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The Dark Side...


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4 hours ago, Cole_Since_2012 said:

It's so easy... such an easy path... I run into lots of F2Ps who use these types of set ups, yet. I have NEVER used the Frantic Brute. 

My third mech has been blank, only filled with obsolete ideas. Maybe I should join the dark side... 


Thoughts? (Also yes, that's the double teleporter)

Screenshot_20230123-155954_Super Mechs.jpg

Screenshot_20230123-160003_Super Mechs.jpg

Dual frantic brute isn't entirety dark or bad its cheap due being unbeatable in lower ranks due low phsycial resistance relying on RNG rather skill in higher ranks where molten/lightning platinum vests are present the set is unviable due high limit of maxed resistances

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This somehow still loses to dual Frantic if they have a hard counter to Physical mechs with high HP and Physical res (WHICH IS VERY COMMON IN RANK 9-7 BTW. ITS BEEN PAIN.)


So... I might make this my 2nd official Physical mech, except it's not a counter. Because counters rely on getting an opponent you're trying to counter, not making a balanced mech. (Which, all Physical mechs should be balanced mechs if they're good mechs in my honest opinion.)

Screenshot_20230123-211328_Super Mechs.jpg

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15 minutes ago, Cole_Since_2012 said:

This somehow still loses to dual Frantic if they have a hard counter to Physical mechs with high HP and Physical res (WHICH IS VERY COMMON IN RANK 9-7 BTW. ITS BEEN PAIN.)


So... I might make this my 2nd official Physical mech, except it's not a counter. Because counters rely on getting an opponent you're trying to counter, not making a balanced mech. (Which, all Physical mechs should be balanced mechs if they're good mechs in my honest opinion.)

Screenshot_20230123-211328_Super Mechs.jpg

Well i don't know what say i don't have brute i only flame lighting variant

Best i can say phsycial weapons idea to be heavy damaging 

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