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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 21 hours ago, Stevcelord said:

    Can someone help me and send a file or link of the legacy GodMode stomp sound when he used back in the day i really want to have that sound I cant find it anywhere 

    So if someone has it or knows pls send me i would much appreciate it 🙂🙂🙂😊


    @OKI DOKI do you by any chance have that stomp sound from the legacy GodMode or know where can i find it?

    No idea. I think I saw a video not long ago with Godmode. I am not Legacy player. 

    Oh, I think Madao San or Alex videos of the starting game changes until the end of Legacy or individual fights. 

    Ah, I found this one with our Cool Alex YT. Have fun.  No stomp. I will search when have time. 


    Hmm, I think our Dwightx got it. Pay attention around min 2:16-2:18min 


  2. Hi Pilots

    How are you doing?

    I am fine. 

    The sun is rising again even here is cloudy and raining but the change is coming. 

    Living in different parts offshore, I used to live in different climates especially tropical. It was very nice to hang out with friends. Now I live in a place is cloudy around the year and I like. 😂 I do not know; I think I got old and colder weather it does feels better to me, and I can sleep better. Raining colder days are nice just different than nice raining days at night in tropical area in houses with zinc roofing. 

    It was nice on those old-style houses and that roofing and falling the rain. Hard to listen others but awesome to sleep with that noise and mosquito bed net. 

    Just old memories living in different places or staying around for some times jumping around with my dad. 

    Anyway, let's talk about game progress. 

    The account improvement it has been minimal and regular on gold accumulation but moving forward. 

    I was able to increase gold from 472 to almost 530 million. 

    I decided to purchase few offers as I mentioned to increase premium packs to 1000 by the end of the year. No rushing. Just taking my time slowly for fun. 


    The BASE has not been touched since 2022 not making parts to increase gold reserves.


    Mix boxes keeping them high as usual normally no less than 500 maxing parts and premium packs started to growth.


    Clan coins are growing slowly but when can, I play the Titan. I had to walk away of my clan because there was a glitch and was unable to collect titan coins and created now this new clan 6.0 and titan changed. image.thumb.png.002973f5e44addef1c08628c0219438a.png


    Someday I will use this image.png.65c54edfd02def68c72593193074df3d.png

    My kids play pvp time to time. Not every day but few days a week. I just keep farming and help raid to be completed if they forget to do it. 

    Very terrible luck to get a gold relic with rank at 7. Just getting epic meet and not often epic relic. 😡 No getting luck with fortune boxes. 

    I have been making just collection parts using only mix boxes farmed. Parts not for top combat but for testing at L50 for my normal fun for the future if I play few rounds around the year at mid rank and to add for a weapon not in the arsenal. You know, my typical fun if do a play for data collection. 

    Let see parts!

    There is a total of 



    EPIC= 78 

    Legends has been decreasing using current to make myths. I have too many legends that I will not use and will make one part and the rest will be eaten step by step making room for the future opening and I need the space. It is sad to eat them after so much time invested and few dollars around throughout the years. I saved some captures for my records as always just in case my mistakes. 🥴 There are more to go. 😭



    The progress will stay slow for now and will increase some more gold needed by the end of the year to make power kits for future weapons from the fun opening and gold will drop fast due to maxing those new future parts and I will do it fast and gold itis essential for it. I am making an average of 2 parts per month give or take depending how much I was able to farm and at some point, I will make divine epic parts one per week to reduce relics accumulated even are not many not getting them often and it is annoying thing to be honest that bad luck. 

    Current parts. 








    Image result for CHEERS beer anime

  3. 2 hours ago, .No. said:

    Update on No, got the $20 token offer, as well as the sheriff hat offer! Finally got around to buying paint for my mechs. Also started saving up boxes so the 5 packs from today's offer are going to have to wait to be opened. 








    Update on Yes, I finally maxed out the base! Started saving on this acc too but I'll still be making progress with upgrades once I get power kits upgraded.



    WOW, this is fast.  Farming F.B. 

  4. 16 hours ago, Stevcelord said:

    no o struggle to get the items i need to get higher ranks but mostly i dont mind getting top only making all kind of interesting or funny builds plus all the top ranks have all the meta opi builds 3 times full divine and are hackers so it's gonna be years until i get top rank also i am an OG +10 years player so i know to make meta builds i just i am waiting to get the weapons i need for that 😂😁👍

    Just click there image.png.7905970b411f9693060439435bd4b39c.png🤡




  5. No, my children are not in a clan.

    My accounts are solo accounts. In the past I played for some time in two clans. 

    OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM first clan was CANDELA INC. belong to SHABBA. Cool guys and cool core players. 

    I joined OKI DOKI as SHABBA requesting me since I was a starter and I denied joining any clan for over a year including my niece that played the account alone for some time back then. He used to chat with her and me and the clan used to have some ups and down. After begging for a year, I decided to give him a temporary support. I did because he always insisted never quitted so just to him then I decided to help. 

    I joined just OKI and played according to what I was able to offer due to work and family. The temp condition extended many times because new players were inconsistent leaving and coming back. Annoying to be honest. Great clan and players just fooling around to get the clan reward without work for it. 

    The core of the clan, they were awesome team and really hard workers for the clan. I stayed because those guys "and lady" really tried hard so I stayed longer to help them, and they were good to me and accepted me as one of them.

    I joined then as extra O.D.FARM to help for WAR and I became good on it helping to achieve consistent WINS. Sadly, I had some new job assignment and bosses with a lot of work to do and I have to retire O.D.FARM  from CANDELA and stayed idle then I offered to join back with my personal offer, and I was granted entry to RF cool guys. 

    I stayed playing till some work changes hold me back and I had to hand over my accounts to my children, but they have their own accounts too. They did what could do with limited time for my accounts then I had to take a long vacation out of communication back in Nov 2022 and because I was out of communication for long due to the area where I went for those months, I told the clans if no see me playing then to kick me out. 

    The in my way back to home, I had another assignment at work and killed my even farm time for months and my kids refused to play my accounts so stayed idle. Passing many months, then they started to play just time to time and no desire to join clans. 

    Anyway, they play for fun only. Because they do not play every day, the account in pvp is mostly idle and no desire to rank up and use test mechs belong to my old test R7 mechs. I just farm the account and time to time I do TITAN those with lower tickets collection no more than 200-300. They play Raid when remember so I check often if played Raid if not then I do the missing day but I also miss those days and Raid now mostly is 40% in full and the rest partial days. This season I completed. They not played and account was idle for 4 days then they played few 5 wins. 


  6. WOW.  My hat to you bro. Excellent keeping 3 acc and basic daily. Not easy. I did 8 acc when I started but work changes changed all and have to give them away to my family. I used to use 3 computers, notepad and the phone at home plus at work on break time. Farmed cascading turns. All of them reached top as free. 🙃 Some people should join you been active in pvp. I do not play in reality since FEB 2022 and my kids took over for just few rounds around, but the account was idle for months and multiple times I retired unable to really play and stayed basic to 5 or none and went solo on those days and solo since nov 2022. I was solo player from the beginning no clans. A Lone Ranger. 🎠🤠


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