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  1. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from MasterChief in Update Idea   
    This would be cool, as in completing the daily 3 missions. Though, it won't be a STAR UP. Nor count as a win. Just a daily mission 3 wins.
  2. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in Bumbum's Junkyard   
    When I saw this, this came to mind

    Chainsaw man....
  3. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in Hack???   
    sounds like a hack to me when player boost gaining unfair gold and abusing the system for ranks. Just saying according to your comment. Boosting it is no legal. 🤣
    always check their replay. if replay is lock out, then sometimes something is fishy. 🤭
  4. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Hack???   
    Watch their replays. Some don't want others to know there mechs, so they keep the main ones not view able.
  5. Thanks
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Survivor Pilots
    How are you?
    I am doing ok but today I am at home taking take of some medical's things. You know, I am old so what do you expect. 🤡
    There is very nice temperature outside at 12c degrees. Inside the house at 60F as I like. It was a nice to sleep but sadly did not materialize. 🥴 
    My kids are back from school but today I was doing some level ups and has been farming as usual. 
    I hope all goes well for you all. 
    About the account, I will add just few things for this month. I won't be adding the full list today leaving that for next month or so.
    I have been focusing in to increase gold reserves and slowly making parts not as I used to do. I still do not use the BASE to craft power kits trying to accumulate enough gold.
    My plan on going, is to increase to 1000 premium boxes collection and as the goal to reach that number by next December before Christmas time. 
    I have purchased 1 offer in March of 4K and out of the goal not looking for it, I decided to buy 50 EGG's and opened just 10 of them. 
    My expectation is to buy 1 offer every month of 4k to reach that number. According to the math will be in December. 
    It will take the next 8 months including this one to get the 1000. 
    I will need 32k tokens to get that which I do have on tokens reserves. I will get few others tokens to keep some around for some weapons offers I would like to see and get but will be maybe impossible in the way it is now. Anyway, I like to have some reserves. 
    Since the last time I updated on March 4, I have increased some premiums packs. 
    I moved from 765 to now 792, Not a lot but just slow planned increase. 🤡

    Because the goal is 1000 packs, I do not include the others on reserve. I do have now 41 Eggs around as reserve. 

    Also, I do have some goodies with clan coins around 
    Currently I can say I do have 897 packs if sum what it is right now in accumulation. Not bad for a slow add. By the time I get into 1000 premium packs, I will have some extra around that number. 
    The current progress it is slow. I keep the mix parts in balance maxing parts slowly to avoid going to a negative week reserve keeping every week in the positive side adding gold. 

    I have a total of 
    Divine/Myth= 324 including 2 under progress to go to L50. 
    Legendary= 132 and decreasing because I need room so eating what I do not need
    EPIC= 66 and reducing to make room after work with part as collection. 
    Room Capacity-= 615
    Let see Maxed parts since last post. Those are just for collection no weapons in need for ranks. 

    And divined 

    Increase gold from 529 million to not that bad. 
    Because low rank and no matter if the account was played in R3 or R5 recently, the rewards are a sad thing to watch as always. 

    I opened 10 Eggs. Looks like I am missing a file. OPPs.  

    I think it is not a bad progress in the last month. Iam currently working with the Spartan and the Terror Blade. 🤡 

  6. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Bumbum's Junkyard   
    When I saw this, this came to mind

