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How many chests do you have ?

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On 2/3/2024 at 2:26 AM, heller said:

Wait Really ? Well thanks for informing me as I wouldn't forgive myself if I bought an offer only for it to disappear

It can have around 850 or a bit more but the account will notify you when you are around 810 or 820 that you are getting maxed to have them and will have to consume. I had more than 850 in the past. I just ensure to consume by the time I get the warning or before the warning. I normally run high. 

My 2 accounts




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3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

It can have around 850 or a bit more but the account will notify you when you are around 810 or 820 that you are getting maxed to have them and will have to consume. I had more than 850 in the past. I just ensure to consume by the time I get the warning or before the warning. I normally run high. 

My 2 accounts




Must be difficult to open these boxes when your inventory is full

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yes. when there are too many legends to consume is hard. That force me to create parts that are not for combat but for collection not getting parts in need. 

People can use power kits to add parts to make room but at some point, will run out of space making the issue the same at some point.

I look for parts for future test combos and data collection as one of my fun in the game. I play for fun no for win or medals etc. When I reach 700-800, I do consume 200-300 mix boxes keeping 500 in reserve then start the cycle again, but I need to have the part I am looking to max ready for it reason I preserve some in legend to get max later on even are not in need and consume some around that I have in excess.

For example, today I did some few min ago. I maxed a drone and from L1 legend Mortalbullet I transformed that one to MYTH using 5 Platinum Plating because no more room or need for them having enough for high HP 3 mechs counters for 4k. I do not need Mortal but making the collection for 3 mechs for fun and test. The drone is for collection but might use on some builds in 2v2 or 3v3. Sure, I do not play now but making parts for the future and fun. I had already maxed other.  

I just play for fun. That it is. 😉


This is now my mix but will get back as before next week farming. 



I just now finished this one in my other account for collection. 



Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

yes. when there are too many legends to consume is hard. That force me to create parts that are not for combat but for collection not getting parts in need. 

People can use power kits to add parts to make room but at some point, will run out of space making the issue the same at some point.

I look for parts for future test combos and data collection as one of my fun in the game. I play for fun no for win or medals etc. When I reach 700-800, I do consume 200-300 mix boxes keeping 500 in reserve then start the cycle again, but I need to have the part I am looking to max ready for it reason I preserve some in legend to get max later on even are not in need and consume some around that I have in excess.

For example, today I did some few min ago. I maxed a drone and from L1 legend Mortalbullet I transformed that one to MYTH using 5 Platinum Plating because no more room or need for them having enough for high HP 3 mechs counters for 4k. I do not need Mortal but making the collection for 3 mechs for fun and test. The drone is for collection but might use on some builds in 2v2 or 3v3. Sure, I do not play now but making parts for the future and fun. I had already maxed other.  

I just play for fun. That it is. 😉


This is now my mix but will get back as before next week farming. 



I just now finished this one in my other account for collection. 



Aren't you worried that at one point your inventory will be all mythical items that the only way to open boxes is through inventory upgrade (though it probably would be too expensive at that point) or getting rid of some of you myths which defeats the whole point of what you are doing

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yes. Tho, to get there will take years and I do not know if I will be alive. I am old so 🍻 🫠🤣🤡

My inventory space is limited to 615 and yes, it is expensive even for pay to wins like some players around. I am not a pay to win. I am a player who started for free and reached top as free all my accounts. I buy time to time just for fun not often, but I preserve the purchases. 

The inventory space it was one of my primary things to do. I always preserved or preserve epics around for different reasons, so I have enough space for now. Making parts takes very long even for casual buyers. The only way to run out of space is to be a CLEVERNAME that said spent $25k and had full inventory at 999 and had to eat parts. 

I play for a little more than 4 years now, and I just recently finished 300 parts maxed in full L50 regardless purchases because I farm the gold and mix parts as part of my fun. To progress with money fast, you need to buy gold and parts using a silver account to make it right in the moment. You have to be rich in American standard to do such things. 

For now, I have enough space in the way I am developing parts much slower and was working into reach 500 million gold. Now it is not about gold accumulation as I have been doing recently but about increase close to it making a single part for months to come and divining epic parts and the remaining gold will be future gold to a point, I will start to use the BASE again to make power kits and have tens of thousands accumulated but that takes time which is set in order of my fun at some point. When I finish to divine, then will be the power kits and prepare many parts to L40 because when I open the premium boxes, many legends will come as food, and I can run out of space fast. I need to have those power kits to max fast. Sure, it is a year of fun strategy giving the time to get the offers I want to accumulate 1000 premium parts. I can have them long ago, but my kids last summer opened hundreds for fun and left a mess in my accounts that I just finished to fix in OKI DOKI but still struggling in O.D.FARM. 

A lot of work to do this year. It does takes longer because I do not do pvp and I lose a lot of gold there. 🥴 

Anyway, I just play having fun.


Let's Play for fun!



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