asking over and over even when I started in my R20's reason I decided to join for first time a clan, but I was clear I will be as temp been a solo player to avoid clan dramas and play in peace. You worked very hard and that is the reason I wanted to help you out last year, but I retired from pvp and the clan needed power and basic and you know well I will not join any clan if I will not do what it is in need as part of a clan. I do not like special considerations because that does not feel right. I am a fair square guy in games or in personal life not liking to take advantages of anyone. My kids were not willing to compromise to anyone and because they are the one that play some pvp, I can't force them to join a clan. I really do not understand why been at top, suddenly fall. Sad that Pinky left but it is not your fault. The problem was basic that some do not want to take over for the clan but also few wanted, and few did not want them been good for it. That was confusing to be honest. I know they wanted me to be leader, but I do not have time for such thing. Now, when I left, it was not planned. I went for vacation but then in my back to work there were changes and new assignment and my play time changed too not having the chance to play some time to time as used to do on my break at work. Sadly, no more so no pvp and kids tried to help that year with a previous job change to stay and do work in the clan but all change again and they have to play their own games and their own SM acc too and no time for it because school and personal life to enjoy as they like as kids. I can't force them to play my accounts. I do farm because I can but pvp not been. MY son told me to try one clan one account, but he does not want to compromise to anything. My girl does not want to join any and also has been playing barely anything in the account and my son has been playing both times to time. The accounts need relics and been solo almost all of these years, I have barely few relics to max a premium. It is about what part to max or none. I have not maxed a premium since 2021 and it was because been part of CANDELA and RF. I will join OKI to bumbum when spot it is around available because my son says so as temp and if do not like with bad people then he will kick out the account. I can't do nothing about it because he is the one to fight war and few wins if can. I have no clue about his own O.DFARM because is the one he plays as primary and my girl is OKI as older sister. Will see if he will join O.D to RF former clan and still deciding this week. It is confusing about them. I do not get it. He said that will check what it is there or nothing. I do not know about your clan choice if they want. I will ask them. In this moment the accounts need a top 10 for relics reason my son will help me if like the clan it is ok for now. As you can see my accounts, has been solo since I had to leave or better say kicked out with logic and I requested just in case. Sure, send me also your clan info. I tried to join a week to the clan last year, but my kids no wanted to join any or changing their versions. Sometimes yes, then not then maybe then yes and played like that till now. Maybe I join for a week OD. if my kid say yes then will look for a top 10 if want or not.
  4. I wish the level was open without end. I will have my account level in 1687 if I were steady as back then. Sure, my account Level won't be less than 1400. Just dreaming if they open without a cap of 250. I think your L30 it was the max in legacy time.
  5. Also, go here and see what you can complete. You can get good tokens there Keep asking questions per day events or so. Like today is great to advance account using the fuels and let it regenerate again to level up your account very important This event was my favorite event when I started. It was my real fun to see my account leveling up to L250. I did it in 8 months even. Sure, it is insane to be able to do that, but it is a great event, but players always say it is a trash event. Do not believe that. During the progress to level up your account, maybe is the best can do because as you advance your level, you can get more free space, few need weapons and your fuel cap will increase. Do not believe no sense saying it is a waste of event.
  6. oh, just try to farm and get new parts doing so with epics. Fighting in low rank maybe can do some wins with the Legacy. Do not eat them. Keep them and advance a bit the account. It is possible to get gold. Just test max capability to see max spot can play solo and let it roll. Some pvp can be win for sure. Just have fun and do not get frustrated. As you are older than me in this game, you know well that some players are abusing in lower ranks trying to get wins for reward. Just do your own thing and do not get frustrated. I recommend 5 wins so you can max per day you the need of silver coins to enhance account. If not, get 3 wins so can collect 10 tokens and extra 20 fuels Also, to get more space depending on your condition, it is low cost in at the beginning to get extra space with tokens. It is a good investment till some point. As progress in that will cost a lot impossible to buy. Just add some and will be good. Token wise use in your case. No matter your current rank, drop till is sustainable according to current power. No shame on it.
  7. farm and get some wins at least just 5 per day
  8. nice relaxing music. Very nice. Sure, that Indian background sounds. I like their styles also very cool guitar and base design.
