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How much currency can an average get in the game

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Before reading I want to make it clear that this method requires you to be active everyday to get the best results

You also will need to be playing on PC (i will explain in a second)

Let's assume that:

1-you are a player who can auto pilot insane bigboy

2-you have 4 maxed out gold mines

3-there are no events for a month to make it easier to calculate

So first off how much gold can you get

Let's assume you have 77 energy and that you played mission 6 on insane in the last missions 11 times you get 110k gold now your energy replenish 4 times a day so if you played them you get 440k gold add 50k from playing the arena and 120k from the mines per day you get 660k gold per day which means 18700k per month (or 18700000) counting the gold you get from raid not to mention the extra gold from events like 50% more gold or gold portals

Now tokens

If you have a PC you can watch an ad for 2 tokens 35 times (which 70 tokens) if the game says that there is no more ads just restart the game

Now add 10 tokens from daily missions that's 80 tokens per day which is 2400 and add 100 tokens per week (most players can make it to the 5th day) that's 2800 tokens per month not to mention the special achievement and the portals

So in short

Around 19 million gold per month

2800 tokens per month

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Well, is normal average for the one looking for tokens and average for grinder. Sure, not many do that reason slow development. Not easy when young and been a student. 

If the player is a hard-core farming like I used to be, you can make 60 myth parts per year. If you are a good grinder will be 40-45. Average 15-20 if farm and play enough. 

Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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I understand that it's frustrating to keep the game open waiting it to finish the missions and all other chores

But I didn't really understand that part about making myths

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I do not have the numbers. I lost that file I created long ago. I trashed by mistake. 😭

Now, parts required certain amount of gold to be max from level to level common. rare, epic, legend and myth and sure some for divine. 

If the player is a free to play and is a real grinder:

Let say a platinum plating can cost 1 million to be maxed from L1 Myth to L50 Myth. Collecting that gold for a basic active grinder not super hard cord, it can collect 1 million in 2 days but also to max the part, it will require mix parts generally speaking and control the use of them.


The game gives a base of luck into be able to collect mix boxes possibilities of 0-1. That means, that there is just 50% chance to get a box let say farming one shot at OD6 with 7 fuels at Insane mode. 

It does require a lot of constant grinding to progress a part. No just is 50% chance to get a box in one shot with 7 fuels, the possibility to get rare and or epic part, are a ton less making the common part the part most granted making the luck even harder. Maybe collected 500 boxes and can get 250 with just common of 3 cards or 2 cards or 1 card. 

Let say you have to max that Platinum plating and cost 1 million from L1-L50Myth. Depending on luck, maybe the player spent 250 mix boxes to max the part but also can be 500 or more due to the lack of rare and epic parts granted and the process to max a part will take longer and frustrating. 

The same happens when is in Legend state. Some other's part cost less but in average cost a million on top parts to be max and the mix boxes luck. 

To max a part on average grinding, can take 2 weeks. That means you can make around 28 parts or so not been a crazy dude farming and playing some for extra gold and using properly the extra fuel and gold days. 

In the past in my first 2 years playing, I was a hard-core farming and no missed a single day actually for more than 2 years but later faded away because work and had to retired one time and now retired but still farming as average farmer should do. On those days, I was able to push hard making parts. 

Now I am focus into save gold and no pvp etc. As player, I was able to make 60 parts or more farming and transform them to myth per year. 

Now I do have 312-313 or so with if not wrong, 311 fully L50. 

Now I just collect gold and mix boxes and level up a single part slowly with the daily collecting 20 parts and maxing with 15 parts. When I hit 800 mix parts, then I use 200-300 and max a part in the L30's. 




Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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On 1/8/2024 at 11:03 AM, heller said:

Before reading I want to make it clear that this method requires you to be active everyday to get the best results

You also will need to be playing on PC (i will explain in a second)

Let's assume that:

1-you are a player who can auto pilot insane bigboy

2-you have 4 maxed out gold mines

3-there are no events for a month to make it easier to calculate

So first off how much gold can you get

Let's assume you have 77 energy and that you played mission 6 on insane in the last missions 11 times you get 110k gold now your energy replenish 4 times a day so if you played them you get 440k gold add 50k from playing the arena and 120k from the mines per day you get 660k gold per day which means 18700k per month (or 18700000) counting the gold you get from raid not to mention the extra gold from events like 50% more gold or gold portals

Now tokens

If you have a PC you can watch an ad for 2 tokens 35 times (which 70 tokens) if the game says that there is no more ads just restart the game

Now add 10 tokens from daily missions that's 80 tokens per day which is 2400 and add 100 tokens per week (most players can make it to the 5th day) that's 2800 tokens per month not to mention the special achievement and the portals

So in short

Around 19 million gold per month

2800 tokens per month

Rinse and repeat that process for a whole year until you realize your what you did in 1 year, a cheater can do with absolutely zero consequences with 10 times the efficiency in less than a week.

As a bonus all of that months long effort, the game will reward you for being a respectable and fair player a pvp server that hand out crashes like hot cakes on a friday night, but hey, grinding on this game is 100% fun and full of engaging gameplay considering the sheer amount of people's "grinding progress threads" around these parts.

Edited by Aionion (see edit history)

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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