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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. normally the game gives a stronger opponent crossing rank at any rank. Nothing new on that. Also, Rank 12 with 1 star it is different from full stars to cross since is closer to another rank it does force match maker 2 ranks above maybe against an R10 full star crossing to R9. Sometimes gives you equal power but normally it is higher.
  2. Sad to no see you with your ACC. Good time when I started to play and you pushing me down
  3. Well, at certain levels, players do not have parts availability to make a let say a decent mech for mid rank progress from low rank. Frantic-claw-recoil gives the opportunity to progress to R7-R6 with limited resist, energy-heat caps or at least to walk away from R10 one of the places that players will strand because by that rank, players weapons levels already many are at full level 50 with lack of the best combinations or lack of modules to sustain energy or heat mechs. Frantic power attack it is not reliable but powerful enough by luck to at least reach that rank and get more gold and silver coins for the progress. If you have them, I recommend using it but of course everyone fight the same against each other but powerful enough to play by luck. Skills needed are a bit lower than to play with other types of mechs, so it is good for players to start and get gold faster and develop other mechs with less cost at front. Cost effective and good for free to play players.
  4. cool, that guy does have a 6 pack. I won't mess with him at all. Nice drawing.
  5. nice. One of my last LP purchases or maybe the last one. Don't remember well. After that, CDs came to stay for a while. Now CDs are something of the past. What happen to my 8 tracks, cassette, 45 discs even the 78 LP. Oh well, I still my sonny cassette player Walkman, sonny cd player, Walkman radio, Beach big boomboxes. Good old times. Now is boring.
  6. Yes. First not enough weapons at start so used what I had with my niece. We built and selected parts together for fun look plus we love to use different weapon types not the same as heat mechs, energy mechs or phys mechs. I like all in one. Kind like MechWarrior using guns, rockets, laser etc in one mech.
  7. Are you an SM player? Are you looking like a guest the forum? Are you a forum member? So, join the Electric Boogaloo Tournament! Get into the forum and follow the link provided and have an electrifying tournament. Have the opportunity to fight TOP players at the same power level and win against them. Get them, fight them, take the tokens away from them and rule them. This is another chance to take the glory and fame. Be the strongest and smarter. Have fun and enjoy the journey. Tell your clan mates to join. Tell solo players and other friends to join. No mater your current level, join and follow instructions and you will prevail.
  8. PM @bestplayeroftheworld she is a game lover. I have one decorative at my parents' house. Actually, expensive but don't ask me to name game parts. If not wrong I called the tiny ball heads, horse head and a tower. Something like that. I do know absolutely nothing of the game.
  9. if your HP and modules are too low to sustain the backfire, it is better to stay away for the moment but to keep weapons availability just in case. Sure, garage space it is important but can be controlled with power kits. I like to have space, so I opened from start because was not expensive on tokens but passing 400 it does become expensive reason it is important to level up account farming to get extra space as fast can be of course depending on player game desires.
  10. Sure, why not. People I guess did it before me. Some others started but stopped at some point. I just keep it for my own fun to look my acc back and see how many mistakes I make, how long takes, the feeling of progress time based, record keeping and no less it can be use so people take a look and motivate to progress or an idea how hard and how long really takes to do. I think it is helpful to players if they look in a serious way analyzing a grinder low win player. Your progress can provide at your rhythm. Start providing an intro and what you do in your progress to be there that week etc. Some might read or not. Some will drop a comment or not or likes or not. I do not get many replies or likes etc. For me I like to provide for those curious ideas and to do better than me knowing my errors and decisions. You are an older player than me and forum member before me in the old one. Full intro of your starting page will be a good start and what do you have and what would like to add. Add your time dedication or else. Just follow your own fun. I do it every week, or 2 weeks maybe takes 3 weeks and then the quarterly full inventory.
