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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 2 hours ago, Cole_Since_2012 said:

    I don't really go to arcades myself, it's usually a rare occasion with friends, and whenever we do we usually all stick in one group going from game-to-game to see who can do better. πŸ™‚

    I'm usually better at most of the rhythm and accuracy based ones. I suck at luck based ones. I also suck at claw machines, I don't even bother with them.Β πŸ˜”

    Last time we went to ones we also did some bowling as I lost first place to ONE POINT!!! I'm known as "the tryhard" of the friend group so that was a great upset.Β πŸ˜‚

    But anywhere, great story! I find it funny that you decided to grind Super Mechs EVEN AT THE ARCADE HEHEHE. I should start think about doing the same thing. 🀭

    Ha-ha. Was fun. Yup, if you have a phone and no issues to use, then the grinding keeps moving. That is the reason why I increase. I time the time to grind before goes to full cap and stop. I like to keep it running.Β 

    Cool Master TryHard. Nice.....Β 

  2. The other day, my boss and a group of employees we went to a big arcade place to have fun as a team thing in a different city after work.Β 

    We got some pizza and soda as food. The arcade center has many video games and ton of other stuff for entertainment because the place is big.Β 

    I was surprised that the place was packed with full families around. There were people older as me and I will say much older in their 60's and solitaire wolfs playing their teen favorite games.

    You can see those old people digging the games like real kids getting back to their breaking records. You can see their smiling faces. 🀣

    I was kind of curious to see little kids fighting to get a machine to play and compete like in my arcade time when kid.Β 

    I played tons of games from that era, and I was so rusty that I was getting kill fast.Β 

    Well, I had to do something for those fast killing and I decided to play getting back my memories and to focus. My body started to react, and my aching body started to get more lose.

    My old body memory started to respond as auto mode and started to improve fast.Β 

    At some point I got into some games and got into my focus so deep that became that teenage super-duper record maker. One of the harder games I got stuck in the game increasing and increasing and can't lose then became the place attraction having everyone surrounding me. 🀣 

    It was so funny. Anyway, because I spend some hours in a game after playing others, the place was almost ready to close and had to leave the game full of goodies like when I used to play when kid.Β 

    I had fun. What it was more interesting to me, it was to see those old people and kids playing arcade and having fun.Β 

    Even I was playing arcade games and before I got stuck in one unable to kill me, I had my phone with me, and someone look at it and saw something what I was doing in that moment and asked me.

    Just guessΒ πŸ€”


    Yes, you are right. 🀣 I was grinding. 




    Image result for cheer beer anime


  3. It is not that you are doing anything that wrong. It is about your acc is newer and some people have some luck in some parts granted. Every acc is different.Β 

    Your set up is based in what you have right now. No shame.Β 

    I will give you few tips might like or not. Just look for ideas and improve them according to info for your personal taste.Β 

    Let's focus a bit on the limitations so do not get frustrated.Β 

    1- You do not have control of match maker. The match maker it is a pain in the butt. Everyone wants to win having the mechs that our mech can beat and show the finger to them. Well, not me. I just play for fun. The issue sometimes is that the match maker looks for your weakness and set you up with those sometimes in line. That it is not a joke. We cannot avoid playing against Smurf's.Β  Some of them can go that high but limited in other areas too related to their caps on heat and energy. Sometimes is best to play at different hour so the system does not set you up all the time with the same players.Β 

    2- It is nothing wrong with the weapons in use generally speaking but will have limitations. Those are ok to some degree in progress and particular rank. Those are more to reach R10 and hard to pass from that cluster and with decent modules. Right now, is hard to get there lacking on them keeping you at much lower rank.Β 

    Check the modules to close future power and natural HP if had the premium parts on modules needed to simulate current set up.Β 


    If you look above the Regeneration at 128 and cooling at 166, both in the future maxed identical as it is, will be really bad to fight at top. Cooling and regen will not support the consumption and been attacked at the sometime and you will run out of energy and will overheat attacking and getting damage from opponent.Β 

    It is not your fault. It is grants luck, so it is what it is.Β 

    3- The power output it is important. Sure, with those weapons, will be hard to be someone with 700 in heat cap and even worse having limitation in cooling.Β 

    4- Your hammer it is a good weapon but sadly it is best to use the heat recoil you have there to cover both ranges 1 and 2 and current just cover 0-1. That force you to move forward to attack. and lose an attack. Sure, you want that one to use the top weapon but will lose a turn very often so better recoil.Β 

    5- Using energy mech is hard for you at this point not having regen and no proper modules for it but will be nice because at lower rank can help stop them good enough to advance some.Β 

    6- I will use better physical because will consume less energy and overheat using heat weapons will be less. Sadly, you do not have a shield breaker but can use some sort of limited.Β 

