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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. Monkey torsos are the best with good res and very good mods. You need all 3 forts for a monke because of how many people have the -60 res drainers in top ranks. You'd also need at least 3 QCB's and because of how heavy monkey's are, you can only use 3-4 items. Vests are ...something else for sure. Vest's aren't comparable to any other torso in the game. 180 res with maxed res in arena shop and a phys fort? AND IM SEEING THIS IN RANK 7+...they still have decent HP and heat too. If you're running vest and a monke, put the res on the monke and put the HP on the vest to balance it out
  2. I cannot stress enough how those need resistance. I fight people with low- no res and my dual spartan destroys them. If you dont have a mech that does a lot of heat dmg or energy dmg then you're screwed if you have no res. Make a myth windigo and myth nightmare, put it on a claw so at least you have some res and HP. Those builds are ehh, id reccomend the nightfall build and the dual malice build
  3. You already have 2 VERY good builds. You have dual sorrow and dual shotgun. work on maxing dark eagle, burning shower and your other sorrow. From there, start working on your mods. Don't worry about a 3rd mech until all the mods are mythed on your 1st and 2nd mech
  4. 2 EFF's...nothing to use it for. what a waste of 50 tokens to kill big boy
  5. AND I HAVE NOTHING TO USE IT FOR I have energy items (some myth ones too) but I dont have the items that go with this item
  6. I do agree on the part with the heat, I've used dual crimpson flames and it was good in r9-7 but after that not too much because of how much heat it costs you. Honestly if you get them drained, big daddy does like 450-550 dmg plus the 200 energy drain. Like I said it all depends on what items u have to go with it. Thank you for not being an ass and over reacting, it is good to share our thoughts so we can bring them to the admins (even tho they wont do squat)
  7. Omg I just witnessed the greatest English of all time. "You are most stubborn I have ever meet" Bro please teach me
  8. I'm the idiot? You're the one who replied to me! Holy crap can I get a witness?! I don't really care if you reported me. I don't care if I hurt your feelings, I don't care if you think its rude. Once again, I didn't ask.
  9. Oop I was thinking of a different weapon my bad. Still, big daddy is a good alt for UPC, daddy does what like 200 ene dmg? something like that
  10. I'm not being a piece of crap, I did nothing wrong. You started this and stuck your nose in where it didn't belong lol. Desert can be an alt for burning shower depending on the build, UPC only has 1 use while daddy has 3 while still doing good drain and damage. Mighty cannon can go with dual shotgun, it can be used with night eagle, it can be used with frantic and it can make ANK's build. Mortal bullet is a decent item but it could do better damage for sure. And by the way next time you wanna start shit with someone, know your place. Any of my friends will tell you how bad I flame people, ffs I bet I leave those 8 year olds in chat in tears Seriously tho, stop. This is super unnecessary.
  11. Not luck at all I did with with like 40 wins. First off, stop being immature. You're making mountains out of molehills. Honestly, I think its crazy that I'm gonna have to type all this out but here we go. Mortalbullet, ash creator, big daddy and stormweaver are all very good items. Andernut gets top 10 with his ash creator and big daddy build. Ene frantic sucks obviously, overcooking oven, deem bringer and the heat ash creator are good items if you use them wisely and with the right build. Desert snake is a good item but once again, you must use it on the right build. Disintegration is a decent item. funny enough, Void drafter got #1 with dual pufier. Mighty cannon is an insane item with the right build. You too, have clearly no idea what you're saying. Cut the bullshit dude, I make 1 comment stating a fact which I think other people can agree with and you start putting words in my mouth and basically calling me a shit player.
  12. My best account has reached rank 3. My account I use the most, spoon gets r4. Obviously, he did point out some absolute shit, useless items. Sadly, you're dyslexia is kicking in, therefore I must inform you that I said a lot of items he crossed out are good. I never said I know everything so lets not start making shit up
  13. You have no idea what you're talking about, a lot of the items you crossed out are good. Please dont post something if you have no idea what ur talking about
  14. Nice, pretty good for a r11. I'm lvl 196 rn...so close to my first plat plate
  15. yall dont know what cursed is. Here, lemme give u some cursed images these are a few ive saved that I could find
  16. I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about but if you're talking about upgrading a mythical item from level 1-50 its gonna cost around 850,000 coins
  17. Nope. I'm right, I've maxed a lot of myths in my life lol
  18. I have all 3 heat forts and none of the other forums
  19. "mechs that look like mechs are even greater"- whiteout, 2/24/22
  20. So our mechs look like obama? Interesting..
  21. you're right, my idea is a W
  22. you have a good point but wouldnt that be dope
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