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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. 2 hours ago, JamAnime said:

    DAY 28

    Did same daily routine, and farmed. Today I decided to go farther in the campaign in insane. I've completed The lost Valley....



    ...Moved onto the Danger zone, where I hit the wall on 8....


    If you noticed, I have not done any side missions. Just not feeling like it yet. As for account lvl now, at 93. Mech the same. Might have to use heat at this point. That's about it. Completing little by little. Oh, also upped a heat module to legendary, today.

    nice.  it is time for OD6. 🤣

  2. 2 hours ago, Zinga said:

    Ahh, so you are a grinding addict, you enjoy the euphoria of the end of a day after grinding for 10 hours and all the rewards sitting in the inbox, I get you man, you are a sole reasson this game runs the way it does, the game doesn't use ram it uses oki instead, when oki breathes the game gets optimised, when oki tells it to start it starts. 

    Well, not the euphoria. 🤣 Players just need to time the time when will cap the fuel. For example, for and advanced player the fuel cap it is 95. image.png.d225b1879f45fca267d77fa6e0831cad.png

    It does takes around 5 hours to cap from 0 to 95. As soon cap, it does stop to regenerate. If the player has a phone just for saying and can connect every 4 hours and 30min or so, it can use 95 fuels and let the game refill the again. In the picture, I have 40 in fuel out of 95. It will take 2 hours and 30min to cap or close to that. 

    I am at my home doing some work for the company and will take some time to finish. Local time right now it is 11:43pm and I have to be at work before 7 am. So...in a regular day if I go to bed around 1-2am as usual, I drain the fuel before going to bed. By the time I turn off the alarm in normal day to go to work, I start the farming before going to the shower and start 1 or two shots OD6 to collect gold. Getting dressed I farm and preparing coffee too and dealing with the kids and wife at the same time. 

    At work, I can farm a bit out of meetings and lunch time when not talking to the boss in person. So, basically, I can farm 4 times and a bit more per day full cap been 24 hours and taking 5 hours to cap. The basic will be 4 times a day, if possible, given and take depending of the days and recover some during fuel days farming 8-10 times that day as an average 9 times plus 100k from base and if my kids play that day, I can add another 100k to the sum. Days like today it is like 4 times. Now, it takes like 15-20 min to drain the fuel and I have to switch back and forward both accounts. 

    Sure, I do not farm as before and not every day the account is played missing a lot of goodies but yes, my fun around is farm and make parts. 

    Let's start, do not miss that gold from today 🤣 


  3. 1 minute ago, Zinga said:

    Anything in the game in form of an offer in exchange for in game currency or real life money, and what you like about the offer /benefits you want to point out. 

    1- FARM 



    My time in life to get fake gold to level up parts. 🤡

    The benefit it is relaxing time as entertainment as should be a game. 

    About offers for tokens. Hmm, none. I will say that when I started, there were weapons offers time to time. New weapons or old weapons redesigned and a bit of different functionality. I was new player and had no idea about the game and I was not buying any just farming and progressing as free player. Will be ok now to see few new around. Some years back, were not in need because too many and needed to rebalance grants which I do not see that yet. As the pool becomes larger. it is harder to get a weapon possibility. Need to re-adjust but also start to release new weapons. 

  4. I do remember 

    Will like to see them in the arena and kill them all. 🤣

    Just kidding. 

    Just messy guys in the game chat.



    gato meow

    sol del mar

    and so many

    top players around that used to be in the chats every day.  My niece and I we used to chat back then but normally was my niece. Some of them became teammates later on. 🤣

  5. yes, the basic is 300/300 cool/gen just to manage around as the old standard. Sure, cooling will be more important than energy regen taking in consideration the ratio of energy mechs vs heat/phys mechs around. So is best to go 2 out of 3 when limitation and take some losses if happen. Yes, improve at least cooling to survive a bit more in the game

  6. it is hard to tell at this stage. When we start an account, we play wasting resources on bad weapons because no choice.

