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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. yeah man you dont got an upgraded torso you honestly have nothing. Anyone can easily HB you and you can say bye bye to the win. Even if they're E-M mods, mods are just as important as your weapons
  2. Arena yeah maybe, camp tho...nah. 2v2 would still stay the same, for 1v1 I aint on board cus I like to farm wins off of 1v1 because its quick. 1 turn would take too long. 3v3 sounds good but you're prolly screwed if someone hbs + sorrow + another heat weapon with good heat dmg
  3. yeah the only reason it works in lower ranks is because most of the lower ranks dont think about mods. Everything should be upgraded rather evenly yet for some reason thats not taken into consideration much I really like dual sorrow (sadly I dont have any accs with dual sorrow) I do think sorrow is better than corrupt light because it doesn't cost any energy and it will do against energy mechs sine most times energy mechs have more ene than heat. It definitely gets people off guard. It's still a r1 build
  4. It's garbage. If your opponent has good res, you will barely do any damage. Also, most people in top ranks have good stats and theres lots of counters in 1v1 and 2v2
  5. Banned because that was already used at least twice
  6. banned because y'alls reasons are dumb
  7. Banned for not having a good enough reason to ban me
  8. Not gonna take a screen shot but I've been here for officially a year (as of 7 mins ago)
  9. Banned for having a U as your pfp
  10. cus I got rank 4 AND 3 for the first time....just figured id post what I got
  11. lol I just divined my first one yesterday
  12. Thank you so much Khazix (if you see this)
  13. Edit: Sorry, I meant china might be attacking Tiwan. China has wanted to attack tiwan for about 2 years now..
  14. Hello everyone. Before I tell you guys what I want to tell you I just want to say I'm not here to get political at all. I found out less than an hour ago that the Ukraine is about 80% out of power. This most likely means the Ukraine will be invaded yet AGAIN. Now, I don't give a crap if you're for Russia or if you're for Ukraine. Religious or not...I am asking everyone to pray for both the Russians and the Ukrainians. There could be hundreds...maybe thousands of people that have a chance of dying. I'm not saying this is gonna happen for sure, but this could go anywhere. Thank you for reading this and please, stay safe..
  15. yeah nobody was diggin this offer and I dont blame em
  16. malice beam is the energy version of corrupt light, corrupt light is ass
  17. I literally beg you to not use dual corrupt light and dont use that crap energy torso
  18. I see. Most times I usually don't boost but I will give a boot to someone who's helped me in the past. I think there's all been a time in SM where you've been so close to a rank, you've never been there and you ask for the win. I could understand that.
  19. it hasn't even been a month, its hard to make progress cus u constantly have to farm gold and stuff
  20. I uh...don't know what boosting is but if it has something to do with hackers then I AGREE Also some of y'all dont have to be jackasses about it just dont respond if you dont agree .-.
  21. Ukraine doesn't deserve any of what they have been dealing with the past 5 days. I pray that our father will put out a hand to help the one with homes destroyed. Show some mercy for our innocent allies in the Ukraine. Stop this war and let everyone come back together as one and in peace. In times like these, we have to come to realization our moments may be out last ones. Anything is possible. Russia has very good technology. We've poked the bear for too long, and now the bear will scratch. He will bite and he will injure, or kill anyone who steps in. War is not needed, we are all human, I think as humans we must stand together. I will be praying for our friends in Ukraine and I hope that you all do the same. Stay safe everybody
  22. its not a flex...at all but its cool lol a lot of stuff people post here isn't even a flex they post their legendary food they get and everyone says "OMG AT LEAST YOU GOT SQUINCH WITH IT" as if they're funny
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