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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by NeoPrism

  1. regarding my first post here lmao top 10, goes from best to "worst" 1. K-On! 2. The Quintessential Quintuplets 3. Re:zero (arguably #2) 4. Konosuba 5. Rent a girlfriend competing with Tonikawa: over the moon for you 6. miss kobayashi's dragon maid 7. Attack on titan 8. Blend s 9. seven deadly sins 10. (and don't judge me) High School DxD now, when i say "goes from best to "worst"" it doesn't mean i hate it, all of these anime i actually like, theres none i dislike Even the "worst" tier is still good imo, but its just not as enjoyable as the others on the list
  2. give up on your dream and die ah yes, character
  3. well what do i do then, i guess im just "spreading" your idea
  4. thats about what i said 65% titan rewards, they're already that hard to get, atleast for me
  5. ah yes, somehow drop my fps even more AAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHHAHAHHAH.mp4
  6. god mode comes back stronger than ever, defeats alex, and then destroys the world as the new big update i dunno, worldwide raid boss although just saying that makes me go completely off-course
  7. i don't know... i just kinda want more variety than type item portals
  8. on the side note, daily reward revamp
  9. these would be the most useful imo make a launcher in which you can choose whether to play the current supermechs or the legacy version, multiplayer and all although... most people would probably choose legacy ngl
  10. ho ho, so you're testing my meme capabilities? lasagna.mp4 Piggy_RoLePlaY.mp4 Imposter1.mp4
  11. ya'll ever wanna craft some kids sometime? that's a nice base you got there, barely got to level 10 on some buildings/mines before starting a new acc
  12. I can't even provide a video since i listen to weird genres edm, anime op's, chill stuff yeah respect for hoplon
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