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Poggers Introduction time


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So, many people don't know me, and neither do I at some points, but I am GeometricalTaco :yay:

I am one of the admins of the SuperMechs Fandom Wiki, and spend a decent amount of time scrolling through the pages making sure everything is ok with them. Of course, the wiki was in extremely bad shape, and is still not the best, but me and a few others are focused on making it more presentable. After re-writing multiple appauling pages of "guides" and "tips" that said things like "some phys weapons are fine" as tips and there was even a physical drones page which only contained the words "This page contains all items that are heat drones" and the list goes on...

I am also currently learning how to use blender and unity. It would be very exciting, if the "beginner tutorial" for low-poly modelling video wasn't 1:30 hours long!

I have been getting into speedrunning lately, and aim to find games that no-one plays that i can speedrun without competition lol.

I am a Warhammer 40k collector, and also do archery.

"Religion is ignorance of reality" - Primary Iterator Kyril Sindermann

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