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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. some hackers do. I encounter them many times. You can win but when you are winning, they papalize your mech. Sore Loosers
  2. great job. Now, sometimes players use the epic versions for resistance and HP.
  3. I am busy now. I can look maybe tomorrow.
  4. yes. my policy is fun play and I play like that in this game goofing and testing from start. In my intro back then, I was clear on that.
  5. So slow and boring when saving gold. O.D.FARM OKI DOKI
  6. Thx. I have been using those for some time. I have almost completed the data I need. Next will be less powerful and will look powerful but are weak easier to be kill. My expectations are that will bounce between R10-R8. The test will be to be overheated. Now, I will be looking how the match maker will respond to compensate my mech deficiencies. One of the factors it will be how will compensate with mechs with high heat recovery. Knowing that my accounts do that, mechs to be matched will be normally high recovery on heat. I already tested few rounds, and the match maker did exactly what I predicted. The game compensated with high cooling mechs. Not much HP. For the physical it will be in the future when I can max the parts. It is a mech to fail but it is about data. I do test with different modules, and I start normally with weak or middle of the road conditions. Just making fun mechs as I like to not get bored in the game if I play something.
  7. I do farm for gold in OD6. If you refer about wins, in that case no. I do test at different ranks specially on R7-R6 due to the power involve on those players belong to top ranks or real R7-R6 rankers. My mechs are belong to those ranks on test. Sure, sometimes my kids switch mechs to more power just to compensate the match maker abuse matching with R3-R1 mechs on ranks or power base that are win farmers. This is what they play with time-to-time modifications to check match maker and output and damage received. According to them, they have been pushed down to R9. I guess they change mechs if that happen to get back to rank. They play this as well in the other account. They do the same test. They rotate mechs after some but use the same. If they switch mechs, it is related to the players do not belong to the ranks. The same for this, they check the same for me. Later I do collect the fights data. They goof a lot not been that serious player. They just have fun time if play. Barely play my accounts. Sometimes a week or more without been touched. Maybe a day play and play some then passing days and nothing. They just play by mood and desire because they play other games. I am retired and just grind for gold. Normally the account will show up with no fights.
  8. Sad. It is logical the condition. If have any issues, they can notify something. Programmers are on demand. There is a lack of talent on different areas on old programing and or new programming. Many things are left to move to the new changes, and it is hard to keep up. To keep employees of old programming it is hard if there is not enough pay considering that they can be outdated as programmers too. In my field I have constant changes and new machinery and programs to use replacing the old ones. Concepts are basic but it is a new world to learn every day. The changes in the industry it is getting every day faster.
  9. Sad. Reason why when I play some games it is best to go directly to the company like SM direct download. Starting over sucks. Never Paid. That was nice.
  10. I have not been in R25 since Feb 2020.
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