    1-The war hammer, it is a weapon of close range to attack and defend. It is a specialize weapon and normally require thinking properly to use it. It is not a waste. It is about current limitations, but you can level to L40 as temp until can see some changes getting weapons. Just careful maxing weapons too much when start because constant changes will happen. 

    2- The torso it is ok to L40 and to Myth. What you need to think when you decide to make weapons is resources and the time dedicated to progress the account. Every weapon does have stats with some different characteristic to exploit on your benefit. You need to study them a bit. 

    Example War Hammer maxed

    The weapon weight 58. Not that low on weight for physical weapon of close range. Current picture it is for just L50 not divined. It is a weapon that require energy to function, and it will generate heat when use. That means, heat mechs attracts plus the use of the weapon will affect your heat caps and cooling resources. Under energy attack, can paralyze weapon if low energy set. When you hit the opponent, it will be pushed away 3 steps, and you need to set weapons for that new attack position or a way to push to scape and or recover a bit. It does provide at high end 427 damage but that does not mean will do it because high resistance shields. It is not a weapon that reduce resistance and the resistant of your opponent will be hard to overcome to kill hp. Sure, good weapon to start in some ways. 


    3- About the leg. Iron boot it is a good leg. Sadly, stone feet are better in functionality. That leg was my first leg and works fine to advance. What I say is that you need to think well before waste gold and farmed parts. 

    This is the basic torso and leg divined in the future if you decide to go with both just both alone

    It will have a decent HP to fight on R15 to R10 as basic. Good energy support for energy weapons. Good energy regeneration, ok heat cap not that bad cooling and some resistance. Don does not open your eyes as will be like this for you at this point.  When players shou your ideas, you need to think in your own account stat condition. In my case, I have a full developed account in arena shop and L250. That it is a huge different when start. 




    The numbers for you will be a lot lower for now. It does require to play 5 wins 7 days a week and when start the grants of coins are lower been in a lower rank. Daily is 3 wins but to max possibility needs to be 5 wins to advance account shop area that will enhances all your mechs set ups. It has to be a ritual of 7 days 5 wins. 


    The leg alone is decent. if compare with stone feet next picture there is less hp but also do not damage shields and stone feet does damage shield and help to reduce them and affecting more and more the opponent hp. 



    3- Making mechs require logic to take advantage in the set up like breaking shields or overheat etc as weapons combo. 

    4- As you level up weapons, the consumption of attack weapons will increase against energy and heat capabilities. That condition applies to all weapons. This is a reason I tell players to try to balance. As you increase weapons, it will require better modules support. Also, increasing power or HP, it comes with the game to set you up with stronger and stronger opponents. 



    5- Because you are starting, normally you will get trash parts used for meat. Sadly, you need to use those for now and invest in them to support weapons until get good ones. In your case, you need to max all of those to the max possibility. The 2 tops in the center. Those can be myth and the others max will be epic because no more change will happen


    6- Every weapon does have some stats. Some can progress to divine and some not. Some stay in rare, some in epic, some in legend, some in myth and some go all the way to divine. Not all weapons that can go to divine are good but can help some to start. 

    You can see that in the circles in the item stat

    Some examples

    A- This is a part that goes just to rare. It can come as rare or common. This is a real meat part



    B- This is a meat part and can be used to be transformed to epic to make epics good parts and keep the development. It is meat part 


    c- This torso looks trash and comes in common and rare. Even so, it is a game top torso to use on any rank and can be maxed to divine. IF you do not get another decent torso, max this easy-to-get farming at any second. Do not be afraid to use it. go for if have too. 



    So, just be careful making parts and balancing. 

    7- About your mech question, keep grinding. 

