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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. That it is an awesome loot. congrats. Welcome back to the game. Platinum plating it is a key component in the game. The drone and plating can be max out. For arena shop items, it does have some personal decisions and luck directed decision plus basic decision. The reason why that comment it is related to the luck of parts dropped to play from early stages that decisions might change about power granted. For example, if your account provided you better physical parts, then you should upgrade a bit more that side. Don't have to be like that but the tendency might happen. My recommendation doesn't have to be right. You have to understand that all of them are important, but I will say something that might others will say something different. One of the reasons is that older players had originally less items to max than now then they maxed having tons of coins saved no in use and used to max the new added parts. I will mention this as a player well known as farmer looking for gold to enhance parts as fast possible. My ways are not necessary the best for you, but you can use it as reference in one direction mentality. But let see.. 1- The items in the picture below, will be less important for now depending on the way you will play related to grinding for gold and daily play. a- If you are a heavy grinding all day long opportunities, do few advances in the gold area. Forget about the others for now. That will help you on gold advances that will help max parts faster. At early levels, the coin use will be very low but as advance will be very costly and hard to get those silver coins and will have to be wiser to allocate them. You have to play literally 5 wins every single day 7 days a week without misses if want to progress on that. It does takes very long to finish them, and I mean can be years if you do not play those 5 wins daily. b- If you still in the grinding side maximizing opportunities during the day also will need this one below picture. The top one, not circulate it is very important too, but you can decide if want to go for it. The one circulated is to improve the fuel recovery. Without it, to get fuel during the day will be slower. The other is to max the capacity of how much fuel can have or better say is the fuel cap. The maximum in the game is 95 fully maxed. Starting will be less. 2- For defense, let's check basic 1- The one circulated it is very important because that will help increase the HP of your mech. Let say just for say if the torso maximum at divine status is 1000 on HP, that will add 350 to it having then 1350 and that it is an edge to win the opponent "maybe" with just HP advantage even with less powerful weapons or mech overall in your side. So, this is one of the first to go for or maybe the most critical for your account. b. Basic shields are important. Sometimes or some recommendations are based according of what I said, your luck getting parts and you desire as robot preferences. Those are the shields improvements. That makes your robot harder to physical attack against that particular element as phys, heat or energy base mechs. The 3 of them are key to survive. Every torso has shield base except the Monkey type torso. Shields progress as you level up. Let say just for say max shield of a torso is 30 then that will add a lot more to protect your mech on that element attack against your mech. Many people will say phys as primary, but all depend on the element that your opponent is attacking you. My recommendation is to advance them in the early options first 4 upgrades then will be too costly on silver coins and will have to choose what will be more important to you. So, level them up equally to the 4 level up but you will decide what is best for you. c. As mentioned previously, your element of preference is important. Is based on parts granted and how cool you see the mechs and like to play with. I am a Hybrid player for preference but that does not work that supper in the game, and you need to go as you progress to build elements pure mechs. Sure, some mix can happen and win. First picture below is an example of element area that will help your mech to cool down faster after using weapons or a heat attack. What I did was the basic. I level up them 4 stages and then select because will be costly and will have to play 7 days 5 wins to maximize coins collections. Note: At early stages, the coins grant regardless the 5 daily wins it is lower than to a higher rank. What do I mean is that to at some point as you progress your mech on rank, the drop will be a bit more but not much but when count of daily play it does make a huge difference been under development.
  2. No, you will be limited to one attack generally speaking. Top weapon will work at Range 4 then can use recoil. If you are in Range 3 will be to one attack. With range 1-2 can do dual attack. The player will close to you very often to exploit that.
  3. yes, it drops but it is harder to use auto play and win. It is tuff for many players with some limitations. Some play Insane but Hard have the tendency I guess to give more fortune boxes. To get epics sometimes it is hard. Every account is based on luck and not all have the luck. Try to get fortune boxes for epics and legend luck. BASE can provide epics to some cost.
  4. In the past it was used often. It has been used more for physical mechs with recoil, nightfall and night eagle. Other option was used with frantic and recoil or maybe SPARTAN if available. Another option was the dual Desolation with few repulsers. I will not recommend the use but can be useful to practice if decide to use the runner as example. You will need to have some plating. Sure, things changed with resist drainers around etc. Mech still in use but not often as used to be and will say very rare right now to see it. Sometimes was used for energy mech. Legs are better now.
  5. Ensure to have the proper username and correct e-mail used for the account creation. I had issues before and work. About using FACEBOOK, have you tried to use a PC and log directly with SM? Sometimes FB and GO give issues.
  6. You need to add rock recoiler in order to use the rest of the weapons due to lack of range. When opponent is close to you, Mercy will keep you close for only drone usage making you lose an attack turn to move mech of position. Players will exploit that. Above recommendations are good.
  7. they can't help much not knowing your account inventory. If those are the real parts already in play, let them know.
  8. my kid told me that you played against him and sent greetings.
  9. Really sad old forum. Guilty of charge. We got him after long for ripping the old forum. This guy will go to jail.
  10. Flaming hammer is useful. Good weapon but need to use it with proper mechs configurations. For your mech you need to enhance modules for now.
  11. It does looks perfect and cool. One of my heroes in the game.
  12. I want 1-Sorrow 2-Eject 3- Swoop 4- Repulsers 5- Broken Blizzar 6- Fractured Bassalt 7- Damage armor 8-Valiant 9- Abomination 10- Bunker 11- Magma Blast 12- Spartan I can dream.
  13. Hi cool pilots! How are you? I am back to home from work few mins ago. It is 10pm local time. My wife and kids are on bed. My daughter has not been playing the game studding for some school test. My son has been playing few rounds now and then in both accounts nothing else been too busy at school and playing other games. I just served myself my meal and I am trying to avoid making noise. My lady was not feeling well. Tomorrow I won't work taking the day off as compensation day for working 7 days. I need to rest a bit. When I was a young man, I used to work 7 days every week not having personal time to hang enough fooling around trying to pay my university bills, rent, girlfriend complaining time to time "my actual wife " and the rest. I was trying to avoid debts accumulation, so I worked a lot and still doing so. I started to work at the age of 5. My first payment was 5 dollars in a 5-dollar bill brand new from the year 1973. Nice satisfaction to get my first real paycheck for working in a store. Many things have changed since then on labor etc. Now the kids play SM and complain about the game crashing even it is a free game. That it is a real hard time for the new kids' generation. I can't imagine how frustrating can be for them unable to play the game. I don't want to be in their shoes. Anyway.... Let's go back to the game. I still focus only on grinding for gold and time to time I play the TITAN if tickets collection it is not high. I verify the Raid if I remember checking if my kids did it or not because they forget all the time. Sure, I have misses too not been focus into play the game. I was able to increase the gold to 400million gold reserves and no longer a goal to increase much the gold except to finish the remaining MYTH parts at L1. The BASE still unused. Mix boxes still controlled to keep it not below 500 but I was finishing a part and crossed a just few down the 500. I will move up to 750-800 in a few weeks. Clan coins still growing playing the TITAN with low tickets collection. OK, let's see the parts. MYTH/DIVINE= 307 the same as the last report. No changes focused into finish level up to L50 all of them. Legendary's= 207 EPICS= 80 I already completed 300 MYTH parts at L50. Remaining just 7 around. Have fun farming. CHEERS
  14. That looks very cool and hard to do. Nice inspiration for me.
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