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Everything posted by JamAnime

  1. Day 13, waiting for @Spam to give up on the BHD.
  2. This image shows the best way to do it. Max out common and some at lvl 5. Then you up the rare with the common. After that use the rare to up an item. That is the best way.
  3. Every old player knows that. You don't transform pk. you max them at the lvl they are, especially base users. If you don't have base, then it is needed to transform a common to rare. You don't ever transform a rare to epic, or epic to legendary kits.
  4. You your gonna want to max out common power kits, and some to lvl 5. It takes 3 common to get it to lvl 5 or one rare item. Then you use 3 max common pk and a lvl 5 power kit to max out a rare power kit
  5. I would not do this, especially for new players. Cost too much gold, when you can farm for boxes. Just farm for boxes and save them up like crazy. When ready to upgrade, open the boxes. You save gold for upgrading by doing this. If you craft common, you are wasting gold. I use to farm like crazy on OD6 and get around 30 to 50 boxes a day. Math that out for 7 days, and you get around 200 to 400 boxes. Times that 200 by 3, and you get 600 items that are either common or rare, and sometimes epic. Crafting 600 common cost 567,000 gold. I rather save that then spend on crafting. If you are going to be a full on f2p player, it is best to save as much gold as possible for upgrading. Gold is more essential than tokens, especially for f2p players. You don't throw away gold for common, when you can farm common.
  6. OD6 = Overlords Den 1v1 insane. It is the easiest and fast way to get gold and boxes. Having it on auto does the job. Using a physical build makes it faster, and easier. Mission 5 = The Dry Lands Mission 5 in 3v3 insane. You get the most gold and boxes using 5 fuel. This is if you have 2 or 3 fully build mechs. Physical being the best to use, with high hp. Here is a post on how to upgrade. There are more, but this is what I found atm.
  7. Here is how I did it. - Three factories always crafting Epic/legendary - One factory crafting upgrade kits Then I would farm Mission 5 in 3v3. Though you can also farm OD6. This is to get gold and boxes. This was to have stuff to upgrade kits. This is if you have enough gold. Like over 20,000,000.
  8. Let me clarify your NO and turn them to a YES NO New Campaign: We don't need a new campaign. Either you finish it or not. Don't expect a new campaign after you completed it or just what you can. The campaign has been updated so many times already. There is no point. Though if Alex decides to cool, either way it is fine. NO Ban wave: There will always be hackers. So, the ban wave will never end. NO New items: I'm actually glad that there have not been any new item, especially when I barely go on. Having new items every month or so, it just maid the game even more difficult to get other items in packs. Then there is a change where one item is worthless because of a new item. It happened every time a new item was brought. NO Updates: This is something everyone is expecting, yet is it worth it for others. There can be changes, yet updating we will see. YES Offers YES Game is dying: Right now the game is at a stand sill. The bar has not gone up or down. That is just your opinion. Many old high rank left. I'm pretty sure they do the same as me, and just check in to see what is new.
  9. Day 9, waiting for spam to become ceo.
  10. Oh, Then he will receive his Backfire Drone. Day 9, waiting to go to the bathroom...
  11. This is new to me. I did not know this.
  12. Day 8, waiting to read any news from @Alexander of the game.
  13. If you are talking about the Divine relics, then use it on Common to Mythical items. Though, there are like only 2 or three. So, not much use for them. Just let waist away in your inventory. I've also came up with some good ideas on them, yet nothing done. Another idea would be, not gonna say.
  14. JamAnime

    Silver boxes

    The PK were also reduce in price. So, they were not originally 6k. They were more than 6k. So, that is another benefit.
  15. You are asking for too much.... If you want a gift, ask your mom/dad for a gift(credit card) to buy pp.
  16. JamAnime

    Silver boxes

    In factory you can get common or rare power kits.
  17. JamAnime

    Silver boxes

    Getting power kits from SB's is basically Random. Getting PK from base is not, random, it is official. When you up the factory to 15, you can start make power kits. I think it might be 16. I forget. Though the outcome is still the same. You can produce 99 pk in one factory.
  18. JamAnime

    Silver boxes

    You can also buy SB in pack of 5 SBs. Meaning you can get up to 15 items. Actually, it is better for different players. It is bad for players who are new to the game and started with base. It put the game in slow mode. Cost a lot of time and Gold. If you are an old player before/right after base existed and have 3 full build mechs, then it is beneficial. You can be gone for 3 days, and gain 300k gold. You really don't need to waist time playing.
  19. Ooops, quoted the wrong person, and wrong post. Was not paying attention...Was meant for @Spam... Wait Serious, or are you being sarcastic?
  20. Wait Serious, or are you being sarcastic? Day 6, waiting for @OKI DOKI to give me his credit card info.
  21. People tend to do that. Especially new people who are new to the forum. They don't research old posts. They just post. One of my favorite that new players who come to the forum will most likely post "trade idea topic," thinking they were the first to post it.
  22. The best way is to observe the players mechs that you think you can beat. Look at their mechs before you battle them. If they have 3 physicals, most likely one or two will have low energy. Battle them one time to and remember their stats. Then have an idea of what you can do better the next time.
  23. Day 5 of waiting for SM to die or to make a big change.
  24. The best way is to use your credit card or your mommy/daddies card. The simple answer.
  25. Then you should learn about it. Something new for you to learn.
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