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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. I just msged my opponent. While I wait I'd like to take the time to say thank you to Pavke, Marjia and everyone else who has made this possible! I'd also like to tell the people who were late to stop complaining. You snooze, you lose. Also, please read what Pavke has said. I just read 2 pages of questions that were already answered, let them enjoy the holidays too. I wish everyone the best of luck, may the best mech win
  2. Exactly. It's not they gave us a day or 2. I got my entry in 2 days before it ended, you can't tell me you can't take 2 minuets to make a full epic mech, screen shot it and send it in
  3. Stop complaining and saying how sad you are. Nobody gives 2 shiits. Be happy you have a chance to win something instead of being ungreatful towards the people who made this possible
  4. I needed a heat recoiler but I didnt have one so I had to use hammer and make due
  5. I just got my first quad core booster on my fav alt but I was so happy I forgot to screen shot it
  6. I never got matched up and I entered on Saturday... Am I still in?
  7. was thinkin the same thing but was feeling to lazy to say it lol
  8. Nope. I made rank 1 with no premium mods, just a solar torch ene version
  9. Make dual Malice. It makes r1, I've done it before
  10. I- Well I dont have one, maybe you can donate
  11. me who got all food accept for cockpit peircer, heat pizza cutter and L-M energy res mod. The rest was food but ill take the val and plat plate if you aint gonna use it lul
  12. ayo wait up mind helpin me? lol im broke, I no cap have 1 token rn
  13. He means trading items. If people could trade items all of a sudden everyone would be a top ranker from just taking things from their other accounts but tbh we should have a trading system for trading items...it would be nice for sure
  14. yup with your 337 saved premium boxes. welp like I say, whatever floats your boat man. Btw wanna donate some tokens? my dual spartan alt could use em, I need a valiant and another bunker would be nice...and a heat or ene vest
  15. imagine having an account that stacked. good for you bruv, keep up the good work
  16. It's not really a new idea, people have fantisized about it for ages. And nobody is gonna trade a night eagle for a distance shredder, sorry bruv
  17. Donate some premium packs, I need a rock recoiler badly
  18. no I need it for my rank 8 acc, dual spartan acc and quadruple spartan acc
  19. this things is all over the place. Y'all are makin some hell of a story with a lot of bad english lmao
  20. What I meant was I don't have time to watch the ads, I can probably get around 50 tokens from raid and I always do my daily stuff, but at the end of the day, it just takes too long to farm so many tokens. I can get a lot of tokens, around 1k in 2 weeks but still, I did it when I was on summer break, nowadays, I got school. Long dead? My god, you got a spartan and dual bunker. I'd kill to have an acc like that again lol. My main is rank 7 and had like 7 divines and 8 myths. I got like 15 premium items but still, 196 mill coins like wth
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