  11. Marked in red can go away. Because all depend on the entire collection you do possess, some remined just in case but some more can go away. Savagery it is a top weapon good for till middle ranks but will be always a useful weapon for raids and it is a weapon to have maxed on short or long run. Sure, can reserve one for now because you do not know when will be in use, but it is a to have weapon. Hysteria it is a weapon till middle ranks and after that not that much use, but some players use it as substitute till R5 for energy builds when no valiant. The issue is weight but close to valiant weight same close range still good divined till that rank, but smart players can do better. Now, if not tendency for energy, is good to have it for now if no other available. Do not eat what you can't get back easy. Night eagle still decent till R3. Charge sometimes is hard to get, I had issues to get it even with premium is not that common so always keep 3 in reserve and do not dump them. It is use on every rank and it is great. Energy engine, even having the new modules full sets, it is good to have some around for different configurations. Depending on amount available in your account, keep it to enhance your energy stats. Massive Shoker and Massive stone are to keep because you might need them. Sometimes are hard to get for many players. You can develop them for sure and will be in need. Heat option is better for configurations but energy for energy and phys for phys are great. Rock recoiler are sometimes hard to get and is best to keep both if no other around. Selfish protector will be in need, but you can spare one if have to but keep 2 no less. Both Frantics heat and phys are to keep. Regardless the heat not many use them, are powerful and can be great for energy mech. Few top players use them and work like a charm killing me. Sure you can eliminate heat option less in use on the game but it is the only one around so I will keep it. Phys version, you can develop and use or both as temp combo with a recoil and decent energy/heat can be good for a claw or legs for now. You can max both Flaminator for energy mech till middle range, but some top players use them in top rank set ups not having premium and still work killing me.
  12. Maybe Guard is playing funny for now. He can kill you if play serious.
  13. OKI DOKI


    The problem is that every player does have their own life circumstances and according to that, it is a preference at starting point. I think option to select or not should be allowed till feel is ready for it. Now, the game owners invested time and resources for the upgrade and they implemented as a new permanent item in the game from starting point for new players and forced to the old players already having accounts on silver box structure. In the end, the game owner it is the one to decide what is his or her preference as creator. Sure, owners need to listen to players time to time their concerns and address some of those issues that might be benefit for the business in the short and long term. Players need to understand that a business it is a business, and you chose to stay or leave according to what do you feel as game to play. As has been said, BASE is harder for newcomers, and it is real but also for old players in some ways. Due to the game is based in eternal grind "I am a full flesh grinder well documented"; I can tell it is not easy for students and adults with families to grind enough to advance an account making the BASE hard. Excuses, well, for sure but it is about limited time for many people not having enough time for the game, but the player chooses to play the game then complain. Jam Anime did a good data collection back then and collected full evidence of the process and cost and time etc. There are some issues about players not knowing well how to administrate the BASE progress but going back the main issue, it is grinding time availability and access with electronics and connection, and many are not in USA just to say that have a phone, computers, pads etc in every room generally speaking even many are short on it with family under poverty. The game owner it is not responsible of your personal circumstances instead created a content for Entertaiment for the general public and people will play if wants or not. BASE is beneficial in the long run and there is no doubt but also some older players still using silver and their progress has been steady in their ways. There are few factors to make the correction 1- Select- Deselect option without request. 2- Permanently set BASE as was planned and end the discussion and players to choose to stay or go 3- Increase a bit the rewards and cutting cost and time so the progress can be faster and less expensive in the sense that many players are free to play not having money and limited on electronics etc. and minimize the walking away instead to promote to stay. I understand that the game provides a lot of benefits and many players do not see that. Stop complaining about everything in particular the old players creating conflicts thinking in the old times of glory or whatever was. This is an online game witch it is expected it will change. Look the industry how changed and has been spread out at every online game. I use BASE and never completed in my accounts, but I take advantage according to my game choices to progress the accounts in my limited time and access to electronics etc. Many people won't be happy either way. I just adapt to the game changes. Don't get frustrated. If you have BASE and do not want BASE, just enhance the BASE and get at least 2 factories and use L2 not beyond and the average will simulate SILVER BOX account. This is the option I used simulating silver box having my OKI with SILVER and O.D FARM with BASE to compare and with commercials you can get the epics like in silver box. The average for common and rare given, duplicated with silver box compared for months but it does cost a tiny bit more, but it is roughly identical. That can provide the parts fast enough with similar cost at your regular farming habit. Anyway, everyone has their own preferences and circumstances but also it does need an info page for the options to use in a better way either one as silver or base and for the base then the best options to use on cost according to your play habit. I do not regret BASE so far but for those with cash in hand to buy gold and parts etc. sure silver is better like to do thinks like CLERVERNAME just to say. I like both options. Sure, I prefer now BASE after progressed to a point I needed getting stronger step by step and still incomplete. For players, understand that the game owners are limited on staff with just a few around and to focus on changing BASE status it does takes a chunk of time to work on it when they have game priorities and that it is a fact. Now, if the owner promised the option bottom, please do not play around and get it done.
  14. OKI DOKI


    it should be a selected deselect options as was promised to avoid the request if not wrong.
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