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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. just look at the closed threads about it.
  2. She is back kicking butts after a while. Well, moderators now keep all under control. Start and then they close the thread then a new one then closes again time to time about the game and weapons etc. Same old same but entertainment. The previous forum was alive for a while post the new forum opening. At some point, it was closed. We lose all the good stuff there. Tons of players contributions and ideas etc. Sad... Yes, many still here for long time. Sometimes they connect every week and post a lot and sometimes they vanish and back again to action. Time to time I am off for a week due to work but normally I am connected. I miss others that stayed connected then retired from the game. Many retired then few came back and some again left. Many players were young and now are adult with other stuff to do in life. Others are old but got bored because no new portals with new weapons to keep them excited building new stuff. Portal was reduced then we got good ones with tokens and relics but again then reduced to barely get one. Before last week, we did not even get the 5 de Mayo hat portal and before that also there was a gap without it. maybe like 2 this year so far. Maybe I am wrong. Sure, some keep adding good ideas and stuff from back then. I am happy to see them around of course the new ones.
  3. There are many good players in the forum giving good advice. Sure, some still making jokes about the request giving a let say funny dummy ideas instead to help but it is as always has been. Many of the active are old forum members and others news. Good to know you have plenty gold at disposition. Your first mech you are doing the right thing according to inventory. Just keep working on the modules and weapons till get some new ones. Your second mech still ok. Just max modules fand weapons for now. Do not invest in the 3er mech just for a while till finish the other 2. Transforming take a lot of time and resources and to accumulate gold it does takes forever. You still have some months to finish the first 2. Both have decent caps. Yes, you can win the fight because just selection. Ah, I remember you were in the forum already when I joined. I joined on May 18, 2020, then some months on the road then new administration and this new forum that many old players complained and did not like it and stopped to use it after a week or so. Some still look in the side as guest and when controversies are on the rise, they show up to add more wood to the fire.


    maybe the web. Please clean after use it. City mess
  5. WOW, I did not realize my older account OKI DOKI was created back on October 3, 2019, when I started to play this game for first time. Congrats dude. No, a single day missed without farmed.
  6. I know what you mean. You used to be active in the previous one. For PC layout it is ok but for people that use phone for everything is a bit harder than before, but I still use it with the phone at work. Yes, we had a pvp recently. Well, I am not a serious player in this game. I mainly focus on to make parts farming. The second thing I do is to test at different ranks match maker with module exchanges, mechs etc at some particular hours looking at players and see what the game do. I do not play to win but to check so my play it is erratic almost all the time. In some moments I do play serious to play against a top to see results and what the player will do to destroy the mech to check possibilities and personal assigning a rank level to the mech in the respective configuration. I do have decent accounts, but I do not use them seriously for weekly R1. One of the factors is that I do not have time to play serious and when do is very limited time so I can't go further like 1-hour solid no passing 2 on the road and that affect the progress normally in my account on matches. About to win against me, yes sure, you can. It is just about the mech not the player in our pvp. I am decent player but more average. Sure, when I am in my zone focus, I can play well enough. The difference was that you had a bit lower HP and some weapons not in full L50. You played excellent and can win. Remember that many are in higher ground because mechs at dispositions but that does not mean are great players. Trust me on that. Keep going. My advice always for the people is about farming even limited time to do pvp. Farming is easy if have a phone and proper service not killing you on payment. My progress it has been based on farming regardless offers and progressed on freeway first because the farming before buy offers. Actually, if not wrong, you are older player than me. I started back on October 2019
  7. cool. There are many you tubers around. check on clan area. Many of them might help you. PM them on forum, discord or their web.