    Now, you need to ensure the weapons power but also the RANGE combination. 

    a- The Hammer will give you range to use the top weapon savagery heat weapon. If you hammer opponent, it will put the opponent in range to use that top weapon. They know tha.t. You normally have to cover all ranges. Sure, not all the time depending on strategies set by the player as dual mech combos but for single 1v1, normally need to cover ranges from 1-3 as standard with exceptions. 

    So... in theory, your mech can work limited but can manage some campaign and some pvp. The side weapon you have goes only to epic. The others can go to divine status. You can go to L40 for now to the others if have too but work on modules. 

    With hammer, you cover your basic close range 1 as face to face. You have Terror that can use to push back at ranges 2-4 and that help to cover your 2-3 range for dual attack in one using the other side weapon. Next attack maybe uses terror and side weapon too or savagery. You are covering all basic ranges so not that bad for now. 


    8- Because you are eating everything rushing, you might be missing some parts to be use in rare status. Just farm and let accumulate some and check paying attention what are those. 

  7. 1- You can level up the power kits to L10 as come the item.




    2- Transforming a power kit, it is a waste of gold. Keep it as L10. Rare power kit, you can level the item to L20. 


    3- Do not transform the L20 item to Epic. It is a waste of parts and gold. 

    Power kits come handy to control inventory but also indecision to make parts and saving for one in particular.  The action to level up a power kit, it is the same action to level up a weapon. It is just like a storage to later be use in one shot of level up. For some players, power kits are good for it and for players like me, I just eat them because does not have function to level up a power kit when I can level up directly the weapon. Like I said, it can be a storage until get a desired weapon and no waste in other parts around to use in a mech. 

    So, you can level up to L10 and L20 depending on the grant or eat them at the spot.  Just transform mech parts when is need. 


  8. 6 minutes ago, Stormrider said:

    In this module ever useful

    I have a lvl 27 of this mythed one and found its stats is more goofy ahh than a single heat/energy engine

    the module it is useful depending on configurations. Also, for starter also is very useful. The problem of the unit is that do not possess regeneration/cooling attributes but can help to start the game and also useful for any ranker lacking modules. 

  9. 42 minutes ago, JamAnime said:

    Day 27

    So, did the daily routine: Daily missions, and farming. Just went up to 91. Looks like I'm catching up to gRedsz. Might even pass him. No upgrades. Need more kits. pvp getting harder, even in rank 20. I need energy modules, and up my heat, to win more. That's basically what I need most. Upping Head Quarters more frequently, to get epics. My range of gold stay still stands around 3 million. Well, that's all for now.


  10. 32 minutes ago, gRedsz said:

    You are totally right. Also what happened to your clan if you dont mind

    Well, I am not hundred percent sure what happen. 

    What I can tell for sure, back in November 2022, I had vacation in a remote area where I had no connectivity or very hard to get any. I announced to both clans where I was that will happen with long anticipation to ensure that clans will function without me. Because I had no idea if will be able to connect, I told them if they do not see my accounts moving, then they can kick me out to no take advantage of the others member's hard work. 

    I was without communication for few months as I expected. Back at home, I opened the accounts and of course I was kicked thing that was proper so they can add someone else to help out in mean time I can come back to help.

    In my return to home and to my job, I was re-assigned to another job role company need and new boss. I had to work to learn a lot of stuff and I was unable to join back because I had no time for pvp and my kids decided not to help with the accounts having theirs and other games to play with their friends. 

    In the case for CANDELA, I think was PINK who left as leader and ACE took the helmet and played for long in the clan as leader, sadly he made a mistake with his account and damage his account that took hard work to come back from a previous lost account that use to use when I joined the clan. When he damages his account, he needed to start all over for 3er time and he is currently working on it, but the clan lost his leader, and no one took the helmet as far I know. 

    I am not really sure how things happen because I was out of the clan because work. 

    In the other clan, I was unable to return because the same thing, it was work related and was unable to play more so I retired from the game, and I still retired. I do not do pvp but just farm around.  

