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Assembling robots, please help



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We can't see all what do you have. Sure, you have some good parts around.


In this picture below

1- You have good torso, magma, a sorrow, a shield reducer and a good top weapon. You should be way higher than R11. 

   a) Side note. I have seen my kids plays. Sadly, there are too many players at R9-R6 with 3000 in HP all over and that is what is pushing you down. My kids use R7 mechs, but they are pushed to R9 even R10 because match maker and some snurf farming wins against weaker players. 

  b) There is low HP in 2029. It is normal for R10-R8. Heat cap and cooling is low but manageable to some degree.

 c)You lose because low shields related to the R10 mechs around having more shields and HP but normal for R11. 



Picture below 

1- HP low but will move up a bit. 

2- No energy regeneration just at 99. You need as low 300 and is too low been energy mech. 

3- cooling is too low to use hybrid weapon.

4- A bit of redundance on weapons. 



Picture below

1-Torso does have less HP than the heat and energy versions. For Monkey is best Energy and Heat and been a phys mech then maybe energy to survive a bit by luck. 



I do not see the full inventory and check for changes. 

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6 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Мы не можем видеть все, что у вас есть. Уверен, у вас есть несколько хороших деталей.


На этой картинке ниже

1- У вас хорошее туловище, магма, скорбь, уменьшитель щита и хорошее топовое оружие. Вы должны быть намного выше R11.

a) Дополнительное примечание. Я видел, как играют мои дети. К сожалению, на R9-R6 слишком много игроков с 3000 HP по всему миру, и это то, что давит на вас. Мои дети используют мехов R7, но их переводят на R9 и даже R10, потому что matchmaker и некоторые snurf farming выигрывают у более слабых игроков.

b) В 2029 году мощность будет низкой. Это нормально для R10-R8. Тепловой предел и охлаждение низкие, но в некоторой степени управляемые.

c) Вы проигрываете, потому что у мехов R10 низкие щиты из-за того, что у них больше щитов и HP, но это нормально для R11.



Изображение ниже

1- HP низкий, но будет немного повышен.

2- Нет регенерации энергии всего на 99. Вам нужно как можно меньше 300, а у меха слишком мало энергии.

3- охлаждение слишком низкое, чтобы использовать гибридное оружие.

4- Немного избыточного вооружения.



Изображение ниже

1-У Torso действительно меньше HP, чем у версий heat и energy. Для Monkey лучше всего использовать энергию и тепло, а если быть физмехом, то, возможно, энергию, чтобы немного выжить, если повезет.



Я не вижу полного инвентаря и проверяю наличие изменений.

Here are all my items, if it’s not difficult for you, you can recommend assemblies from those items that I have a high level, or suggest other components for more efficient assembly

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Hmm, first images are edited. 🤣 This is the first thing to fix. I do not know if all is real. 😉



This is how look a real account legal on gold farmed and tokens purchase plus daily with raid and game extra grants not edited account. This is my account currently farming. 





Below showing how I win every season because I am the best of the best.😉


Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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I'm happy for you, but I need builds for good results in the arena, I see that you are cool, but I'm far from that😅

I need builds for results for the first time in order to have time to pump up other items and knock them out of cases

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I do not have much time for it right now. I just look at the side when I can.

Now, what I do not understand is how is possible with the amount of top gun weapons you have in the account and no having this family leg. Having those weapons normally require money or maybe a super grinder and invest for very long in the BASE L20 Legen/EPIC option. That means a very long-term player been around and should know this. 

Have you been eating those legs? That family it is the most important legs in the game as general use for combos even Claw still in use for some counters high HP. YOU NEED THESE LEGS. 


You are currently making a mess in your account. You should not max parts in a crazy way. 

You should assemble some mechs at L1 in your WORKSHROP and make a team of mechs for future development. You should stop of using the gold in the way you do right now and get focus in a weapon till you can level all in the same level one level at the time for average progress. Some will say drone and torso, but all is in average.


Do not invest more in that monkey, do not invest more in the roller. Save the gold. Do not invest in 3 mechs for now. Focus in to build 2 mechs to get out to R5+ in the 1v1 and 2v2 season. Forget to play 3V3 for now till get stronger and finish 2 solid mechs because in the end, the condition in the game now is that R-R6 is loaded of 3,000HP mechs every fight. 

So, focus just in 2. If you want to be serious player and rank up, stop the mess. 

1- Because you look like spend money in the game, then get and offer that can come soon with 12 or more packs. The reason is simple, you need to get the legs mentioned in particular heat legs. You should get them fast in that way. Save them all including energy and phys options to reach 3 of them. Max first the heat versions step by step. Get 2 of them right away. 



You can make this having the weapons around and modules. Don't have to be those but just some examples. There are many that can be made with your arsenal to be R5 plus really fast.

If you get the legs, you can make my old mech. My son tested again last summer to see if was functional. It worked to R2 but played few days only.

It is not the right scope but can work well and do close to the same job. 

Get an empty space in the workshop and place any leg around till get the right one and finish to develop parts. 

You have the parts so work on them. Do it evenly and do not get crazy trying to rush. Play normal for now and farm a lot. It will take you to R3 or more. Just careful at low ranks because many energy mechs around and heavy shields and very high caps on energy and heat. I do change things around all the time so nothing is as should, but this is close. 

You have 3 of this kind image.png.916e29041cad9abd1c08248688ac8e30.png and can use 2. You have one spare to use in another mech and 4 of this image.png.8089f2220e6922a2d4a2f853bc67d4a2.png and 2 of this image.png.485cd2ad35e609c2a7610cc4159ab5ec.png and can use the other for second set plus enough for 2-3 of the shields like this family image.png.918ed04aa6e969c113a5edf0c7669941.pngto make 3 mechs or solid 2.



Next mech might need to be energy or heat. I will go for heat because you have some developed parts. Assuming modules in use for both. Not have to be like that. Can exchange drone of 3 types and or drain or use charge. All depend on your personal styles. Just look at the players around what they have, this came to my head just now. I like to fool around all the time, but this can take you R5-R3 as solo and combined with the other. 

Other players can add ideas using current legs with the claw and roller. Claw can be use as counter but in low ranks is harder vs been at top due to types of mechs around. Many options for your account. Just stop to make parts from left to right.  








Make 2 of these image.png.27c5525460abb57510007a53e7725d48.png


This is an old top player reaching R11 in 30 days creating a free to play account. Also, she was playing for free in her original account as f2p. I learned on my own and did similar thing and moved fast on rank as free to play. Just focus on the weapons attributes and how can be combined maxing that attribute. 


Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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