  9. I got mine in OKI DOKI but still waiting for O.D.FARM OKI. That 1 is the grant
  10. Well, all depend on your personal choice choosing your game priority as preference. No one can tell you what will be. Now, 2V2 OD8 it is for Fortune boxes possibilities. Some accounts are friendly with the owner granting some and good items with it but every account it is different with different results. In my case, I do have bad luck farming Fortune boxes. It is very low possibility to get them in OD 8. No just I have poor luck with the possibility to get them but also it does reduce the possibility to get regular mix boxes. People that chase that, it is not wrong if the account it is a bit friendly because can get good stuff, in my case it is a bad choice if go for it. I have done it many times, but it is terrible for my accounts. So, you need to think about what it is the priority in your account at this point. Just few ideas to think about it using this option As you can see above, the game provides some grants per attack area. 1- Gold 21000 if win the fight without using more fuel trying. 2- 50% of chance to get a mix box. Maybe get one maybe not of Fortune box it is way less possibility. 3- XP 15,00 which provide enhancement to the account leveling up from L0-L250. If your account it is nice with you with F.B. grants, it is worthy to go for and if is good to you in the grant when open the box. Many people get them very easy as mentioned and others in the middle of the road and others are terrible like in my case. Let's think a bit now moving to OD6 Insane 1V1. 1- It gives 9600 in gold but actually was changed few years ago for a bit more, not much but helps. 2- You will need 2 times 7 fuels meaning 14 to go for 2V2 insane but that one does not grant that much on fortune boxes so hard is best and can use 12 fuels. Even the gold can be a bit higher, the difficulty is harder, and you will have to play the fight normally speaking depending on your arsenal. 2v2 3- Thinking taking in consideration for not a full developed account, this is how much you can farm using 2v2 insane in contrast to 1V1 OD6. 95 divided in 14= For OD6 Insane 95 divided with 7 That it is a huge difference but if think in gold terms will be 2V2= using number in the gold display as it is 1V1= In terms of gold, playing OD6 Insane vs 2V2 insane OD8 it is less. Sure, people will not play 2v2 insane rather OD8 Hard, but this is a basic contrast to analyze. For 2V2 Hard will be and still better in gold than OD6. So, some players play better this one because more gold but takes longer the fight. Not bad for a smart player doing the math. Now there are some factors to consider depending on your own acc status and personal choice for some reasons. In my case, if I play 2V2 Hard even better gold, having poor possibility to get a fortune box, it is not just the only reason why I do not go for it, and it is the reduction in my account of the own possibility to get even mix boxes. As mentioned before and in the game description, it does provide the possibility of 0-1 mix box grant making this a 50% chance to drop a box. That means, every time you click to farm, you can get or not get one mix box. So, for me will be terrible in my account. Now, thinking about progressing the account away from that extra gold if have the power to do so in 2V2 Hard and middle of the road F.B. grants luck. Let's assume you are in the account level 100 and wants to enhance your account level just for the fun or for others thing that come with. If you compare carefully, 2V2 Hard the HP normal grant will be 15k with 12 fuels In the case for OD6 with just 7 fuels less hard fight and better for developing players will be 19k Why it is important? The game provides few things advancing the account. 1- More storage space to have parts in it. 2- It will increase fuel cap. The maximum is 95 with arena fuel maxed plus account level. I am maxed so I calculated 95 as example. 3- It will grant few legendary items that will be useful Now, let's add a few other reasons using OD6 in my case or maybe for other players too. Even a bit less gold but thinking in a L100 acc player. 1- In order to level up account, you need XP as mentioned making OD6 a super-duper fast fight with super XP grant with only 7 fuels. So, a guy/gal with acc L100 an example, it will be able to level up faster the account than to use 2V2 OD8 Hard. How come? The math is already mentioned. 95 divided by 7 is so you can farm 13.5 times instead of 6.7 getting a good chunk of XP using OD6 Insane vs 2v2 Hard No just it is above 100k more in OD6 in normal day, but a day like today it does add more. 2- Because you need to level up your weapons, normally you will need mix boxes not using the BASE just for saying. Why? Just think about it. If you play 6.7 time and consume all the fuels of 95, you have a 50% to get 1 mix box. If you were lucky to have 100% getting mix boxes, you will collect 6 mix boxes to help level up your mech parts. In the case of OD6, you can farm 13.5 times making 100% grants of 13 mix boxes. Sadly, the reality is that you have 50% opportunity to get a box if luck meaning that in 2V2 Hard using 95 fuels you can get 3 mix boxes vs 6 mix boxes in OD6. I finished to use 400 mix boxes leveling up some parts and still have some in reserve If I were using 2V2 Hard, I will be empty of mix boxes for sure. Yes, maybe a player will say, it can get more gold using 2V2 Hard then go to the base and craft power kits. Sure, can do that and maybe even out the play just related to that part but in the end, the balance between crafting and getting mix boxes will drift away and will lose gold and will have less parts to level up at some point. Even can go to OD6 normal and mix boxes possibilities can be 95 divided in 5 making 19 and half of that will be 9.5 boxes but it will cost the loss of gold doing that. Just in case of need of mix boxes, can go for it. Hope this help a bit.
  11. wow. I have such bad luck with that one. hmm, why no nightmare if no other better choice?
  12. correct, modules. Focus on modules for a while
  13. yes. There are sometimes delays with it. Sometimes fast and sometimes takes time. It is not the first time for me to wait for it
  14. I wish good luck to both of you
  15. Do not worry. I was thinking to do this Then reality happens This is my pam waiting to cook the egg CHEERS sometimes takes time. I got one after few days in the past
  16. WOW, that it is really nice. So much progress in short time. Really nice to see one of the few around hard core.
  17. Nah, that is a man man's weapon. It is a weapon to say "TAKE THAT LOSER" On your face. Sure, I do not use because always fart at me.
  18. I haven't received any so far. No OKI no O.D.FARM.
  19. I had again bad luck in O.D.FARM. It is terrible as always. I keep making parts just to make because no good parts I can have not been granted so far. I barely have room to level up parts because too many legends for meat and still maxing old parts transformed long ago. No room and no part to max for combat. SAD
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