    The clan was already semi-retired or resting place for active players. After I left, they were around at top for some time till not long ago but because it is a place to rest, the clan has been in free fall as I can see recently. It is sad to see the clan like that been full of great top players. I think it is no longer active and if is, maybe a few not enough to be at top. Sure, I do not know the reality because I have not been asking. Great people as well. 

    First, in reality, I have been a solo player from start. I joined because SHABBA was asking me from my start to join his clan that was already powerful, but I am a solo player in this game by default because it is a place to relax not to add stress of silly game things. 

    I joined to help after 1.5 years of asking and I joined to be just temp till stabilize then to go back to solo. It was extending day by day. 🤣 

    Well, moved back to solo because work and the accounts were idle for months then my kids started to play them just a bit as they are doing now. Time to time they play few wins or nothing at all, but I keep farming making parts as my original entertainment was set in my mind. 

    Now, joined Thunderdome for WAR. It was hard to convince my kids to join a clan at least for war and they no wanted to join to play relax the accounts without clan's thing. Just few weeks ago my son changed of mind to add for war and then I requested to open request to any clan. 

    I will do the same for O.D.FARM because still solo. So.... I will look for a clan for war without messy requirements that I can't attend because retired and for whatever can do my kid. 🤷‍♂️ No worries on that. I will always become stronger by the day farming and making more parts week after week. 🙃

  11. 12 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    I told you at the time you don’t remember 

    You also said to me that you wasn’t playing any more

    no time to busy at work …..

    So I gave up  trying 🤣🤣🤣

    what I am saying, you mention that he still playing. So... what clan right now and in game name? I do not know that now. Yes, I do remember you told me to join because he was there for a short but my kids where not in the mood to join clans for any reasons. 🤷‍♂️ 

    35 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    Thank Oky for sharing cool

    Shabba is still playing S M 

    5000.wins +  mega 

    Was challenging Chaos Sabre for most wins

    that a great souvenir

    thank you  🙏 Oki

    yes, the challenge with Chaos. I remember. I think they went over to 6k or so. 🤣

    I was always A.T.R. sandbag test mechs. 🤣


  12. 2 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    Thank Oky for sharing cool

    Shabba is still playing S M 

    really. What name and clan. Why does he not write? 🤬

    I will destroy him. 🤗

  13. 21 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    Oki Congrats Thunderdome 

    Thx. My son finally decided to join a clan. My daughter still in the negative side but because my son will help here time to time as has been, he pulls off some decision on OKI with her and she then decided with conditions. 🤷‍♂️

    10 hours ago, gRedsz said:

    It would be cool to record it so maybe the community could calculate percentages of drops and stuff like that

    I always save files of all openings. Those future 1k also will be file as record keeping 🤣


    I do the same for the progress 



    Image result for the land of the lost tv show portal

  14. 37 minutes ago, Ace Red Baron said:

    My Top Gun did at one time achieve top 5 Clan

    Candela member at time with me Ayron ,Pink , Jevil, Antoine Kittymon , and many others 



    Also Candela clan fantastic group with Oki Doki 155 wins 

    Please have a look at the number of wins of each members



    yeah. Long time. Hey, that Belial was Hell temp name change if not wrong. I totally forget about that. 

    That was nothing with those making 600-800 very often. crazy 

    44 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

    yeah. Long time. Hey, that Belial was Hell temp name change if not wrong. I totally forget about that. 

    That was nothing with those making 600-800 very often. crazy 

    what about this picture 🙂 


    maybe this one image.thumb.gif.2f5e9e464f5b70a6bc2762ac1a4cb3ef.gif

    I think this was my second war ever. I think it was against LLYL first  


    my first S+ box  🤡


    what about your Parlez-vous français  🤣


  15. Hi Pilots

    I just want to say that OKI DOKI have joined CLAN THUNDERDOME.   🙃


    They are my new teammates. Many of them former teammates when I joined for first time CANDELA INC and by the clan changes through the time joining. 