    7- Your mech use physical drone which does not allow you to capitalize in heat to overheat the opponent.Β 

    8- You have very nice leg and torso for sure.Β 


    Let see. I will make a mech for me for the fun of test for loss and see what happen with your weapon around for phys. It will be exploited but just to show what I mean.Β 

    This is an example with energy, heat and phys attacks with the current set up in modules using a phys set with your weapons at L50.Β 




    As you can see those videos. You can observe even advanced condition, sure shields not at max, your regeneration and cooling are terrible, and the effect is a mirror image at lover rank and power you are at. If you observe well, the heat mech which similar players less developed does possess at R10, will get you and if you use the heat version, you will heat up your mech attacking plus damage from opponent.Β 

    In the case of energy opponent, it is a disgrace. I played in that way so can see reality.Β 

    In the case for physical attack, confronted one of the best mechs and having lower shield affected me more but with a full shield, can stand better and make up and can get some wins versus heat and phys mechs as a loss for energy. Maybe the game will screw you up with a bunch of energy mechs as do with me with some set ups I do intentionally.Β 

    Let's try your weapons set up at L25-L50 as your current set up. I have not developed some weapons at L50 but at myth status or legend.Β 

    Β image.thumb.png.07ed9235c749ff8ca879a6216a63c761.png



    You can see what will happen. Enry mech is bad for it. Heat will kill you and phys will manage poorly because drone is phys not helping in last attack.Β 

    Look at it. Think through about what do you do with your parts, how much farm, weapons preference and current limitations.Β 

    If you need help to make a mech, your limitations are hard to make them but at your rank you know what you see to push forward. Just ask again the forum to help out after watch videos.Β 




  4. Nice. Welcome to the SM YouTube channel.Β πŸ‘Β Cool.Β 

    Nice inventory. A lot of power potential. You can make miracles with that acc. Grind. 🍻

    Nice to see you around doing this too. You are a legend in this game.Β Β 

    Hey, I was part of the clan. Tell my homies to rank up a bit and stop the laziness. They can be at top 10 if want with little to nothing effort. They are top super-Dupper R1 players.Β Β πŸ‘

    Use the whip if have too 🀣

    Museo LoPiΓΉ: God save the queer (1.03)

  5. nice. instead of individual pages. create you progress thread and follow your own history progress then look back what it was. keep records for fun it does gives motivation to look forward the next chapter. 🀑

    Β Nice advance.Β 

    About the base, sure you want to make parts but remember that you can advance the BASE just until can make the 4 mines. Do not go beyond L2 in factories. You no need a 4 factory because low gold reserves. Having low amount of gold and mix parts around to level up parts, it is not wise to make parts due to cost. Do not put a rope on your neck. when get the 4 mines then focus to level up them in full and stop everything else in the BASE. If you are crafting parts is a sign that farming is low or progressing really fast eating all in front of you. I am a fast part maker and good grinder. Just balance.Β 

    Focus to make strong best mech and that is ensuring modules. If have to balance for 2 mechs I will understand if crossed to use 2 mechs rank. Even so, use best for best set at this point.Β 

    Careful in making parts just to make parts.Β 

    You can transform parts to myth making your own legends for food if have too. Be wise using the epics granted and reserve some for the other mech as shields and plates regardless are the lower grants but weight is the same and will give your ideas what can be in the future.Β 

    Use proper meat epic parts for it. Some examples, this is me making epic parts to make them legends then use those legends as meat to transform to myth the parts interested. The two circulated, are real trash to eat and can be converted to legend then to be eaten. The others are decent weapons for combat at some ranks so for you will be to decide what can be with them. You will have to get more epics trash to make the legends and help your L40. You need to have strategy.Β 





    Just be wise. To do this, you need to grind to have gold and mix parts.Β 

    I used some already some and I was 500 early this week.Β image.png.fb5ce449ce2c37c2c61aab59b1782537.png

  6. Sorry. I do not play but I did few at my kid current rank. Accounts were not played maybe like a day or so. Rank reflect they do not play much, and rank drop every next season.

    I played for you few so you can have an idea. I built again that mech.







    I played my other account with energy and heat test mechs. Account was too low in rank. but I moved up to represent the real rank7 is belong too. You can see the heat mech is weak but if play as combo and think about positions, you can still close a gap of less power vs opponents. The energy mech was set to combat in middle ground abuses so does help to contain the account goes down on rank and harm the other players. Normally it was bult for two heat mechs as combo with limitations on purpose for analysis data collection a thing I do for long and create charts.Β Β πŸ™‚










  7. On 3/6/2024 at 8:36 AM, Nabboy said:

    Whats the fastest way to collect legendaries? I've watched videos from years ago and apparently the old loot boxes gave them tons of legs? So what now?

    mom and dad credit card.Β πŸ˜€

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