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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Interesting to read from a BETA game player till today. Lot to learn from that point of view.
  2. nah, your progress it is nice. no matter how many parts can have if do not use properly as player. I am one of those with parts playing dummy.
  3. I won't mess with this guy. Will kick my butt.
  4. That one it is in OD.FARM. I think I have 7 now.
  5. Frantic. terror need to have a proper function in your mech set up for pushing. Frantic will get some extra power
  6. I am playing now and this is what happen. ridiculus
  7. depend what account. I have in one of them a malfuntioning weapon that drain a lot of life and overheat but hurt a lot to the opponent. testing weapon since I have the weapon around not in use not on purpose, I normally quit the play if are too weak for me. I fight the strong players L50 when are 1900-2500 I get those 2600-3200 often and AI should not match me with them
  8. i have fortress. Now, no just the fortress but Vest add a lot of resist and legs too. I added few of them since the game match me with full L50 mechs all the time or almost fully developed against my epic, legend myth mech with low health. just a balance for R10 fights Oh, congrats for the selfish. awesome item. I will like to have more but just one.
  9. I just got this one in a fortune box in OD. FARM. Lucky me CHEERS
  10. Hmm, since I do not play for rank or be the #1 player and I like to play as always just making parts, test them and get beaten for fun not for wins etc but test and develop, I sometime de-rank "lower rank" to test at proper rank capacity of the mech. I am currently playing at R10 and in R10 the game match me against full L50 mechs with higher HP and me playing at 1800 with decent modules but weak having epic L1, legend L1, Myth L1 and few items max to go against those constant matches with powerful mechs and see what does do. I play both accounts this season but sometimes just one then later the other. After play for some days checking then I move up to R5-R1 position but normally I go only for R3 since I do not care about R1 for bad rewards on average. Right now testing with epics, legend and myth in OD. FARM and OKI. OD. FARM Testing in OKI weapons effects. Just future parts to develop if get interested to do it or not. In mean time I still have to work with current mechs set ups and level up parts from them since so far I have never finished in full a mech with all parts maxed. Maybe someday will finish in full a mech.
  11. it will be granted. Just keep playing
  12. yeah very true. Nice, 39 almost there. What help?
  13. Sadly it is true. Sure looks around not joining as guest but still. I think the forum it is fine now. Harder to navigate in the phone but ok.
  14. No worries. It is way limited. I will like to give like 2-3k missing around but can't It is annoying.
  15. I think will be nice some rewards for people like you around keeping this alive.
  16. It is there a competition or something to get a reward? Maybe tokens, packs, L-M parts. Maybe will add more players to the forum.
  17. if you go for the 5 dollars for 250 you might get this offer. check also any achievement if can be completed and get tokens from there. some give a lot of tokens. I remember I got many tokens from there
  18. Hard to tell in the sense of what do you have set. I mean, if this is a second mech or your primary mech? I see in the point of investment if you buy the offer. Not mean about bad selection or the only thing available around. We all had same issues. If you need the progress as fast possible and the cost it is ok for you and wont hurt your pocket for others matters in life more important sure go for it so the progress can increase rank and will generate more gold during pvp and fight CAMPAIGN at other bosses. Modules are key to sustain rank and advance regardless weapons availability. If you are having issues been over heated or energy drain it might be good go for modules. The factor here is what do you have as primary and secondary mechs with current module set up. I do not know. If is your only one and can afford and become p2w then go for it to move up rank for more gold etc then switch when get better torso. I normally will recommend to farm for progress because I am a farmer to progress and can level up the account fast for more grants but up grating can help to move faster. dont trust on those numbers. You can win and know you won then the system shows you lose or lose and show you won.
  19. well, those offers comes normally when low rank. Now, torso it is worthless. I do not know if the resist drain weapon become a legend to max to myth and I do not think will happen. Void it is too weak. Terror cry it is ok, night eagle, legs and frantic. I do not know the value in your currency. That works more for people not having time to farm etc. I never got one since I farmed every day
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