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Advice and strategies

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Hello. I have been playing super Mechs for a couple of months now, and I have a few questions. 

Is it profitable to upgrade the power module, and then later use that power module to upgrade items? It seems as though you gain some extra boost power when upgrading it, but once you transform it, you lose some of the boost power. So Maybe only upgrade it until it is Max level, but not transform it?

I see some Mechs have extremely much gear, and for me it seems I can never have that much gear without being over weight. Is there some trick to this, can you upgrade your maximum weight? or do they just use a torso with lower weight perhaps, and less of the modules, i.e. heat reduction and energy recovery modules.

is there a consensus among the top players What is the best strategy, focusing  fireweapons/electric weapons?


thanks ok advance 

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10 minutes ago, snugglemonster said:

Hello. I have been playing super Mechs for a couple of months now, and I have a few questions. 

Is it profitable to upgrade the power module, and then later use that power module to upgrade items? It seems as though you gain some extra boost power when upgrading it, but once you transform it, you lose some of the boost power. So Maybe only upgrade it until it is Max level, but not transform it?

I see some Mechs have extremely much gear, and for me it seems I can never have that much gear without being over weight. Is there some trick to this, can you upgrade your maximum weight? or do they just use a torso with lower weight perhaps, and less of the modules, i.e. heat reduction and energy recovery modules.

is there a consensus among the top players What is the best strategy, focusing  fireweapons/electric weapons?


thanks ok advance 

yep max those modules but never transform them

And yes again some torsos and legs are lighter than others, you can check all the stats in 


The more premium modules and items you obtain, the better as some of them are lightweight and give insane stats and no there's no way to increase the max weight. 


Edited by Sushi (see edit history)
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7 minutes ago, snugglemonster said:

Wow, Thanks alot sushi. That was a very fast, and very good reply. 

the link Didnt work on my phone, but I will try it on my computer later.

Do you have any recommendations whether to focus on fire vs electric weapons, or is it equally good?

Thanks alot!


regards snugglemonster 

No Problem, I am happy to help 

I would say going electric or heat depends on your preferences but honestly electric mechs aren't dominating when you reach higher ranks ( it is said that a buff to electric is coming soon) 

So the higher ranks are mostly dominated by heat mechs and physical mechs and electric are more used in raids.

But who knows if you get enough premium electric items maybe you could be the next Rising (former top and the best electric mech user) 

Edited by Sushi (see edit history)
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I will assume that you have your torso and your weapons at mythical since those should be your top priority

Don't use the epic double modules (the one that increase your energy/heat cap)

Upgrade the other modules to legendary level 40,don't transform them until you get some premium modules since they are better though you should consider using some of them on a second mech

You can only use a mech that is as heavy as 1000 kg adding any extra weight (UpTo 10 kg as anything above won't let you fight) will take some of your hp which is why you see some players having so much weapons

Keep in mind that some items are heavier than others for example the og armor drainer is about 20 kgs while the new one is 8 kgs (with different stats ofc)

Most of top players prefer heat weapons because there is a lot of weapons that doesn't need energy (they are premium though)

Hope that helps

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