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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by NeoPrism

  1. NeoPrism


    Happy birthday Grimace
  2. great idea, would need some time to get used to if it were to exist
  3. https://www.battledawn.com/forum/ucp.php?i=profile&mode=reg_details Press "Forgot Password" and type out either your username or your gmail (preferably both)
  4. i'd say keep unreliable protector. At max, the only thing that face shocker does better is having 1 more ene res drain, and having 1 lower weight, at the cost of having to re-enable it every 3 turns Though consider upgrading the "Backfire buff" in the Arena shop so the protector deals less self-damage at legendary/mythical
  5. This should be fixed by tomorrow or this week
  6. NeoPrism

    Lost money

    Did you try resetting the application? Maybe even re-logging into your account?
  7. Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear, Pearl's Peril and Smokeybear
  8. If absolutely everything was maxed to its limit, i believe it'd go to r12+
  9. Upgrade your modules, drone. Otherwise the mech is "alright" at best
  10. I suggest you turn back. now.
  11. I own the Company of Gato Games, which owns Supermechs. Sincerely, Prism.
  12. Shining example of the average SM player
  13. Both of those items can drop from premium boxes and packs. But i recommend saving up for packs anyway, more bang-for-the-buck
  14. Re:zero isn't even that perma-scarring sol : the quintessential quintuplets action: i don't know... seven deadly sins or something
  15. for one special day (Maybe SM's anniversary) just make the prices of premium packs way smaller and increase the chances of legendaries by 75% or some sht
  16. i just think of it as a neat secret update/plot twist
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