  8. Do not work on your 3er mech. That will eat your resources. Be focus on 2 mechs no further for now. Hold back on the Zarkares for now. Sure, you need a second mech, but you can work on modules and weapons till get a better torso like Windigo. Zarkares will help till rank 7 even can go higher but now will be easier to destroy. I use the torso for test at those ranks and surely it is not great as used to be. About legs, the current legs for heat, phys and energy versions you can go for them without issues. Heat is best for now but phys give extra punch. Energy is better for energy set ups. Recoil and nightfall can be max too. Recoil will be use at top level and nightfall can work for top mid-range let say till R4-R3 in normal use even some are experts for R1 but is basic more till R3. The night eagle top weapon, it can help a lot in the mid-range and early tops plus is helpful in the campaign to grind for gold on early stages. The current modules for energy and heat are in need for now. Those need to be max like it or not till get premium versions. In your first mech, just balance levels by steady level up. Do not go all the way tp L50 one part because takes time and a lot of effort if you are short on gold. Just level in equal way between modules and modules. Just focus on your first mech for now. As higher you go on level, the match difficulty will increase and will take more losses reason is better to be even. Sure, you can power up a weapon because is about personal cool ways to play. \So, for the first mech, go for the torso, legs and modules. Hold back on others till you balance because you are low on energy and heat and even if you have power in a weapon, you will get drained and overheated by the opponent but by the use of your own weapons. By the way, do not dump epics parts just for trying to rush. Players have the tendency to screw themself dumping good weapons. Also, do not wait for legends parts. Make them with epics that do not advance beyond epic or legend. Farm as much you can during the day and level up the account fast to get more storage and energy cap. Play no less than 5 wins a day every single day to collect silver coins to enhance your account resistance, energy caps etc.
  9. It is hard to tell. It is about preferences since tons of configurations can take you to R1. Now, if I will pick one, I will say heat hugger. That does not mean it is the best but between all the testing regardless the disadvantages, it is an overall configuration for the 3 seasons, raid, portals, campaign and titan. It will always take you to R1 regardless losses can have on any season no matter what. Sure, many others mechs destroy this one but also you can make it hard to those mechs and even win if they play not at best. Difficulties are repulsers/snipers, dual recoil of any type, energy bomb new one, frantics or spartans with high hp at the 32-3400 and some with smart caps/cooling config according to seasons of course counters but you can still win them if play smart and cross to R1. Many of them it is about the player consistency and desire to win.
  10. Hi Pilots How are you? As I mentioned just recently in O.D. FARM thread, I have been really busy at work, and I barely played the game. I was hoping my kids will play the accounts, but they are busy playing other games with their friends. The account progress has been limited but I still grinding some not as much as usual. I have been missing some of the game basic not on purpose but too late to get into it and tried to do so. The account progress is slowing down considerably and will be like that for the time been. Sad progress to be honest. Anyway, I was able to increase gold and craft some PK and used them to max some parts around. I am holding back on crafting to increase gold reserve the max few parts around. The goal is to grind what I can and if I can play a few rounds around, I will be happy if not, it will have to wait since I can't play now. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts WAR/RANK/PORTAL---Maybe I am missing few. I am not longer that accurate been too busy. CHEERS
  11. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine but really busy at work. I barely played the game for few weeks and the progress slowed down a lot. Sure, I keep grinding but a lot less. Sadly, it will stay like that for a while. I am already missing raid, tickets, titan and wins. Sucks, but I can't do anything about it. I have been asking the kids to play the acc, but they have their own other games and their friends there, so they just say, "peace out bro". Oh well... I think soon I will have to play out of clan and very rarely in my own solo clan. Nothing I can do about it. I will keep some grinding, but I will be missing other stuff like it or not. Anyway, about the progress... I was able to grind a bit and craft a set of power kits and finished to max them or transform them. My main focus has been to increase gold reserve and keep it steady to around 210 million. I thought I will keep only 200 million, but I needed to increase a bit more in order I can craft some PK. I used them already and hold back for now to make more parts. I will increase gold to make some PK later and will finish an item and then will make some legend parts from epics in the garage to have some ready for another myth item I might transform. I do not have many parts to go for, but I still have some around not fully great but just to max them even in the current game stage are no longer that great and might make them just for collection fun. Let see. Current gold reserve is at 210 million and no crafting parts Maxed Parts Transformed Parts WAR/RANK/PORTAL- I think I am missing few saved in the phone. CHEERS
  12. happens to me few times or the titan and I have to shoot an invisible one to win.
  13. It come for batches. Sometimes some post a lot then walk away for some time then come back. Sadly, if the first time I see this. Well, I have been too busy.
  14. nice damage armor. and drops. Congrats at your R1. Good stuff. Get the full stars.
  15. cool, that item need to be divined. it will help you out a lot
  16. It is not the best but good enough for sure to help you move up. I do not regret to get the item. Sur, I got the others and switched for other types of mech, but I still use them in regular sets. I got R1 with them every week when I played serious for some months.
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