    Chainsaw man....
  7. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in I'm Joe,...   
    I remember the SilverMan killing me so many times. 🤣
  8. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    I give wins, I use Bro, never used nigga and no reason to do so, don't sell accounts neither want someone else account. 
    Wins-never intended to play for wins so I do not mind. Even when I played for R1 I gave the wins to top players every week to let them stay on ranks in all clans not omitting one. 
    Bro- In the military base some black community members used a lot with me when I was young. So, time to time I use the term or friends. 
    Nigga- that is for black community to use between themself. Keep things in the proper place and respect. Sure, it is more a USA thing. Do not use that in USA because you can even be killed for it. Even between black community they are careful normally to be use more between people that know each other for some time. Sometimes can be offensive between them. 
    Selling account- Annoying in the game from my starting day. Those are normally acc hackers.
  9. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I'm Joe,...   
    Duh... I knew that... That is why I replied sure.
    Did you Move.... I thought you were in LA...
    Felt like a change.  Can still change it.... People still think that Jam in my user name is either Jam=Jelly or Jam=Meaning let rock... lol... Though JAM is my initials.
  10. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in I'm Joe,...   
    I'm Joe, so call me that here in this forum or Silver.  I prefer Joe, short for Joseph.  You all know me. I left the game two weeks ago, yet never really left the TS forums.  I was basically checking stuff out and scanning stuff there.  I like to read up on what goes on here, since I was more addicted to TS, rather than play SM.  I like to keep in touch with everyone I know here.   If you don't know who I was in the old forum, there is already a clue here.  Seems many already know, especially @rc1 and many others, I believe.   Though, I will still lay on the down low.
    I created the Anime/Manga club here for those that like A/M.  So, check that out. 
  11. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Ace Red Baron in I'm Joe,...   
    Hi Joseph,
    I don’t like Bro I prefer Xd or D
    Ace 🇨🇦
  12. Haha
    JamAnime got a reaction from Stevelord in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    I take that they are very young.  When I was at a young age, I thought it was cool to say it. I had realized a long time ago how stupid I was. 🤣
  13. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Ace Red Baron in I'm Joe,...   
    I'm Joe, so call me that here in this forum or Silver.  I prefer Joe, short for Joseph.  You all know me. I left the game two weeks ago, yet never really left the TS forums.  I was basically checking stuff out and scanning stuff there.  I like to read up on what goes on here, since I was more addicted to TS, rather than play SM.  I like to keep in touch with everyone I know here.   If you don't know who I was in the old forum, there is already a clue here.  Seems many already know, especially @rc1 and many others, I believe.   Though, I will still lay on the down low.
    I created the Anime/Manga club here for those that like A/M.  So, check that out. 
  14. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Stevelord in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    nowdays i mostly see in arena and chat all time nigga nigga niggga niggggaa why are they so addictive to that word i swear 🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️
  15. Like
    JamAnime reacted to MasterChief in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    or when they try to buy from you or sell you their account
  16. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Stevelord in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    These are two things that I hate in p vs p chat
    1. When someone calls me BRO.  For one thing, I am not your Bro. I don't even know you. I could be a girl, or and old man.
    2. When they ask to let them WIN, using BRO in that sense, "Bro, please let me win...." I just hate that people have no confidence in them self.
  17. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from NeoPrism in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    These are two things that I hate in p vs p chat
    1. When someone calls me BRO.  For one thing, I am not your Bro. I don't even know you. I could be a girl, or and old man.
    2. When they ask to let them WIN, using BRO in that sense, "Bro, please let me win...." I just hate that people have no confidence in them self.
  18. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from supermechupdateyourgamepls in Two Big things I hate when people chat in player vs player Arena...   
    These are two things that I hate in p vs p chat
    1. When someone calls me BRO.  For one thing, I am not your Bro. I don't even know you. I could be a girl, or and old man.
    2. When they ask to let them WIN, using BRO in that sense, "Bro, please let me win...." I just hate that people have no confidence in them self.
  19. Thanks
    JamAnime got a reaction from Amazing_Tale in Special quest   
    It's more random... We use to keep tabs of history of it.  What the daily thing was. Was not my idea. I believe it was Atusiff who was doing it.  Don't know it it's still happening
  20. Like
    JamAnime reacted to OKI DOKI in What are you going to do if this happends   
    Then I will be like the legacy guys talking about the old good days. 🤗
    L250 will be like was L30. 🫠
    What will be of my boxes 🤣
    Americans style and I am American. 👍

  21. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from LORD CHAOS in What are you going to do if this happends   
    It's happened.  It was robbery. It's like you had to start over.
  22. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Amazing_Tale in What are you going to do if this happends   
    It's happened.  It was robbery. It's like you had to start over.
  23. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in What are you going to do if this happends   
    It's happened.  It was robbery. It's like you had to start over.
  24. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from bestplayeroftheworld in What are you going to do if this happends   
    It's happened.  It was robbery. It's like you had to start over.
  25. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from MasterChief in What are you going to do if this happends   
    It's happened.  It was robbery. It's like you had to start over.
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