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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Xynt

  1. That generous of you, can I join next? Just kidding lol.
  2. You can be legendary, mystical and commander pilot. But in reality never even reach top rank once. So why you bother?
  3. I think this rule need to be updated to. What do you think ? Just to be clear.
  4. Apa maksud demage senjata? Apa2 pun salah topic kau niii...kalau mau suggest apa2 benda di "rebalance" kurang fahamlah apa yg kau mau sapaikan...jadi kalau boleh ckp bsh English je lah ya?
  5. 1v1 arena counter. This will give them they own medicine. Plus physical resistant are t i c c energy resistant mostly weak
  6. Fact is S.A.M stand for "Strong Arm Mech". He often testing meta build in chat.
  7. My start is: 1v1 rank 3-2. 400-800+ wins. 2v2 rank 5-3. 200-400+ wins. 3v3 rank 5-4. 200-300+ wins Willing to join war, collect ticket, attack titan fully. Is it enough? My main language is French and Polish. I don't speak English very well.
  8. People often insult me when I use frantic and counter at same times . Get use to it.
  9. Oh...I noticed you few weeks ago on chat. You say you want to trade acc. Is this have to do with it?
  10. Far the best I got far... A spectral. Other than that are mostly grapes
  11. I only informing about raid cheater. But if you look closely, even cow don't cheat on raid. Huge respect for animal even know better about raid rule.
  12. New meta won't come out, unless new item come out. What I mean is meta created by evolution, we still stuck on hugger meta for months. I'm sure new item will came out after rebalance cheater.
  13. You drink your brother water. You disrespect him. But if you drink your brother water in Africa. Consider this is war.
  14. Lol I'm not ready for it. Sadly I have to pass...
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