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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. There are some threads for Legacy conversations. You might search for them and keep the conversation, and some will be able to answer. Many here are former Legacy players from that era regardless current rank status. I am just Re-loaded player.
  2. Well, just to start, you are just starting to play the game as I can see. For sure you are doing a good job trying to set up. 1- Focus in just your first mech. Limitations in modules it is normal starting and even takes time to get basics. 2- Having limitations in weapons, heat seems ok for now. Do not max beyond L40 weapons torso and legs giving a spare time to get other parts might like but do not make parts to make. Gold and mix parts require a lot of grinding. 4- Get these if possible one of them. It is a part that come in RARE-EPIC status or use the same one as side weapon . Those parts can help to rank up a bit. Sure, later on will need change. The weapon I showed first, require more energy and you are limited for now in that one having more problem to regenerate energy. Maybe another second as you have now, can help on energy deficiency having more heat spare. Focus on modules as you have for now. Max to the maximum in some of them that will stay in RARE or epic but it is normal. For these, go to L40. 5- The drone can be max for now but hold back till get modules in shape before do more on weapons. Just balance energy and heat consumption according to usage and attacks. 6- Side weapon can help a bit but eat life. Need to be careful having low HP. Can be useful for now but careful. 7- This can be useful for now and for raid and even some campaign but then will be not good for pvp at higher ranks like the side weapons but ok for now. Just focus on modules.
  3. I know. Still cool torso.
  4. Sadly, it is with real money using a credit card and buying gold, tokens and premium packs. If you ask for free to play, then the answer is grinding every day to get mix boxes and gold as basic it is sounds. How many times to farm a day to progress fast? The basic answer will be 4 times a day to get average 350-400k plus collecting gold from base that add 100k and 5 wins for a close 100k depending on ranks. So, if farm 4 times let's say 400+100+100 you can earn around 600k per day with just 5 wins. Let say for you been a new player, lets round 400k. With the 4 times farm full cap, just for saying, depending on your campaign choice place and difficulty, that mean having 60 in fuel cap in OD6 Insane, can farm 8 times per full cap making that a total of 32+ grinds having a possibility of 50% to get a box making that around 16 mix boxes to collect a day or so depending of choices, can farm the options of less fuel and same rate of grants and can get more mix boxes and advance faster. In a week you can push hard the level of your mechs without the BASE. If decide to use BASE, depending on your acc status, can be costly and you need to ensure you are constant in the grinding per day average. Because you will earn less for now at your acc and rank status, it might require also extra PVP to get some extra gold.
  5. The money bug in the factory when you go to create a letter, several zeros keep appearing, in the Brazilian language, I ask q if you could fix it.
  6. You are welcome D4RK.
  7. provide information to the Staff, they might guide you.
  8. Spanish English or German, you will get them always reason why my kids rarely use it and do not use forum. They do not have friends in this game because people are rude often. They do not like to answer normally unless they were part of former clans and rarely for sure. The game is good, just players sometimes get out of line too much. It is not the game perse but people and that it is the same in others chats games I have been. Nothing out of normal
  9. I wish to have 3 of them. When I started to play, some people used to use it and I was confused. Because I never played Legacy, so I had no idea about it, and I assumed was part of the current game and the tiny repulse that some still use including some useful legs
  10. hmm, normally getting anger against someone else stupid action. Can be use in different forms depending on cultures. For me in the American way maybe is like that.
  11. Because they are not OKI. OKI makes the difference. VOTE for him in the general elections. Free BEERS to everyone.
  12. nice, th robot got tired and resting a bit. Maybe pushed away with the repulser.
  13. try to load program at your PC without log in to face book using supermechs log in. The account should be there and can access. Maybe can uninstall the game from your phone and re-install then log using SM option.
  14. those are when Frantic just fart and players quit the fight. They go with the pumps to the max using then realize steroids are not good because as soon stop to use them, then lose hopes to win.
  15. yes. cool. one of the effects with the fire looks like the mech was farting fire.
  16. really cool. next competition will have to summit just one. Like all of them. Will be nice to have them in the game. Can be the next level of SM power. More releases.
  17. I feel you bro this is my last one long ago. I told my kids to save copy always in my pc even no posting. I have copy from start It is funny because I am building up 1000 this year for fun and my expectation it is what you can see below.
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