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Well, I'm hotz (hotlinesword), I was a legacy player from 2014 and played till roughly 2017-2018? I can't say I'll be too active on the forums, simply like to check on the game that I played since I was 12.
Don't know what else to say besides I can be quite blunt and I'm not afraid to critique the game despite the nostalgia I have for it.

anddd that's it. Just felt like an introduction was required at this point as I check on the forums every couple weeks-months. 

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Welcome back old player. 🤣 No longer a kid. 😱 

Have fun as used to be, drop some lines good or bad to keep active the forum and ideas that comes handy. 

Many of those guys around active in the forum, are former legacy players that kill you back then 😂 and tons of not connected are from that era. I am no longer a newbie but still feels like I am one of those new around back on 10/19.  I am reloaded guy. giphy.gif&ehk=qiEdR7dVDUZg3mWWxMJ2wlVkT0

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1 minute ago, OKI DOKI said:

Welcome back old player. 🤣 No longer a kid. 😱 

Yeah crazy how time flew for me, Now i'm 20 + an artist. Hard to believe the last time I played seriously was so long ago. Was actually called heat queen back in my hay day + was always accused of faking being female because of course lmao.

I was never in the top 10 players, heck I was more like top 50-100? I dunno man it'll be a decade ago in 1-2 years. 

As for the other legacy players I can't fully speak on their behalf but I know a good few left before then after reloaded for multiple reasons. Hell I retired mech fighting for a year before I formally/ not so formally left. Kind of regret not giving anyone a proper goodbye but shit happens. Some wanted to keep in touch others didn't, I was one who just didn't want to associate with my name but things change.

I just want to be a little more active in a community I basically abandoned and I'm hoping giving advise on the forums when needed and trying to give a different perspective will give back to this community in a good way.

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2 minutes ago, Hotz said:

Yeah crazy how time flew for me, Now i'm 20 + an artist. Hard to believe the last time I played seriously was so long ago. Was actually called heat queen back in my hay day + was always accused of faking being female because of course lmao.

I was never in the top 10 players, heck I was more like top 50-100? I dunno man it'll be a decade ago in 1-2 years. 

As for the other legacy players I can't fully speak on their behalf but I know a good few left before then after reloaded for multiple reasons. Hell I retired mech fighting for a year before I formally/ not so formally left. Kind of regret not giving anyone a proper goodbye but shit happens. Some wanted to keep in touch others didn't, I was one who just didn't want to associate with my name but things change.

I just want to be a little more active in a community I basically abandoned and I'm hoping giving advise on the forums when needed and trying to give a different perspective will give back to this community in a good way.

Yes, time fly really fast. I am an old fart 54 now. 🤣🤭 What happens to my 70's video and pinball machines games? 😆

Oh, an artist. Interesting.  I am really bad drawing or even giving my signature. I do not even understand what I write. 

I am not a serious player here. I am a farmer or grinder maxing parts and testing them for fun. I do not compete for ranks etc. Just chilling shooting darts around. 

You were top 100. Back then it was a high level with massive players around. I am top nothing. 😋

Well, according to them some got angry like angry birds and still angry dreaming of the old ear. 



I am like


Maybe you can reconnect with the old players around. Any video, screen captures maybe in game name that might recognize you? Any clan names? Few old clans still around like Little Lost Your Lot "LLYL " and "Reign" both still on top and few others just recently slowed down retired or semi-retired. Generally speaking, some old players are semi-retired having life changes.  Some of those old top players changed their name in the recent years some still the same as far has been told me. 

Yor ideas are welcome. Also, just today or yesterday announced a forum game. 

You should join. Just click on it and follow instructions and have fun. It is just for fun and tokens prices. As many more, it is better. 


You can take a look of my progress and can give you an idea. click on it. 


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6 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Yes, time fly really fast. I am an old fart 54 now. 🤣🤭 What happens to my 70's video and pinball machines games? 😆

Oh, an artist. Interesting.  I am really bad drawing or even giving my signature. I do not even understand what I write. 

I am not a serious player here. I am a farmer or grinder maxing parts and testing them for fun. I do not compete for ranks etc. Just chilling shooting darts around. 

You were top 100. Back then it was a high level with massive players around. I am top nothing. 😋

Well, according to them some got angry like angry birds and still angry dreaming of the old ear. 



I am like


Maybe you can reconnect with the old players around. Any video, screen captures maybe in game name that might recognize you? Any clan names? Few old clans still around like Little Lost Your Lot "LLYL " and "Reign" both still on top and few others just recently slowed down retired or semi-retired. Generally speaking, some old players are semi-retired having life changes.  Some of those old top players changed their name in the recent years some still the same as far has been told me. 

Yor ideas are welcome. Also, just today or yesterday announced a forum game. 

You should join. Just click on it and follow instructions and have fun. It is just for fun and tokens prices. As many more, it is better. 


You can take a look of my progress and can give you an idea. click on it. 


Took me 9171830271919 years to figure out the yellow bird was a loop

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