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Everything posted by RaymondL1747

  1. i mean I couldn't see attack on titan on Funimation.com because I needed to be a premium subscriber
  2. Yeah Same assassination Classroom's ending for season 2 was sad. Hmm... 4th place care to explain? I like it too High school DxD is pretty good but the animation for season 4 was trash asf
  3. no for me it is just loading the video but won't play it
  4. for A you have some extra room for weight so if you ever get a damaged armor annihilator use that since it is 8kg
  5. Idk if this is a flex but this was from a item box like has anyone got this before? also this was not from a campaign mission
  6. hmm.. that might be a problem because like you said ur brother is doing it for you so maybe you can ask him if there is any progress on getting base disabled and you have to know it takes time for Alexander to disable base for people
  7. Feel free to ask questions on your builds here since, the old forum build help tread hasn't moved here yet so I decided to make one
  8. you could just use rock recoiler or a hammer or a repluser
  9. I got a idea bro just simply if the minions are heat just remove all ur energy mods and replace them with ONLY heat and cooling mods with 20% HP from a ad and the boss too
  10. I know right that guy is clearly a hacker
  11. Daannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng so much nice stuff as a rank 1 xD
  12. That phys mech is pretty much the mech I wanted to build but with rock recoiler before I lost the account TnT
  13. HOLY S*** That's gonna take a lot of time to get all those items
  14. xD that killed me I am laughing so hard rn because of "you can't appear out of nowhere with 3 clevername meta builds"
  15. Making ur mech 1000kg is not good you need cooling and energy regen since EMPs would destroy your mech a long with heat bombs and if you ever get a spartan carnage use that instead of night eagle if you want too though
  16. no that's the other one misguided rocket launcher well this one has infinity uses
  17. WTFFFFFFF 114 power kits?!?!?! That a lot that could maxed out like 6 mythicals
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