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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. No, my children are not in a clan. My accounts are solo accounts. In the past I played for some time in two clans. OKI DOKI and O.D.FARM first clan was CANDELA INC. belong to SHABBA. Cool guys and cool core players. I joined OKI DOKI as SHABBA requesting me since I was a starter and I denied joining any clan for over a year including my niece that played the account alone for some time back then. He used to chat with her and me and the clan used to have some ups and down. After begging for a year, I decided to give him a temporary support. I did because he always insisted never quitted so just to him then I decided to help. I joined just OKI and played according to what I was able to offer due to work and family. The temp condition extended many times because new players were inconsistent leaving and coming back. Annoying to be honest. Great clan and players just fooling around to get the clan reward without work for it. The core of the clan, they were awesome team and really hard workers for the clan. I stayed because those guys "and lady" really tried hard so I stayed longer to help them, and they were good to me and accepted me as one of them. I joined then as extra O.D.FARM to help for WAR and I became good on it helping to achieve consistent WINS. Sadly, I had some new job assignment and bosses with a lot of work to do and I have to retire O.D.FARM from CANDELA and stayed idle then I offered to join back with my personal offer, and I was granted entry to RF cool guys. I stayed playing till some work changes hold me back and I had to hand over my accounts to my children, but they have their own accounts too. They did what could do with limited time for my accounts then I had to take a long vacation out of communication back in Nov 2022 and because I was out of communication for long due to the area where I went for those months, I told the clans if no see me playing then to kick me out. The in my way back to home, I had another assignment at work and killed my even farm time for months and my kids refused to play my accounts so stayed idle. Passing many months, then they started to play just time to time and no desire to join clans. Anyway, they play for fun only. Because they do not play every day, the account in pvp is mostly idle and no desire to rank up and use test mechs belong to my old test R7 mechs. I just farm the account and time to time I do TITAN those with lower tickets collection no more than 200-300. They play Raid when remember so I check often if played Raid if not then I do the missing day but I also miss those days and Raid now mostly is 40% in full and the rest partial days. This season I completed. They not played and account was idle for 4 days then they played few 5 wins.
  2. WOW. My hat to you bro. Excellent keeping 3 acc and basic daily. Not easy. I did 8 acc when I started but work changes changed all and have to give them away to my family. I used to use 3 computers, notepad and the phone at home plus at work on break time. Farmed cascading turns. All of them reached top as free. Some people should join you been active in pvp. I do not play in reality since FEB 2022 and my kids took over for just few rounds around, but the account was idle for months and multiple times I retired unable to really play and stayed basic to 5 or none and went solo on those days and solo since nov 2022. I was solo player from the beginning no clans. A Lone Ranger.


    no idea. tendrias que presentar el estatuto de la cuenta como cajas almacenadas etc.

    Let's Fight

    WOW, WARRMACHINE. OK LIRAN Missing around Maxx. Time for a WARRMACHINE fast funny video.
  5. I think someone asked last week about his account. Here is the answer GORGONA-Atusiff "our missing in action " and Hauer too.
  6. I will miss my FARMING. I NEED MY GOLD PRONTO.
  7. Hey Pilots. Yes you. Join the tournament and have fun. Time is running out. Anyone can join. Make it big.
  8. you already have 1000 in weight out of 1000. max is 1010. add a torso that weight 10 or the legs to kick someone.
  9. good reason my kids do not want to play not even R7 now with TEST mechs belong to R7. They get all the time 3-3.6k powerful mechs in full for R1 one after another. Time to time they switched to more power and when they do, then the game gives them weak players and they quit to no take their wins. Ridiculous... Those players should drop HP and shields. Not fair to be honest but normal since I play. I was crushed all the time from R25. My kids switch just for pay back and then get them and later switch back to test mode. Well, when play and that is limited.
  10. wow, another set to add to the game. I hope the game owner are taking notes to add all of those babies' sprites and competitions as new weapons for portals. Tons of good stuff.
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