    Some of them not former peers but cool competitive players been kind to me close from my beginning time as player and them already for long time playing as TOP. 

    The clan had an empty spot, and I was invited noticing that I posted looking for a clan not that active.

    Because my children are running my accounts doing pvp time to time, they are the one to decide to join or not a clan and they were holding back to do it. 

    This time they agree to join a clan but not with a lot of requirements and the clan fit properly for them. 

    It is a semi-retired clan with different top gunner's playing time to time.

    Some other members from the forum are around. 

    I want to thank to the clan for giving this opportunity to join and be part of the team. Sadly, I won't be able to kill them in PVP for now on. 🤡

    I need to be careful writing in the forum because this guy can kick me out of the clan. image.png.f3c24d621d6ce5e83d4229e7dd290531.png

    Looks familiar guy. 🤣








    Image result for thunderdome DRINKING

    Entering to my cage will be suicide 

    Image result for thunderdome DRINKING

    Image result for thunderdome DRINKING


    Image result for thunderdome beer

  16. 3 hours ago, gRedsz said:

    Hey guys! So i dont know why but recently i got kicked out from my clan. It got me thinking because i was one of the most active players. What was special about this clan is that we were getting the 1000 wins reward every seasson. And man those 50 tokens look delicious. I need to join an active clan as fast as possible. I have level 103 because i am playing on a new account. I am very active and can get 50 wins each seasson at least. I stay at ranks 17-15 and i also farm for titans and play war. I am open for any suggestion. 

    that was bad to do. if you are a player that provide the clan basic, it is a rude thing to do unless something wrong from you.  

    I do understand when clans at top 3 having a player that comply in everything but even with R1 still weak for war or maybe not solid in one of the 3 seasons can be kicked. Doing so, been loyal to the clan, the clan can burn in ashes. 

    My clan was a clan very competitive. We used to get 5k wins, titans, tickets and we wanted to win war. Those players not in the scope of the clan for a season, needed to communicate about it like sick or vacations etc and members can stay and as clan we needed to cover even fail in the attempt. That was not wrong to do as clan requirements. 

    Kicking people just to do, it is not right to get someone stronger or else specially if the player is loyal. 

    As clan, you help to nature your fellows. In my former clan, we did that to the ones wanted to stay and they moved on to become R1 players from mare nothing as player. Loyalty has to be rewarded making sacrifices.   

  17. 5 minutes ago, TheLeech said:

    Oh yeah i forgot to say but i bought the 50 dollar offer, i got the physical fortress, another heat fortress, a party crasher, second mercy, and some other things, i wouldve prefered to had the physical version of the party crasher but i have ash creator and brightroar so maxing party crasher could be an option after modules

    yes, max heat fortress, phys fortress, party. sure. all weapons mentioned are for full level up. just balance modules to sustain weapons functionality and attacks against you.  

  18. 8 hours ago, Final boss said:

    (price of it $4,30)


    not really. just farm. sure, it is not super bad having few items upgraded but still need to grind to complete them. just only you know how to spend your money. you are barely starting the account at L40. That offer normally appear in new account early stages. 

  19. 1 hour ago, SAINT777 said:

    Hello, I played Supermechs for years in kongregate platform, but things changed a lot because flash is gone, I can't access to my account anymore, I had my account only in kongregate.com, I would like to recovery it, because if I download supermech on windows, or install the app on my mobile it makes me start a new account, how can I continue to my actual account that was very overpowered, I mean I played supermechs for like 4 or 5 years I have lot of stuff in my account, how can I recover it? by the way, I uploaded videos about me playing supermechs years ago, this is my account please have a look 


    I hope someone can help. 

    There was an announcement time ago about that. GATO game work out the condition with players acc in kongre. 

    Players got their accounts. 


    Check this old info from GATO. click below. Maybe someone can help on this. 


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